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The ‘ten sons of Hitler’

Last Updated on December 6, 2024 by Steve


Of course, Adolf Hitler did not officially have any children let alone ten sons.  There are unofficial claims that Hitler did have a secret son, Jean-Marie Loret.1  However, this blog title is a play on the fact that the evil Agagite, Haman in the book of Esther, had ten sons who were hanged and there were also ten Nazis who were hanged after being convicted at the Nuremberg trials on the 16th of October 1946.2  The similarities are uncanny.  There should have been 11 Nazis who were hanged but as the headline above suggests, Hermann Göring committed suicide the night before his planned execution by swallowing a cyanide capsule.  History has a funny way of repeating itself and the similarities between Haman and Hitler are worth exploring for the sake of future Bible prophecy.  There are a lot of similarities between Haman’s attempted extermination of the Jews in the 5th century BC and Hitler’s attempted extermination of the Jews in the 1930–40s.  At both times the Jewish remnant was struggling to rebuild their nation in the Holy Land.

1st holocaust – Haman

Satan knows prophecy and he has tried several times throughout history to stop the Jews but only once has there been an actual holocaust.  The first attempted but unsuccessful holocaust was made by Haman which we read in the book of Esther.  This account fits in between Ezra chapters 6–7 when 50,000 Jews returned to the Holy Land but firstly Satan through Haman attempts to eliminate the Jews in Persia.  Satan’s goal was to exterminate the Jews before they could resettle in the land because if he could eliminate Israel then he could stop the possibility of the Messiah being born and ultimately stop himself from being crushed by the seed of the woman—Jesus!3  If Satan had succeeded through Haman then Israel would have ceased to exist and if Israel had ceased to exist then we wouldn’t have a Saviour and if we didn’t have a Saviour then we wouldn’t have salvation.

An interesting and unusual request by Esther was that she asked the king for Haman’s ten sons to be hanged on gallows “tomorrow” on the next day even though they had already been killed in the Persian citadel of Susa.4  I discuss why this is so in the next section.

2nd holocaust – Hitler

The second holocaust was successful and was carried out by Adolf Hitler and his henchmen in the 1940s when the Nazis instituted a systematic killing system resulting in the execution of 6 million Jews in Nazi death camps.  Even though 6 million lives were sadly lost the attempt ultimately failed because Satan’s agent, Hitler, failed, and on 14th May 1948, in one day, Israel possessed their land once again.5

As I mentioned above Haman’s ten sons were hanged the day after they were killed and Hitler’s ten ‘sons’ of Nuremberg were hanged on 16th October 1946.  Julius Streicher, author of the anti-Semitic paper “Der Stürmer” and the 8th Nazi to be hanged at 2:30 am screamed out, “Purim Fest 1946” as he was led to the gallows to be hanged.  Amazingly he saw a link between what happened in Haman’s day and what was happening to him nearly 2500 years later.  This provides a clue that the ten sons of Haman may be linked to a time in the future when there would be ‘another’ ten sons of Haman hanged–Hitler’s ten sons!  Why do I say this?  Besides what Streicher saw, the Jewish sages describe that there is a tomorrow that is now, and a tomorrow which is later.  Perhaps the “tomorrow” that Esther asked for meant that history would repeat itself much later with another Purim when the ten Nazi spies were hanged in 1946.6

Purim Fest 1946!

Julius Streicher (Cry as he was about to be hanged in 1946)
3rd holocaust – resurrected Hitler

But don’t think that Satan has finished attempting to eliminate the Jewish nation.  He is going to have one more attempt at a mass extermination of Jews and Christians in the last 42 months of the age as we know.  This will be a time, times and half a time when the beast (a resurrected Adolf Hitler) will attempt once again with his side-kick, the false prophet, to enforce the allegiance of the whole world to himself in another totalitarian regime with echoes of the past Nazi days by making everyone take the mark of the beast.  What this mark will exactly be, nobody knows.  But I am beginning to suspect that it may include a piece of his DNA to offer a kind of false eternal life.  After all, he would be very convincing if he could say that he had conquered death by returning after 75 years or so.  The argument might be something like, “Take my mark and you will not surely die, you will be like me (a god) and you will have all knowledge.”  This is the same lie that the serpent told Eve in the Garden of Eden.7

Take my mark and you will not surely die, you will be like me (a god) and you will have all knowledge.

