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What if Hitler came back to life?

Last Updated on December 28, 2024 by Steve


Nazi-ism on the rise in Australia

There are reports on Australia’s ABC news website1 that Neo-Nazis are emerging as one of Australia’s most challenging security threats, according to the country’s top intelligence chief.  ASIO director general Mike Burgess says ‘small cells’ of right-wing extremists are regularly gathering to salute Nazi flags, inspect weapons and to disperse their ‘hateful ideology’.

This may come as a surprise considering that most Neo Nazi reports come from Germany, America or in Europe.  But if you have listened to my series on Daniel, you will not be surprised as I suggest that a possibility for the Antichrist in the Bible would be a resurrected Adolf Hitler.  So a rise in world-wide nationalism and/or Neo- Nazism would seem logical.  Whilst it is surprising to see it so blatantly occur in Australia, if my studies are correct, then we will see it steadily gather steam all over the world as we move towards the Tribulation period.  This is a very scary prospect and one could think, why in the world would this be gaining popularity seeing the horrors of the Nazi regime under Hitler during World War 2.  This is epitomized at the concentration camps including at Auschwitz as pictured above at the entrance gate.  Most of the world doesn’t want to forget these Holocaust horrors so that it is never repeated again but sadly another Holocaust much worse is coming for the Jews at the end of this age which will be known as “the time of Jacob’s trouble”.2  Sadly this future time will be even worse for the Jewish people and the world.  Billions of people will suffer and die from plagues, wars, famine and sickness.

The Bible gives lots of clues who the Antichrist will be

So you are probably asking, “How can you know for sure that a resurrected Hitler will be the Antichrist in the last 3 ½ years when there have been so many other predictions?”  Of course no one knows for sure until it actually happens but I think the Bible gives us lots of clues as to who the end times “beast” or “king of the North” will be.

The Bible tells us that this man will be a diabolical man after the manner of the Greek ruler, Antiochus Epiphanes in 168 BC.  He was a type or picture of what the end time’s dictator will be like.  A careful reading of Revelation 17:7–11 indicates that the beast is a historical resurrected figure that comes up out of the abyss.  The abyss is opened at the halfway point (i.e. after 3 ½ years).  The world will be astonished when they see who the beast actually is.  There would be no one more astonishing than the world seeing Adolf Hitler again and no one more abhorrent to the Jews.  In verse 11 there is a cryptic clue that I believe partly gives us the answer to the identity of the beast.  It says firstly that he is a resurrected figure and that he is an eighth king but he also belongs to one of the seven historical kingdoms known also as heads on the beast or mountains.  In other words he has to be a historical figure that comes back to life.  The seven possibilities are kings/kingdoms that have oppressed, subjugated and killed the Israelite/Jewish people.  They are in order:  Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Roman Empire and Nazi Germany from 1933–1945.  Revelation 17:10 states that the seventh king would only remain a little while which ties in with the short Nazi reign of only 12 years.  Previously I have considered that the Ottoman Empire fits the bill for the seventh kingdom and therefore I concluded that the beast would be a Muslim.  But the error here is that the Ottomans reigned for 623 years from 1299–1922.  That is not a short time.  Another clue is that the beast would suffer a fatal head wound and be healed.  Hitler suffered that fatal head wound when he shot himself on April 30th 1945 just before the Allies entered into his bunker a couple of days later.  

God will send a powerful delusion

The Nazi regime was known for its propaganda headed by Dr. Joseph Goebbels3 which is basically deceit or deception.  Daniel says of this latter day stern faced king, “He will cause deceit to prosper and he will consider himself superior.”4

So if Hitler is indeed this future “son of perdition”, or Antichrist then it is no wonder that we will see a rise in Neo-Nazism as we get closer.  Most of the world at this time obviously detests Adolf Hitler and what he did so there would have to be a big turnaround in opinion.  But we know that God will send a powerful delusion at this time so that the world will believe the lie.  The lie since the beginning is that man does not need God and he can achieve ‘eternal’ life his own way.  And so what if this end-times beast could make an offer that people could not refuse if they receive his mark?  What if this beast could offer a solution to the problem of death seeing as he himself seemingly overcomes this problem by being resurrected himself?  Man in his own strength is trying to solve this problem by seeking ways to extend his life and overcome sicknesses and ultimately death.  What if the beast could make a supposed offer of eternal life if we only just receive his mark or DNA through some sort of vaccination/injection?  His DNA could then take over or replace the host’s DNA thereby making us a ‘chimera’.5  This has been known to occur when patients receive bone marrow transplants and the patient then has the donor’s DNA in his blood.  In other words the donor’s DNA replaces the DNA of the patient.  The recipient of the ‘mark’ then could possibly retain the DNA of the beast, theoretically giving the person ‘eternal life’ or the DNA of a person who has conquered death.  This seems fanciful and preposterous but the coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders.6

Hitler himself said that he would return from the grave

Finally, Hitler himself instructed Ribbentrop,7 his foreign minister, to tell Churchill the following when he sees him,8

You will see. My spirit will arise from the grave. One day people will see that I was right.

Adolf Hitler (as quoted to Hitler's Foreign Minister Ribbentrop)

What do you think if Hitler came back to life?  Do you think it would even be possible?  This question has been posed before and even made into a German film in 2015.  Take a look at the fictional YouTube film, “What if Hitler Came back To Life” below which poses that same question.

  1. []
  2. Jer. 30:7 KJV []
  3. []
  4. Dan. 8:25 []
  5. []
  6. 2 Thess. 2:9 []
  7. []
  8. Irving, D, Hitler’s War (2002), p. 823 []

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