Last Updated on December 6, 2024 by Steve
Most students of eschatology don’t realise it but there are three beasts mentioned in John’s vision not two. It’s easy to get the beasts confused so we are going to take a careful look at it. Another translation issue to take note of, despite most of the English translations is that all three beasts are referred to in the neuter gender not male.
You may be aware in Rev. 11 that the beast that comes up out of the abyss (the bottomless pit) is the actual Antichrist. He has many names in the Bible. In fact, there are over 30 names for the Antichrist in the Bible so that’s what makes it a little confusing. But something that we need to realise which comes out in Revelation chapter 13 is that there are three beasts: the beast system; the first beast; and the second beast.
In Rev. 13:1 we see that the beast that comes up out of the sea is a system whereas the human first beast arises from the abyss. The beast system that arises out of the sea (the sea of nations) consists of seven heads and ten horns. The seven heads are seven mountains which are seven historical Gentile kingdoms that have oppressed Israel or the Jews. They are in order: Egypt; Assyria; Babylon; Persia-Medes; Greece; Rome; Nazi Empire. See the article The seven mountains prophecy for a complete analysis. But the description of this beast is that it has ten horns. Whilst heads are kingdoms, horns are kings—i.e. men! There are ten crowns on each of the horns and on each head a blasphemous name! This seven-headed beast with its ten horns has its origin in Dan. 7:1–8 You’ll notice that Daniel had a vision of four great beasts or kingdoms that come up out of the sea (the sea of nations). Please also see the articles Who are the seven beasts of Daniel 7 – part 1 and part 2 for further analysis.
Beast type
Extra body part
Wings of an eagle torn off
Stood on two feet like a man (U.K. coat of arms) King 'Charles' (man) 'heart of a man'
British Empire
Three ribs in its mouth
Three ribs in its mouth means the takeover of three bordering countries.
Four heads and four wings (fowl)
Leopards/panthers with spots (39 German states), Four heads are the four German Reichs.
E.U. --> (Germany/France)
Terrifying beast
Iron teeth
The ten horns are ten regions established by the Club of Rome, U.N., WEF etc
Future NWO (New World Order)
These four beasts described in the table above by Daniel in his vision are future kingdoms that will rise from the earth not existing kingdoms of Daniel’s day.1 In Dan. 7:7–8 we see that a little horn (Antichrist) comes up out of the ten horns and he has a mouth that speaks boastfully. This little horn, when he comes, will subdue three of the ten kings (horns) of the NWO and places his own in power. This fourth terrifying beast is not the final kingdom but the NWO. Daniel sees the transition between this fourth beast and the Antichrist. It seems as though the ten kings/horns are in place before the little horn arises. There is a transfer of power that takes place. Daniel’s vision only hinted at it with the four heads and that beast was given authority but really the Antichrist’s final 3 ½ year reign is a fifth beast system or the fourth head of the leopard.
The beast system
This is where John’s vision comes in…
John’s beast is a combination of Daniel’s four beasts2 and like Daniel he sees it as a system that resembles and is a conglomeration of the lion, the bear and the leopard. It has the body of the leopard, the mouth of the lion and the feet of a bear. That means that this final beast will be fast like a leopard, speak great boasts like a lion, and be vicious like a bear without mercy. It will combine all characteristics. The world will say, “Who can make war against it (the beast system)?” “Who is like the beast (the system)?”3
The first beast (Antichrist)
The beast that comes up out of the sea is the beastly system of seven heads and ten horns but in Rev. 13:5 the beast changes to be also a man—the Antichrist. This man-beast is a personification of the beast system and this is who it refers to from now on. We know that it is a personification because the beast system is given a mouth in verse 5.
He is described in these next few verses how he will be boastful, how he will be unbeatable and how everyone will worship him. He was given the power and authority to make war against the saints and to win. Everywhere! There will not be one place on earth where his authority will not be exercised except for southern Jordan.4
Remember even here though the beast is referred to as an ‘it’! Why is that? Isn’t he a man? Yes, but he has risen from the abyss and he is empowered by a demonic spirit.5
The second beast (False Prophet)
Whereas the beast system with seven heads and ten horns rises from the sea and the first beast rises from the abyss, the second beast rises from the land—the land of promise—Israel!
The earth or the land is often used to represent the land of Israel meaning that many commentators think that this beast will be from the land promised to Abraham—a Jew. This second beast is the False Prophet although that fact is not explicitly mentioned in this chapter but in Rev. 19:20 and implied in v. 15 by calling the Antichrist the first beast thereby implying that he is the second beast.
The best way of describing this beast is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. He had two horns like a lamb but spoke like a dragon so he is teaching the same philosophy as the beast system and the first beast. He has horns like a lamb but think about it: The horns are leaders or rulers. Perhaps this ‘lamb’ (false messiah) is aided by two leaders. Maybe one of them is the Mahdi or the 12th Imam, whom the Muslims claim to return just before the prophet ‘Jesus’. The other horn could be a pseudo messiah or maybe even an apostate Christian. One thing to note is that the first beast (Antichrist) is not a false Messiah, he is simply someone who is a world ruler who is ‘against’ or ‘anti’ Christ. But he will need religious back up even though he himself will claim to be god.
