Last Updated on December 6, 2024 by Steve
The 5th seal
The key passage for the 5th seal judgment is in Rev. 6:9–11. The first four seals cover the entire first half of the tribulation known as the beginning of birth pains whereas the 5th seal judgment covers the time when the saints are martyred and handed over to the devil’s beast for time, times, and half a time for the entire second half.1 The first four seals had corresponding passages in Matt. 24:4–8 and it follows that the 5th seal also has a corresponding passage in Matt. 24:9–13. Verse 13 appropriately says, “he who endures to the end will be saved.” “The end” could either mean to the point of being martyred for Christ or the end of the 1290-day second half.
Great patience will be needed by the saints because this defeat and handing over of the saints to the evil king/dictator will go on for a long period of time—specifically 1290 days. See my tribulation timeline. And that is because this is the time that has been allotted to him. This is why the martyred saints can be pictured under the altar in heaven asking, “How long will this go on?”2 The Lord tells them to hang in there and wait a little while longer. The complete number of saints have to be martyred and patience is required. The Lord will judge their blood and nothing gets overlooked.
Which saints are martyred?
This is an important question because obviously not all the saints will be martyred but it does sound as though there will be a lot. Those Christians who are martyred are given white robes in Rev. 6:11—the traditional clothing for saints in heaven even though they are only spirits. It appears that these could be the same ones who are described in Rev. 7:9 who are wearing white robes, holding palm branches and have come out of the tribulation—tribulation saints. In my opinion, these saints who are martyred in the second half are those who are left behind. The saints who have obeyed the call to leave and escape to Jordan at the halfway mark when they see the Abomination of Desolation standing in the holy place3 will not be those who are slaughtered at the 5th seal. To be clear the 5th seal saints are probably those who refuse the mark of the beast and haven’t escaped in time but are somewhat redeemed by refusing the mark.4 They must take a harder path. They had their chance to get to safety but they missed the call and were not waiting and ready in Judea to make the final part of the journey into Petra and southern Jordan. Sadly, Matt. 24:9–10 makes it clear that even though there will be many who are put to death in martyrdom, many others will turn away from the faith and will betray each other. Persecution does funny things to people and nominal Christians will be deceived into taking the mark. The love of most will grow cold and there won’t be a great deal of sympathy.
The only way to escape martyrdom is to flee to the safe place
Interestingly this 5th seal martyrdom does not have to be our only choice. We will have a choice to make just like the 5 wise virgins who made a choice to have oil in their lamps. The 5 foolish virgins were lazy and did not prepare in time. Those who do not prepare will be left with a harder choice—the 5th seal and then that is no guarantee either. Martyrdom and bravery will be the only way out. Those who shrink back will take the mark and be condemned forever in the Lake of Fire.
The 5th seal will not commence until after the beast has come up out of the abyss at the halfway mark. First, he will chase the woman of Revelation 12 but he will not succeed.5 Then in his rage, because he is unsuccessful, he will turn his attention to the remaining Christians, those who hold to the testimony of Jesus and he will round them up and have them killed.6 Make sure you avoid the 5th seal and are ready to flee to the safe place at the right time. I believe this is not just for Jewish Christians in Judea but for all Christian refugees/survivors who are there waiting for the sign. The promise in Joel is that there will be deliverance for those of us who are ready and waiting in Jerusalem and Mt. Zion.7
For the final installment in this series see “The seven seals of Revelation – part 4”.