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Who is Mystery Babylon?

Last Updated on December 26, 2024 by Steve


In 2013, when we visited Istanbul, Turkey, we had the privilege of seeing some of the reliefs and fragments of the Ishtar gate as pictured above.  There are fragments all over the world in various museums and a complete reconstruction has been made and is in the Pergamon Museum in Berlin, Germany.1  That is one museum that I would love to visit specifically to see the ancient Greek “Pergamon Altar” also known as the “Seat of Satan”.   The altar has been under renovation since 2014 and unfortunately, the altar will not reopen until 2025 at the earliest.  Adolf Hitler famously made speeches at Nuremberg in the 1930s on a replica of the ancient altar to the Greek god Zeus, designed by his architect, Albert Speers.  See this CBN video on the seat of Satan.

The Nazi Empire was the seventh kingdom

The Ishtar gate, also in the Pergamon Museum, was the eighth gate to the city of ancient Babylon.  It was constructed in the sixth century BC by order of King Nebuchadnezzar and was part of the processional way leading into the city.  Babylon of course has an important place in Jewish Biblical history as it is the kingdom that conquered and defeated Israel and took them into slavery for 70 years.  Babylon is the number 3 kingdom/king in the list of seven that the Book of Revelation identifies.2  They are identified also as seven hills.  Five kings have fallen, one is and one is yet to come.  Of course, John had his revelation in circa AD 96 so the five kingdoms with respect to oppressing Israel in order were: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, and Greece.  The current kingdom was Rome (the one that is) and the future seventh kingdom would last only a short while.  The only subsequent kingdom that fits the bill, I believe, is the German Nazi kingdom from 1933–1945.

Mystery Babylon is Rome

But who is Mystery Babylon the Great?  Why is it even important?  Two chapters in the book of Revelation are devoted to Babylon the Great.  Babylon the Great is eventually destroyed in the end sometime during the last seven years.  Babylon the Great is obviously not ancient Babylon but it has ties and links to ancient Babylon.  The name Babylon originates from “Babel” which symbolises false religion, sorcery, astrology and rebellion against God.3  It seems as though Mystery Babylon the Great will be a false united religion in the end which will be in league with the beast or Antichrist who will persecute the true believers in Christ and Biblical truth.4  This is a truly worrying and diabolical situation and calls for wisdom on the part of the saints to be careful not to be taken in by a lukewarm mixed up “Christianity type” syncretised religion.  This is such a warning to us to not be deceived.  When you read Revelation chapter 17, it sounds like you are reading specifically about the Roman Catholic Church with their gold, their riches, their purple and scarlet clothing, and the filth of their idolatries.5  The clincher I think though is in verse 18 of the same chapter which tells us that the woman (Babylon) is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth.  That is none other than Rome, the eternal city, the most important city of the ancient world.  Therefore I am of the opinion that we have to say that Mystery Babylon is some sort of end-times religion mixed up with the Roman Catholic Church that gives lip service to Christianity but actually will persecute and kill real Bible-believing Christians. But that is not the end of the story.  The story goes on in Revelation chapter 18.  Here we see the second part of the story and this is why it is a bit confusing and why we are even asking the question.

Babylon the Great is not the same as Mystery Babylon

In Revelation chapter 18, we see Babylon referenced again, this time without the modifier, “Mystery”.  We also see in chapter 18 Babylon being totally destroyed.  “Fallen, fallen is Babylon the Great!”6  This is what is called a ‘prophetic’ past tense, announcing a future event as something that has already taken place.  This is in the future and so obviously it is not referring to ancient Babylon.  At any rate the ancient city of Babylon does not even exist as a living, viable, modern city in its original form today.  The ancient site of course has been discovered and lies about 85 km south of Baghdad on the banks of the Euphrates River.  So what is the Apostle John referring to when he describes the great city of Babylon being destroyed in 1 hour?  Great question because in chapter 17 we saw that “Mystery Babylon” most likely refers to the Roman Catholic church and/or Rome.

One thing that Bible students must realise is that Babylon is like a metaphor for idolatry and also is used symbolically for any place of exile.  It is possible that Peter used Babylon to refer to either Rome, the real Babylon or another place of exile that we are not aware.7  There is no rule saying that it has to only refer to the original city.  “Babylon” is like a metaphor just like I have heard some referring to certain cities as a “Sodom” meaning that it is sinful like the original Sodom in Israel.  I think it is fairly clear that there is a distinction between the religious Babylon of chapter 17 and the commercial, political Babylon of chapter 18.  They are related in the sense of idolatry but separate also.  It seems impossible to make them the same city or system.

