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Who is the Assyrian?

Last Updated on December 14, 2024 by Steve

The Assyrian is the beast and the King of the north

In the last days, the Bible says that the Assyrian will invade Israel and that God will use the Assyrian as a rod of His anger and a club to be used against a godless nation, and ironically that godless nation is none other than Israel.  Israel in the last days will be godless and two-thirds of the nation will perish and yet a remnant (⅓) will return to the Mighty God.  I believe that ‘The Assyrian’ is another title for the Antichrist or the beast and it leads to an interesting question to the establishment of a possible identity of the Antichrist.  At the very least it gives us some more clues as to the future end-times ruler’s ancestry.  We know that the Antichrist is also known as King of the North which is a reference to the north of Israel.  That narrows it down to the northern hemisphere and could be Europe, Turkey, or even Russia which is directly north of Israel.  Joel Richardson of FAI Studios says that this title is a direct reference to the Seleucid Empire in his End Time Talks #5 below…

Antiochus Epiphanes, a type of the Antichrist to come was the evil Seleucid dictator who profaned the Jewish Temple in 167 BC.  The Seleucid Empire included Turkey in its area.  Jesus was called the “Nazarene” in Matt. 2:23 and in Micah 5:2 there is a reference to the fact that the future ruler of Israel (Messiah) will come from the little town of Bethlehem in Judea.  Just as we know where the Messiah has come from, perhaps we are given a hint of where his end-times nemesis has also come from if we do a bit of digging in the Bible.

Where is Assyria today?

So where is Assyria and what do we know of it?  There are still people who call themselves “Assyrians” today who live in Northern Iraq, Iran, and Syria.  The capital of the former Assyrian Empire was the city of Nineveh or modern-day Mosul.  The Assyrian Empire was a vicious world-dominating empire that existed from the 9th century BC till the 6th century BC until the Babylonians conquered them around 612 BC.  They carried away the northern tribes of Israel into exile into Mesopotamia and almost conquered Jerusalem as well before the Lord killed 185,000 Assyrian soldiers in one night.1  They were a fierce and very cruel nation and the Antichrist’s future title as “the Assyrian” is certainly a fitting descriptor.  The passage about “the Assyrian” or “king of Assyria” is in two main places in the Bible in the Old Testament in Isaiah 10:5–12 and Micah 5:5.  You won’t find this title in the New Testament.  Assyria is actually “Asshur”.2  It was the centre of idolatry.  Nineveh was a city built by the infamous Nimrod—a mighty warrior upon the earth at the time.  Asshur was the second born son of Shem and so he was a Semite, the same as the Jews.  The Assyrians are a Semitic people and so come from the same line as Israel and the Jews.  Now, this is where the research gets interesting: Certain ancient historians document that a certain number of Assyrians migrated north, firstly to the Black Sea region and later north-west to Europe where modern-day Germany is located.  The Roman naturalist Pliny the Elder located the Assyrians north of the Black Sea in his day, the first century AD.3  A few hundred years later, Jerome, one of the post-Nicene Catholic fathers, applied Psalm 83:8 to the Germanic tribes invading western Europe along the Rhine: “For Assur [the Assyrian] also is joined with them.”4  And of the Germanic peoples, Smith’s Classical Dictionary states: “There can be no doubt that they…migrated into Europe from the Caucasus and the countries around the Black and Caspian seas”5.  Indeed, a significant portion of the Germanic people of Central Europe today appear to be descended from the Assyrians of old.6

The Assyrian will be met with opposition

When one reads God’s judgment on Assyria,7 one gets to understand that there is a dual fulfillment of prophecy.  Firstly there is the initial fulfillment of this prophecy when God’s angel put to death 185,000 Assyrian soldiers near Jerusalem when it was besieged by Sennacherib in 701 BC.  But that doesn’t appear to be the only fulfillment.  God says, “I will punish the king of Assyria for the willful pride of his heart and the haughty look in his eyes.”8  We also see a very similar description of this ruler also called “the little horn”, in Daniel 7:8.  I believe that the Assyrian is a title for none other than the end-times beast or Antichrist and the Assyrian will indeed invade the land.9  But he will be met with opposition and he won’t get all his way.  God will raise up seven faithful shepherds maybe eight it says.  And in verse 6 it says of the Messiah that he will ultimately deliver Israel from the Assyrian.  The brothers, Judah and the northern tribes will be reunited in the end and they will only be a remnant when the beast is ultimately defeated at Jerusalem.

