Last Updated on December 28, 2024 by Steve
I was walking along the walls of Jerusalem in 2017 from the Jaffa Gate in the west to the north-eastern section and while standing on the wall, I took this photo of a sign in the Christian (Catholic) quarter on the northwestern corner where the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem is located.1 This is the residence and headquarters of all Latin Catholics in Israel, Palestine, Jordan, and Cyprus. The sign tells of the Franciscan Order being the official custodians of the Holy Land. The graffiti above it says, “No way!” and quotes Psalm 105:6–11 which says that God gave the land to Israel as an everlasting covenant. They are right of course but not yet because the Bible says that Israel will be put aside until the appointed time of punishment has been served and not a moment before. In the next 10 years or so I believe that everything is about to change for Israel and what’s more, it’s all in the Bible.
First proof of 2030
Hosea 6:2 says, “After two days he will revive us (Israel and Judah); on the third day he will restore us.” (in brackets added) In Bible prophecy, a day is often a millennium or 1000 years. In other words, after being put aside for 2000 years, Israel and Judah, both southern and northern kingdoms will be restored to the land and Jerusalem will be in the hands of Israel once again. The question is, when was Israel put aside? If we can figure out when this 2000 or 2 day period began then we can ascertain when the 3rd day will commence and hence Israel and Judah will be revived. It began exactly at the time that Jesus announced that He would be going away, 6 months before he was crucified on Passover AD 30. Jesus made a direct reference to Hosea’s prophecy where he said that he would be going away and that they (the disciples) would not be able to come where he was going.2 You see the point is that Israel would be hidden from God’s view for two whole days or 2000 years and then on the third day they would be restored. When does this third day begin? Exactly 2000 years after this day at the end of 2029. This is the period between the 69th and 70th week spoken of by Daniel. You can listen to my message on this in Daniel 9:1–27 to learn more about the 70th-week prophecy.
Second proof of 2030
But if you argued with me that one verse is not enough to prove my point then I would probably agree with you. God often proves His point with two or three witnesses and this revival of Israel talked about in Hosea can also be seen and proven from another angle.
In the book of Leviticus, God warned Israel, just after receiving the 10 Commandments and the new construction of the tabernacle, that if they fail to keep these commands and do not listen to God then He will punish them and they would be defeated by their enemies.3 This happened some 900–1000 years later when Babylon took Judah and Benjamin away into captivity in the 6th century BC for 70 years which ended in Daniel’s time. They did not listen. But this is not where the warning ends. In verse 18, God warns Israel again that if after all this, they still refuse to listen to Him then He will punish them 7 times over. Well, 7 times 70 years = 490 years. But the fascinating point is that God repeats this “7 times over” warning three more times for a total of four times in verses 18, 21, 24, and 28. Unrepentant Israel would be punished 490 + 490 + 490 + 490 = 1960 years for not listening and carrying out God’s commands.
After Jesus was crucified, the temple in Jerusalem and therefore Judaism in the form of the sacrificial religious system, lasted another 40 years ultimately being defeated by the Roman army via General Titus in AD 70 . So now from this time on the Jewish system would be punished and put aside to fulfill the 1960 year “banishment.” They would be removed from God’s view mentioned in Hosea 6. So where does 1960 years added onto AD 70 leave us? Well, AD 70 + 1960 years = 2030.
Political, religious, and financial upheaval to come
And there we have it… A proof that 2030 is highly significant from two different methods of calculation using the Bible. But it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see the way the world is going. Morals are steadily declining. There are political upheavals and various other signs on the earth that something is not quite right. One of the first physical signs will be in the heavens. The “judgment of the thirds” will result in a huge asteroid called “Wormwood” breaking up and hitting the earth.4 There will be other signs in the sun, moon, and stars as well. As I mentioned in my “Real Money” post, in the last days there will be political, religious, and financial upheaval in the world, all with a healthy dose of deception. Surely, my friends, we are at the cusp of these last seven years talked about in the Bible through Bible prophecy!
Everything is pointing towards 2030 and beyond being the critical point of convergence where the world as we know it in the church age is coming to an end.
Why is late 2029 going into 2030, and the revival of Israel on the third day even important? Because this is when Daniel’s 70th week or the last seven years as we know it on earth in this age will commence and then after that our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ shall return. Even though we don’t exactly know the day nor the hour, the time and season are becoming more and more obvious and what we need to do is to watch and pray after having put our faith and trust in Christ and what He did for us on the cross.
- [↩]
- John 7:32–36 [↩]
- Lev. 26:14–17 [↩]
- Rev. 8:6–12 [↩]
17 Responses
Well a lot of prophecy is happening right before our very eyes including the Euphrates river drying up. And 2030 only 5 years away. 🤔 does Agenda 2030 ring a Bell?
There is a great deal of additional information on this subject in 3rd Nephi, in the Book of Mormon another Testament of Christ. The “secret combinations” have begun several years ago.
Hi Eric,
Thanks for your comment but Mormonism is a cult. See my article, ‘The end times danger of the cult.‘
Hi Steve
Love your work
Dan 9:25-26
End of the 62 weeks anointing of messiah (his baptism) then in verse 26 “then After the 62 weeks messiah will be cut off” ( dies and puts an end to sacrifice and grain offering) that’s 3.5 years of christs ministry ( first half of the last week) then as you are saying around 2030 there will be the second half of the week 3.5 years of the Antichrist rule then the end of the 70 weeks will end. I think that fits better with scripture because there is no reference to a final week of (7 years)in revelation but plenty on the final 3.5. What do you think?