New York a likely candidate

So it is my persuasion that the city of Babylon referred to in chapter 18 is more than likely a modern Babylon equivalent.  A likely candidate in my opinion is New York which is a realistic metonym for America.  What I mean by this is that New York is America and America is New York.  New York epitomises everything American and modern capitalism.  New York is the capital city of the modern world just as Rome was the capital city of the ancient world.  New York is the financial capital of the world being home to Wall Street and also the political capital of the world is home to the United Nations.  Here are 5 possible reasons why New York could be the Babylon referred to here in chapter 18:

  1. It is a city by the sea that has a harbour.8  Neither ancient Babylon in Iraq, Rome, or even Jerusalem has a port.  They are all landlocked cities.
  2. The disappearance of this Babylon in 1-hour results in a devastation of the world economy, because there is no one to buy their goods anymore.9.  Walmart is reportedly the largest purchaser of consumer goods in the world.  America is the chief economic power of the world.  It owns the de-facto reserve currency of the world.
  3. There is an existential threat to America by Russia that it could be destroyed in a very short time by nuclear weapons.  In fact in 2011 at a dinner, Putin boasted that he could destroy America literally in half an hour.10
  4. The original Babylon in Daniel 7:4 was described as a beast.  The beast was like a lion and had the wings of an eagle.  See the winged lion in the picture above?  Interestingly, America and England have always had close ties and are joined because America came out of England just like Australia.  England’s symbol is the lion and America’s, the eagle.  Sorry Aussies!  Nothing about an emu or kangaroo here!  The lion and the eagle are separated in Daniel 7:4 when the wings are torn off from the body.  Maybe this is a veiled description and possible prophecy of what would happen at the very end of days when America will be destroyed and separated from its lion body (England).
  5. The Statue of Liberty, situated in New York Harbour, is the first thing that has traditionally greeted immigrants as they enter America.  This is only a few miles away, coincidentally, from Long Island coastal town, West Babylon.  The statue was given another name: “Mother of Exiles”, by poet Emma Lazarus in 1883, to help raise money for its pedestal.  This poem was inscribed on a plaque in 1903 and mounted in the monument.11   It is a nickname symbolising America as a nation of immigrants.   Interesting thought, as I stated above, is that biblically, Babylon is understood to be a metaphor for any place of exile.

So in conclusion my current understanding is that Babylon can be a metaphor for many different places with the common theme being idolatry and places of exile.  It is my belief that Mystery Babylon of chapter 17 is Rome and the Babylon of chapter 18 is New York.  Two different Babylons for sure.  I think these are the best fits but of course, I could be wrong!  We are to try and dig out these gold nuggets and to try and understand.  The scroll is being revealed bit by bit and prophetic knowledge is increasing as we move towards the end.12

Lastly, there is an interesting warning in Rev. 18:4 which says, “come out of her (Babylon/New York/America), my people, so that you will not share in her sins so that you will not receive any of her plagues.”  In other words, the people who are living in Babylon or America must at some point leave before the one-hour destruction of doom which could really be nothing else but an all-out nuclear attack. Remember Russian President Putin’s boast above?  When that is, I have no idea except that it sounds like something the Two Witnesses might say in their 1260 day ministry.  Here is another reference to Christians leaving a place.  That makes sense when putting it alongside Revelation 12 and also the command in Luke 21:36 for Christians to watch for the signs and to pray that they may be able to escape all that is about to happen.  Food for thought hey!

  1. []
  2. Rev. 17:9–11 []
  3. Gen. 10:8–10 []
  4. Rev. 17:1–7 []
  5. Rev. 17:4–6 []
  6. Rev. 18:2 []
  7. 1 Peter 5:13 []
  8. Rev. 18:17 []
  9. Rev. 18:11 []
  10. []
  11. []
  12. Dan. 12:4 []

2 Responses

  1. I couldn’t agree more with your comment near the end “We are to try and dig out these gold nuggets and to try and understand”..and this article is defiantly food for thought!
    Your 5 reasons why Mystery Babylon could in fact be New York city are all interesting conclusions and connections and I would tend to agree.

    Yes neither Ancient Babylon, Rome, or Jerusalem have harbors, and I cannot think of any major city in the world that DOES have a harbor…that could be considered a fit to what is described in Rev.18 :9-20. Just imagine how much ‘woe’ their would be if New York city was taken out in an hour. I don’t think we can actually comprehend that happening. The world financial system would almost be bought to its knees in that same hour!

    Question: When does this take down and destruction of this city occur in the tribulation timeline?
    I’m particularly taken with the connection between Daniel 7.4’s ‘beast’ and the American/English relationship and national symbols. Really interesting one there, and seems like a perfect fit. Will be looking at this a little more

    1. Hi Rick,

      My thinking is that the people of God will probably be called to come out of “Babylon” before the second half so that they could escape to the place prepared for the woman in the desert. As for many other Christians not many will heed the call. It will just be too difficult for people to leave what they know. While the warning and the escape probably happens in the first half, the destruction of Babylon looks like it will happen towards the end of the second half because of Rev. 19:7 which suggests that very soon after its destruction, the wedding of the Lamb has come. It’s hard to be sure though.

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