Hypothetically resurrected Adolf Hitler (2033-2036??)

That this mark might be a piece of the Antichrist’s DNA with a promise of not dying is further evidenced by an obscure verse in Rev. 9:6 which says that men will want to die but they won’t be able to.  Could it be that those who take the beast’s mark/DNA will realise their mistake and that they are trapped by the devil’s scheme?  They will want to die but won’t be able to because they are something other than human now—they are being controlled by some sort of evil trans-human hive mind instructed by the beast.  This is not as far-fetched as it sounds.  The Worldwide Economic Forum (WEF) has plans to this effect with the advent of the fourth industrial revolution incorporating technology and biology.

In The Fourth Industrial Revolution, Gene Editing Tools Are Likely to Replace Biological Evolution

Whatever plans Satan has for the very last days, we know it will probably be shocking and disturbing but the underlying thematic is the same.  He wants to control the world and prevent Jesus from returning.  The 1st and 2nd ‘holocausts’ will be repeated again starting at Purim 2033 when the beast will arise from the abyss.  His first task will be to take revenge for the Purim massacre of Haman and his ten sons on the Two Witnesses when they will be killed by him after their 1260-day prophetic ministry.  This will be celebrated by the world with a Purim-like joy with the giving of gifts.8   It will also likely be revenge for the execution of the ‘ten sons of Hitler’.  His reign of terror and trampling of the holy city will last 42 months before Jesus Christ returns on the Feast of Trumpets in 2036.9

What are we to do?

The rhyming and repeating of history is fascinating and scary at the same time and I am sure that the devil is aware of this.  But what can we do armed with this knowledge and awareness?  The most important takeaway is to not be deceived and deluded but if we can know the likely steps that will be taken in the future by looking at the past then we can be ahead of the game.  The sad fact is that most will be deluded because they have refused to love the truth.10  So, be truth lovers and seek the truth by reading and studying your Bibles.

In 2 Thess 2:10–11, the Apostle Paul says that because the world refuses to love the truth, God sends a powerful delusion so that they will believe the ‘lie’.  Most commentators believe that this delusion is sent after the lawless one is revealed at the halfway mark of the 7-year tribulation but according to the Translators Handbook this is not necessarily so.  It says that the reverse is more natural, meaning that the delusion is the reason for the events in verses 9–10 (coming of the lawless one).  In other words, logically, verse 11 (the delusion) comes first before verses 9–10 with the end result summarised in verse 12 (condemnation).  So, what am I saying?  Possibly the delusion has already come years early.  The reason that I say this is because in the last two years it’s like people have been deluded by governments all over the world.  In fact, the evil Yuval Noah Harari of the WEF has identified this period when he said, “People could look back in 100 years and identify the coronavirus epidemic as the moment when a new regime of surveillance took over, especially surveillance under the skin which I think is maybe the most important development of the 21st Century, is this ability to hack human beings.”11

People could look back in 100 years and identify the coronavirus epidemic as the moment when a new regime of surveillance took over, especially surveillance under the skin which I think is maybe the most important development of the 21st Century, is this ability to hack human beings.

Yuval Noah Harari

One would think that Harari knows the real reason for the pandemic especially as there is a link between the WEF and WHO (World Health Organisation).  Harari all but admits in this quote that the reason for the coronavirus pandemic was so that they could hack human beings’ DNA by getting an injection.  A massive delusion here because the lie sprouted by all including governments and the MSM for the past two years or so is that it was a safe vaccine to stop us from getting the coronavirus.  The mantra that we continually heard was that the vaccines were “safe, effective, and free”.  False, false, and false again!

Finally, get a headstart today by listening to my “Standing in the gap” series in the book of Esther to see how you can be God’s man or woman in these last days just like Esther and Mordecai who thwarted Haman’s evil plan for the annihilation of the Jews.

  1. []
  2. []
  3. Gen. 3:15 []
  4. Est 9:12–13 []
  5. Isaiah 66:8 []
  6. []
  7. Gen. 3:4–5 []
  8. Rev. 11:10 []
  9. Rev. 11:2 []
  10. 2 Thess 2:10–11 []
  11. []

One Response

  1. Although I don’t agree with everything in this blog I found it very interesting. We have to realise that, although Haman was killed, the spirit of Haman is still very much alive. It’s a fearful thing to oppose this spirit but like Esther, we can do it with God’s help. And in the end hatred will always turn against those who nurture it.

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