Hi Steve, I arrived at the 2030 start of the final week of Daniel too but through different prophetic calculations. From this, the Lord’s return would be 2036, around the time of trumpets per the autumn festivals. I have great concern about Passover 2033, especially if the third temple is built on the Temple Mount.
Hi Paula,
Why do you have great concern for Passover 2033? I believe that the beast will rise from the abyss just before this time at Purim 2033 around March 13th about 1 month before Passover 2033.
We know it’s going to happen, so no need for concern if we are prepared! Like in the parable of the 7 virgins…
Hi Steve.
Thanks for all your diligent research. I do agree we need to be prepared for the Lord’s coming again soon and the times we live in strongly indicate that. Your reasoning of the importance of the date 2030 also makes a lot of sense.
God’s continued wisdom, guidance and favour.
Hi Steve. I enjoyed this article as I have studied several different essays and interpretations of Hosea 6:2. If the third day begins after 2029 and is when Israel will be restored, wouldn’t that imply that this would refer to the beginning of the Millennium? This is the period when eternal covenants God made with Israel will be brought to fruition and Israel is restored to its place of blessing from which even the Gentiles will benefit. If the Millennium starts in 2030, that would mean that the 70th week of Daniel would begin sometime in 2023 with the AoD occurring at midpoint some time in 2026/2027, the indicated time when we will need to flee to the mountains. I know that the day and hour cannot be known for Christ’s second coming, but maybe the year, month and season can be determined. 2030 would appear to be the year implied for Christ’s second coming.
A friend of mine introduced me to your blog saying that I have many shared views with you concerning different prophecies. I have enjoyed reading through it thus far and have it bookmarked on my computer. I just now subscribed to it. I’m look forward to reading it more and discovering new entries on your blog. It’s encouraging to see that more believers are coming out and sharing the post-tribulation rapture position as well. Truly we are witnessing how “Knowledge” is increasing. Thanks for your work and insight on God’s prophesies. I pray that He will continue to bless you as you help reveal His message to us.
Greetings in Christ, James
Hi James,
Thanks for subscribing to Luke 21. I believe that trib starts at the end of 2029 because of the 70 weeks prophecy in Daniel 9:25-27. 69 weeks of years (ie. 492 years) finished in Sep 29 A.D. because the last week (7 years) is reserved for the trib. 2000 years passes and then on the third day, from 2029 onwards, Israel and Judah are restored. The 70 weeks prophecy begins from the decree of Cyrus to rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple which occurred in his first year which was also the first year of reign of Darius the Mede (Dan. 9:1). Gabriel visited Daniel in his first year to tell him of the 70 weeks prophecy. It begins on the 70th Jubilee from creation (ie. 70 x 50 = 3500 years). When you add 492 years it takes you to the very day before Jesus began to announce that He would go away.. Jesus was crucified at the Passover 6 months later exactly 62 weeks of years after the decree.
What you say is correct. In September 2023 at the SDG Summit the United Nations strengthened (or confirmed) their 2015 covenant or treaty with many nations under Agenda 2030 for a further 7 years. The United Nations will be the eighth king and abomination of desolation, or antichrist. In March 2027 it will desolate Christianity for 42 months/1260 days until 2030. The SDG Summit partially fulfilled Daniel 9:27.
Hi Paddy,
Thanks for your comment however your analysis is incorrect and it’s easy to disprove… If what you say is correct that March 2027 is the midpoint when the Abomination of Desolation commences then that means we should be seeing the two witnesses right now as they prophesy in the first half. The 1260 days refers to the duration of the two witnesses’ ministry. 42 months and 1260 days are not the same thing. See my article “The ten days of persecution“. Instead the two witnesses will not commence their ministry until Sh’mini Atzeret, 1st October 2029 which means 6000 years (Year of Jubilee) will not be until late 2036. See my most recent article Year of Jubilee.
Hi Steve, the following article intrigued me; especially the reference to the asteroid expected April 2029… Does this connect in any way to the timeline you have proposed?
Hope you and Cathi are both well.
Yeah, that’s interesting – it’s the sort of thing that will occur but I think that the asteroid “Wormwood” will hit around the halfway point between 2029-2033. Hard to be sure but it is involved with the first 4 trumpet judgments. We are to keep watching but that one will be huge and cause great damage on 1/3 earth ?
Thanks for that message Steve. 2030 is approaching fast and we the Church, the Bride of Christ must be ready for His return. Good reminder that this one life is a vapour. Time to live for Him.
Keep up this interesting work.
Blessings Keith
Thanks Keith. I agree entirely. The main point of my website is to wake up the church to be ready for when the Lord returns and to keep going.
The chronology found in the Bible is nothing short of amazing. Looking into some of this chronological data and what information it reveals about that same 2029ish time period has been a ‘mind blowing’ experience (in a good way!)
This article adds to that. Absolutely amazing fact is that God’s Word has this information hidden in plain sight…but is now beginning to be revealed as foretold in Daniel 12.4
“But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.”
Also found this commentary in regards to “running to and fro” as mentioned in Dan 12.4 above.
“The verb, however, translated “going to and fro” may be rendered, as it is by Ewald, as “to peruse.” The veil then shall be removed, the seals broken when men peruse the prophecy carefully, and knowledge is increased”
Really good read cheers Steve