Luke 21 Project vision
Over 20 years of translation, study, and teaching through the Bible in both a cross-cultural mission context and a local church setting in Australia, Steve has come to realise the importance of preparing the church for the end times according to Luke 21:36. The days are coming according to the Bible when we must prepare as a church to watch for the signs and to pray that we may escape all that is about to happen. He who endures to the end will be saved.
Consequently, the Luke 21 Project was conceived at the end of Steve’s ministry at Minden Baptist Church. Luke 21 Project invites the church to prepare and pray that they might have oil in their lamps. The purpose of this website is to inform the church of the teachings about the end times. Steve and Cathi believe that Christians will eventually be called to southern Jordan into the wilderness in the place of safety indicated in Revelation 12 and eagerly await that calling from the Two Witnesses at the appropriate time. In the meantime, they practice the motto of learning to travel light.