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Why the coming Antichrist will not be a Jew

Last Updated on December 27, 2024 by Steve

Why we should be watching for a Gentile Antichrist…

It is a common misconception that the church should be watching for an Antichrist in the end that will be Jewish.  The thinking goes that a Jewish Antichrist will be able to deceive Israel and that Israel would never accept a peace covenant or peace treaty with a non-Jew for the last 7 years or ‘week’.1  I want to outline several reasons why I think this is a misinterpretation and that we should be watching for a Gentile, most likely a northern European Antichrist:

Daniel 9:27 is not a peace treaty but a covenant

For starters, the so-called peace treaty in Daniel 9:27 is not really a peace treaty.  Daniel 9:27 talks about a covenant, not a treaty as such, and furthermore this covenant is not a new covenant but a covenant that will be confirmed or to be strengthened.  The “covenant” that many in Israel would like to see strengthened is the Old Testament covenant where the temple and all of its rituals and sacrifices would be re-instituted.  And that is exactly what we will see happen in the first 1260 days with the introduction of the two witnesses one of which will be a modern contemporary Elijah.  See Tim Warner’s explanation of the ‘Dan. 9:27 covenant’ in point IV of his article “False Christ“.  Some think that the Jews would not negotiate a peace treaty with non-Jews but the real point is that the need for the Antichrist to be Jewish in order to negotiate a peace treaty is not even an issue because it is not a peace treaty but a restart of the Jewish sacrificial system outlined by the Old Testament/Covenant.  Furthermore, the Antichrist will not even appear on the scene until he comes up out of the abyss at the halfway point at the 5th trumpet judgment.  I believe that it will be the ‘Elijah’ type witness who will confirm or strengthen the Old Testament covenant with the Jews.

“Sea” of Gentile nations

In Rev 13:1 we are told that the beast rises up out of the sea as opposed to the second beast also known as the false prophet who comes up out of the land or earth.2  The sea is often used to refer to the sea of Gentile nations whereas the land almost always refers to the land of Israel in the Bible.  It is more likely in my opinion that the false prophet, if anyone, will be Jewish rather than the Antichrist.

The coming prince has to come from Rome

There is a reference to the ruler who will come or the prince who will come in Daniel 9:26.  This is a reference to the Antichrist.  It says, “the people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary.”  The people who destroyed the city and sanctuary in AD 70 were the Romans under General Titus.  So the ruler or prince or Antichrist to come has to have some affiliation with the Roman Empire or one of its subsequent iterations.  Interestingly Adolf Hitler’s ally Mussolini in World War 2, had aspirations that he was reigniting a new Roman Empire when they established the Third Reich from 1933–1945.  He restored the old Roman name for the Mediterranean Sea, “mare nostrum” meaning “our sea”.  The First Reich was the Holy Roman Empire from 800–1806.

King of the North

Another title and description of the Antichrist is the king of the North in Daniel chapter 11.  The Antichrist is a man who comes from the north.  Bible students have said that this is Russia but Turkey and also Germany and the whole of Europe is north of Israel and we know that the enemies of Israel come from the north and that out of the north wind/direction God sends judgment because his throne was believed to be above the North Pole.  See sermon #12 in Daniel chapter 8 in my “Being Decisive series” for a full explanation of the enemies of Israel coming from the north.  So in effect what I am saying is that the Antichrist could not be a Jew but has to be someone from the north, which could be anywhere north of Israel, most likely anywhere from Turkey (Assyria) to northern Europe with a Roman connection.  See the posts “Who is Antiochus Epiphanes?” and “The Antichrist will be European“.

The eighth king will come from the seventh kingdom

Finally and most importantly we see in Revelation 17:11 that the eighth king (aka beast/Antichrist) will come from the seventh kingdom.  The seven kingdoms are Gentile kingdoms that have oppressed, killed, and enslaved the Jews in history.  The beast has to be a Gentile from one of these seven Gentile kingdoms.  They are not Jewish kingdoms because that would not make sense and we would have seven Jewish kingdoms oppressing themselves.  A house divided against itself cannot stand.3  The seven worldly Gentile kingdoms in order are Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Roman Empire, Nazi (1933–1945).  It is my view that the eighth king or the beast will be a resurrected or updated Adolf Hitler.  He comes from Austria/Germany or northern Europe and he comes from the seventh kingdom.