The Mahdi is a prominent figure in Islamic (Sunni) eschatology who is believed to appear at the End of Time to rid the world of evil and injustice. He is said to be a descendant of Muhammad, who will appear shortly before the Islamic prophet Jesus and will lead the Muslims to rule the entire world.
The second beast will force the world to worship the first beast
The two horned false prophet exercises all the authority of the first beast causing everyone on earth to worship him. He is the ultimate enforcer of company doctrine and speaks on behalf of his boss. Think Joseph Goebbels of the end times.
The pull will be powerful to worship the first beast whose fatal wound had been healed. It was one of the seven heads (seven kings) who comes back to life from history. It has to be one of the dictators from one of the seven historical Gentile Empires: Pharaoh from Egypt; Sennacherib from Assyria (the Assyrian); Nebuchadnezzar from Babylon; Artaxerxes from Persia; Antiochus Epiphanes from Greece; Nero from Rome; Adolf Hitler from Nazi Third Reich. By the way, the name Adolf means ‘noble wolf’. An interesting side-note is that Adolf Hitler’s sister Paula Hitler later married becoming Paula Wolf!
The false lamb will need to have signs and miracles in order to convince the world that’s why part of the lamb may be the Mahdi as there are 2 billion ‘Muslims’ and over 2 billion ‘Christians’. In fact v. 14 says that it is because of the signs it (not ‘he’) was given power to do that that was the precise reason that the inhabitants of the earth were deceived.
One of the ways in which the false prophet does this is that ‘he’ sets up an image in honour of the first beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived. He was even given power to give the image breath.
This image reminds us of the 90′ gold statue of Nebuchadnezzar that everyone had to bow down to in Daniel 3. This is equivalent to a 10 story building and probably more represents an obelisk than a statue. When the music starts all of the people inside Babylon would fall down and worship in the direction of the statue. Some people say this represents the 666: Statue 60 cubits high; six cubits wide and six musical instruments. It has all the marks of Satan on it.
Just like for Nebuchadnezzar’s gold statue, those who refused to bow down and worship were killed.6 Needless to say there weren’t many who refused only Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. It will be the same in the end times too for the image that is set up of the first beast.
The second beast enforces the mark
Not only does the false prophet enforce worship but he will enforce everyone to receive a mark on their forehead or their right hand—a financial control. So there will be a religious or spiritual element as well as a financial element to enforce everyone all under-girded by fear. You can achieve a lot of control by fear and it’s going to take a lot of faith for the elect to go against these edicts. And take note it will be edicts where the beasts will enforce their wills upon the people because ultimately Satan needs total control, a final solution to eliminate all his enemies. If he can do that then he still thinks there is a loophole.
So we’ve taken a look at three beasts in this chapter 13 and we can see that the beasts are a system and two men although they are in the neuter gender. They are all empowered by the dragon (Satan) and their purpose is to serve the devil and his aims.
What are the devil’s aims? To preserve his own skin. He will try expose what he sees as a loophole and delay or at least come to a stalemate with God in trying to get everyone on earth to follow him so that there will be nobody left to call upon the name of the Lord.
Why do you think the Book of Revelation with this warning is even here? Is it just a hypothetical exercise in eschatology—an interesting exercise in mathematics in trying to guess who these beasts are?
I don’t think so. The big takeaway is that these explanations are there for those upon the earth to warn them against the great deception that is coming. The Apostle Paul talks about a delusion that God is going to send to the people of the earth so that they may believe ‘the lie.’7
What is that delusion? The biggest delusion of them all—if you take the mark of the beast everything is going to be okay and you may even be able to defeat death—the offer of eternal life.
4 Responses
Hi Steve, just a thinking about the statement from the second beast that will force the world to worship the first beast and the image of the beast…
How do Muslims pray? As with other faiths, Muslims must observe specific rituals as part of their daily prayers. Before praying, Muslims must be clear of mind and of body. Islamic teaching requires Muslims to engage in ritualistic washing of the hands, feet, arms, and legs, called Wudhu, before praying. Worshippers must also be dressed modestly in clean clothing. Once the Wudhu has been completed, it’s time to find a place to pray. Many Muslims pray at mosques, where they can share their faith with others. But any quiet place, even a corner of an office or home, can be used for prayer. The only stipulation is that the prayers must be said while facing in the direction of Mecca, the birthplace of the Prophet Muhammad. Traditionally, the calls were made from the mosque’s minaret without amplification, though many modern mosques use loudspeakers so that the faithful can hear the call more clearly. The prayer times themselves are dictated by the position of the sun:
Just thinking out aloud, this sounds like the Muslim call to prayer being enforced all over the world.
Hi Richard,
Yes it does sound similar. When the beast arises and the false prophet enforces this worship, the Muslims will probably not have any problem with this practice as they have been groomed to face a certain direction and worship a false god.
I have been studying this very subject and there is so much in the description. Knowing the truth of this is very important in the detail that can be missed. Thanks Steve for bringing more to light.
Yep. We need to be alert and strong.