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Who are the ten toes/horns/kings?

Last Updated on December 6, 2024 by Steve


This is an important question and there many different theories.  

I have recently read that some believe the ten kings are ten Germanic tribes or the ten kings are governments who ruled prior to the Roman Empire.1  Well known end times YouTuber Nelson Walters puts forward his theory that the ten kings are not worldwide kings of ten regions rather an alliance of ten Muslim tribes surrounding Israel as listed in Psalm 83:6-8.2  I don’t think this is correct because of Daniel chapter 2 in which the ten iron and clay toes are linked to the two iron legs which is clearly the two branches of the Roman Empire—the western and eastern Roman Empires.

Ten toes=ten horns=ten kings

One thing we can be very confident of is that the ten toes in Nebuchadnezzar’s dream in Daniel chapter 2 are the same as the ten horns in Daniel’s dream in Daniel chapter 7 which are also the ten kings in Revelation 17.  In fact, both Daniel and John say that the ten horns are ten kings in Dan. 7:24 and Rev. 17:12 respectively.  Both Daniel and John add extra bits of important information too.  Daniel adds that he was told that the ten kings come from the fourth terrifying beast kingdom.3  John adds something else saying that the ten kings reign for “one hour” (a short time=last 3 ½ years) along with the beast (the Antichrist).  Therefore we can conclude that the fourth terrifying beast must refer to the very last end times kingdom just before the Antichrist appears on the scene because it has to already be present and operational.  Horns always represent men and power.  Previously in my article, “Who are the four beasts – part 2” I identified the fourth terrifying beast as the New World Order led by organisations such as the WEF and the Club of Rome.  This fourth beast then morphs into a fifth beast that has the body parts of all four previous beasts.

This is an important conclusion because many commentators interpret Daniel’s fourth terrifying beast as the ancient Roman Empire.  But while there are definitely links to Rome, it is not specifically the  old Roman Empire itself.  It can’t be historical Rome because of what both John and Daniel clearly say:  the ten horns are ten kings who reign with the beast in the end times;4 and the ten horns are ten kings who will come from this kingdom (fourth beast).3

I hope you can follow this conclusion because we need both verses to make an accurate conclusion.

So in summary, whilst the fourth beast is not ancient Rome itself, there does seem to be a Roman connection.  Daniel chapter 2 and the Roman link is the key to understanding the European led consortium of ten kings in the end times.

Ten toes of iron and clay are joined to the two iron legs

You can’t escape the fact that the ten toes of Daniel chapter 2 are the ten horns and the ten kings.  The link is the number ten itself and the metal iron.  In Dan. 2:33-34, 40-43, the imagery of iron is clear.  Iron is associated with the ancient Roman Army.  Anthony Holland of the online publication Ancient Epics says, “In the course of history, few civilizations shine as brightly as Rome during the late Iron Age and Roman era. This epoch, marked by unparalleled military might and cultural ascendancy, was nonetheless tethered to the technological capabilities of the time. Central to this narrative was the role of metallurgy, specifically the use of iron in weaponry and tools.”5

In the course of history, few civilizations shine as brightly as Rome during the late Iron Age and Roman era. This epoch, marked by unparalleled military might and cultural ascendancy, was nonetheless tethered to the technological capabilities of the time. Central to this narrative was the role of metallurgy, specifically the use of iron in weaponry and tools.

Anthony Holland Ancient Epics

The fourth terrifying beast also has an iron metaphor—large iron teeth with which it crushes and devours its victims.  This speaks of the compliance and utter disregard that the New World Order will have for the world’s citizens at the time.  Even now we are seeing anarchy and chaos everywhere with riots, protests and the mass movement of people crossing borders.  It won’t be long and we will see forces crack down in a hard and totalitarian type manner last seen in a major way during the Nazi reign of 1933–1945.  Protest was not tolerated then and we are seeing that alternative views are not being tolerated now as in my last blog, “The fight for your loyalty in the end times“.  Also see  Anarchy is here!  And this will all be undergirded by deception and propaganda.

Clearly the fourth terrifying beast/kingdom which occurs just before the Antichrist rises from the abyss has links to the Roman Empire.  Perhaps this is the Fourth Reich, the fourth head on the leopard which prepares the way for the eighth king—the Antichrist, the Little Horn.  This is because the Little Horn comes up when the ten horns or kings are reigning and he displaces three of them and installs his own three kings.  Then they receive crowns signifying that they receive authority to reign with the beast for a time, times and half a time.6


The ten toes of Daniel 2 are the ten horns of Daniel 7 which are the ten kings of Revelation 17.  They have a Roman Empire root, meaning a European connection namely Germany because the leopard (German) forms the main part of the body in the conglomerate beast of Rev. 13:2.  This is the same animal because it has ten horns.  The ten horns are not the ten Islamic groups of Psalm 83, neither ten Germanic tribes, or any other historical grouping rather I believe the best fit is that they are ten kings in ten worldwide regions set up by the New World Order cabal of elites in organisations such as the WEF, Club of Rome, the Bilderberg Group, United Nations, World Health Organisation, Illuminati, Skull and Bones and perhaps other secret societies.  Many of these groups are in each other’s pockets.  The Club of Rome and WHO were involved at recent WEF meetings.  Australia is not exempt or isolated from the cabal either as the Club of Rome has worldwide chapters including an Australian chapter led by prominent futurist and public speaker on global affairs, Keith Suter whom I have seen many times commentating on world affairs on Australian commercial TV.

The ten kings are coming!  What do you think?

  1. []
  2. []
  3. Dan. 7:24 [] []
  4. Rev. 17:12 []
  5. []
  6. Rev. 13:1 []

3 Responses

  1. I suspect that the ten kings may be the remaining European monarchies and their former empires which may be restored during the tribulation period. I did a search at one stage of the current kings of Europe and there about 10 of them. Some don’t have the title of king but are effectively kings. I believe that after Russia and its allies are defeated by God in the Ezekiel war, the remainder of the world will be parcelled out between these European kings.

    1. That’s interesting. Could well be. Three of them will be replaced by the beast’s own choices when he arises out of the Abyss at the halfway point.

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