  1. Dan. 9:27 []
  2. Rev. 13:11 []
  3. Mark 3:25 []

7 Responses

  1. 17th January 2016 the Covenant of Old was renewed by invitation of the man of sin/antiChrist BIBI by the Pope[which makes him the false prophet as nobody other than God or His Messiah can renew the Covenant] in the Great Synagogue Rome with Popes proviso’ they together will build a New Temple in Jerusalem as an International Church for ALL religions'[this also makes the Pope false prophet as he is supposedly exclusively Christian]. Netanyahu agreed Covenant made -he proceeds to build his false satanic ABYSS[Rev11;7-8- outside which the last two Prophets will be killed] SYNAGOGUE [Ezekiel 8] under the Dome of the Rock on the wing of the Original Temple [will be the Abomination]. Covenant broken with it’s opening July 2019 -3.5yrs later – Daniel 9;27 fulfilled…..Israel….Messianic Jew.

    1. Well let’s see if you indeed are correct by your analysis! By what you have said we are now in the Great Tribulation period (last 3.5 years) and Christ will return in January 2023. I see none of the seal or trumpet judgments occurring so far and the two witnesses are nowhere to be seen sending plagues, prophesying in Jerusalem or calling fire down from heaven. There is no temple and sacrificial system. Besides which your timing is way off as Christ will return in victory for the church on New Year’s Day (Rosh Hashanah) and 10 days later to defeat the Antichrist and the Devil on Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) which occurs in September/October every year. Daniel says that the Antichrist will be similar to Antiochus Epiphanes (the Greek ruler) and he will be from the north of Israel. He also has to be from one of the 7 Gentile kingdoms in the past. The only one, in my opinion, who matches all of the criteria is Adolf Hitler. The Antichrist will be a resurrected Adolf Hitler. Sounds impossible right now but that’s why it will astonish the world when they see a person they recognise from history.

  2. Sadly you do not understand Prophecy. To be anti Christ you Must Be opposite of Jesus pure & simple .Also you must magnify yourself equal to the commander of the host – quite simple.Who or What was Jesus- ans Matt27;37′ Jesus king of the Jews’ . So he will be a king of the Jews- the opposite of Jesus who they murdered i.e. the most popular king & according to prophecy the 11th king[non hereditary-elected] 8th head[as 3 repeat before him twice] known as the little horn[son] = hebrew -BIBI ;7th head was fatally wounded-Rabin; you must ‘come out of the sea[Mediterranean by boat] also be like a leopard born leopard Arabic country-Palestine/Israel ;feet like bear -parents from USSR; mouth of lion -speaks lion ;Hebrew & English .the world was amazed & follows after the Beast[of Daniel 7] which describes exactly the re-emergance of the feet &ten toes of old Israel[Dan2]. His name is Binyamin Netanyahu-666 old Hebrew Gematria who fulfills ALL prophecy you do not understand. WAS 1996- WAS NOT 1999 subdues 3 kings & returns WAS AGAIN 2009 without the honour of kingship[Livni wins election] BIBI forms minority Govt fulfilling again ALL prophecy …..Israel has not returned only my family Judah- the Beast -because we murdered GOD’S MESSIAH SON & the curse is upon us -Matthew 27;25…Please pray for my family that they listen to the Last Two Prophets that they Repent & be [saved] Baptised to our Messiah Jesus Christ who is Lord of Lord’s King of Kings…. …..Maranatha Shalom..

  3. Hi Steve, Who do you believe the two parties are that confirm a covenant in
    Dan 9 v 27 and what scriptures do you use to back this up?

  4. I think the Antichrist will appear before the midpoint. Dan. 7 says that a coalition of 10 kings will arise of which 3 are uprooted by a little horn (the Antichrist) who goes on to wage war against the saints for time, times and half a time.

    1. Hi Mick,

      I believe that this war happens in the last 3 1/2 years after the Antichrist appears on the scene after the midpoint. Revelation 12 tells us that the dragon and Michael war in heaven. At the halfway point the dragon is cast down to the earth for the last 3 1/2 years to pursue those who hold to the testimony of Jesus, to make war with them (Rev 12:17). Those who escape to the wilderness (southern Jordan) are protected for 1260 days during this time. Rev 17:8 tells us that the beast comes up out of the Abyss and Rev 9:2 tells us that the Abyss is not opened until the fifth trumpet. The 5th, 6th and 7th trumpet are known as woe, woe, woe probably because they all occur in the last 3 1/2 years. See my endtimes timeline in my timeline blog here which makes it clear.

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