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“We are at war”

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Last Updated on November 16, 2024 by Steve

Wars and rumours of wars

“We are at war”, declares French president, Emmanuel Macron when talking about his country’s response to the Coronavirus.  This reminds me of the Bible verse, “You will hear of wars and rumours of wars,”1 when Jesus is talking about the first 3 ½ years of the seven year tribulation period.

Cathi and I were halfway across Australia when we too heard a disturbing rumour about this ‘virus war’, a war of a different kind, when travelling at 110 km/h towards my home state.  Apparently, W.A. doctors are trying to have the government lock down the W.A. borders to restrict the spread of the virus in the most remote city on earth.  According to the doctors, W.A. does not have enough resources to test for the virus.  The rumour means that there is a possibility if enacted, that we won’t be able to enter the state after travelling halfway across the continent.  This could be a very disturbing development for us as we wouldn’t know what to do.  The key timing for us to get across the border in time would be a couple of days time.  What are we to do?  Go ahead and try and make the border tonight while it is still open and forfeit the money we have paid on the next two nights accommodation?  Or rest in the Lord and rest tonight at Ceduna after nine hours of driving and trust that God will allow us to enter into WA in two days time uneventfully?

What do you think our choice was? We talked about it while driving and we decided to leave it in God’s hands and rest tonight as originally planned in Ceduna in S.A.  Ceduna is five hours drive from the W.A. border.

Don’t let rumours unsettle you

The lesson is that we shouldn’t be disturbed and distracted by rumours no matter what kind of wars they are.  Rumours are unsettling and they take away from trust in God. The fact is that rumours will be rampant in the end times.  We need to be deliberate and steady as we walk with God in the end times.  We don’t want to be driven to and fro by every rumour and piece of deception thrown at us by Satan.  And believe me, rumours and deception will be rife in the end. And these cause us to make rash decisions. Decisions that are hasty and unwise.

What is the antidote?  To trust God that He will make your paths straight in troubled times.  The way I see it with this ‘panic mode’ that everyone is in at the moment is that it is like a practice for when the real crisis hits later.  The trouble is that when the Antichrist comes along, he will provide solutions that will seem so easy to accept even if it means selling your soul to the devil.  My friends, practice patience and learn to listen to the voice of the Holy Breath (Spirit) today in your decision making.  Don’t be deceived and listen to rumours.

  1. Matt. 24:6 []

6 Responses

  1. I think you are very wise. I don’t think God would leave you stranded. Safer to sleep and drive carefully or else you might not need to cross the border.

  2. Great words of wisdom Steve, thanks for sharing! Praying you make it safely after a well rested night. The Lord bless you both!

  3. God bless. Nev and I believe you shall be ok. Our prayers are with you for safety and this will not happen until you arrive.

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