The Assyrian could be German

So who is the Assyrian and where does he come from?  The weight of evidence is that the beast is of Assyrian heritage which possibly translates into modern-day Germany if we take into account what ancient historians have said and written.  So “the Assyrian” could quite possibly be “the German”.  This also fits in with the additional clue that the beast has to be someone from the north of Israel as all traditional enemies of Israel have attacked from the north of Israel.10

Here’s an interesting exercise and I would like you to do as follows:  Read Micah 5:5–6 and Isaiah 10:5–12 and replace “Assyrian” with “German” and “king of Assyria” with “king of Germany”.  It makes it all the more interesting when you consider it is a distinct possibility that the Antichrist is none other than the resurrected German Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler.  See my blog, “What if Hitler came back to life?”  Also, do me a favour and type in the search box at the top of any of the Luke 21 pages, “Hitler” and start reading about it today.

This blog is not meant to be an exhaustive study on this subject but as I always say, “DYOR—Do your own research!”  For further reading, read this article: “The Remarkable Identity of the German People.11  One has to be careful of ‘confirmation bias’—i.e. finding articles and information that merely confirms what you already believe.  That’s why I say, “Watch and Pray”.

  1. Isaiah 37:36 []
  2. Gen. 10:11,22 []
  3. Natural History, Book 4, sec. 12 []
  4. Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, Letter 123, sec. 16 []
  5. Germania, p. 361 []
  6. Assyria the Rod of God’s Anger []
  7. Isa. 10:5–19 []
  8. Isa. 10:12 []
  9. Micah 5:5 []
  10. Eze. 38:15 []
  11. I am not validating everything they say in this article—just food for thought! []

7 Responses

  1. Hi,

    I read your article, as the Lord directed me to your teaching on this, after I wanted to find info on “The Assyrian” being the future Antichrist, and as always when God leads me to a particular site, it means it teachings will be good, so yeah, your teaching on the Antichrist is Good!

    This belief of mine, is from the studies of well informed teachers, and is open for correction, if ever need be?

    I believe the lord confirmed, that he ( the Assyrian will be) but showed me that present day Iraq was the land of “Shinar” in the the time if Nimrod.

    As we know scripture confirms scripture in relation to object + subject within any given chapter + verse, verse/verses stay with the above.

    As we know Nimrod built the tower of Babel in the land of Shinar, the God divided their languages + scattered them.

    It’s when Yahweh scattered them that they took with the the story of that incident and the ruler and the 1st Antichrist, meaning now that all the gods of Antiquity, legends and mythology, such as Odin, Cernunnos, Osiris, as well as the rest, can be traced back to Nimrod?

    Now here is where it gets interesting. In Revelation 9:11, it states Apollyon, ascending from the “bottomless pit” who also is the “beast that was, is not now, but shall ascend out of the bottomless pit” in Revelation 17:8

    Interestingly, in verse 9 of this chapter, it speaks of 7 kings, where in verse 11 the 8th king is one of the 7, where 5 died, one was living then, around the time of this authorship.

    Amazingly the 8th king, is the same beast Apollyon, that ascend out of the bottomless pit, as stated in verse 11.

    It all fits, on who this character will be, but bear in mind Apollyon was a Greco/Roman god that is traced and descended from the real living king, Nimrod!

    Nimrod was from or went to build his city in “Shinar” in Assyria. It’s interesting how you stated Hitler possibly rising from the dead, as historical accounts show he shot himself in the head, “The beast, as though he had a deadly head wound, and was healed?

    Nimrod also suffered a fatal head wound at the hand of Esau, in the book of Jasher(?)

    If one adds up the above, Nimrod is indeed the Assyrian the coming Antichrist.

  2. Hi Steve, thank you for your blogs. Sometimes I have trouble understanding them and I find them very challenging. I leave it for a while then go back to them. I am now reading my Bible with fresh eyes and a lot more understanding. I look forward to more as you make them available. God Bless from Mavis

    1. Thanks Mavis. I trust and hope that you will be blessed and encouraged to watch for the signs and pray that you might have an increasing knowledge of the end times. Hosea 4:6 says, “My people perish for a lack of knowledge.”

  3. When I read Germany into the passages it seemed to me then that God used Germany for this very purpose to make his people repent and come back to him. Is this what you noticed?

    1. It seems to fit Germany to a tee. Of course God has used many gentile kings before Germany: Egypt; “old Assyria”; Babylon; Medes and Persians; Greece; Rome, Nazis. Upon reflection they have all been evil and enslaved the Jewish nation. In a way all of these Gentile kingdoms have been a rod in God’s hands.

  4. Steve this has struck me to the core. This is my heritage, even though my ancestors came to Australia before the rise of Hitler. The reasons why they came are unbeknownst to me. This is invaluable information to counteract any spiritual implication this might have for my family in the future as well as my extended family. I feel compelled to go and speak with Paul Buccholz from church to get his side of what happened in Germany around this time

    1. That’s amazing Dave. Did you try replacing “Assyrian” with “German”? That really made me sit up and take notice.

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