Last Updated on December 6, 2024 by Steve
The red horse (2nd seal)
After the initial entry of the white horse which marks the beginning of the 7-year tribulation period, we see the red horse seal judgment in Rev. 6:3–4. The first thing that I ask myself is why horses and why four of them? The white, red, black, and pale horses seem like they need to be taken as a unit of judgments that are all related to each other. This is another reason why as I said in part 1 the white horse cannot be taken separately to refer to Christ. Whereas white is the colour of peace and victory particularly seeing as the rider wears a ‘stephanos’ or victor’s crown/wreath, red symbolises blood. It seems like the white horse brings peace to the earth and then soon enough the red horse takes away that false peace through war and bloodshed.
There is no indication as to the duration of these judgments except to say that the first four take place in the first 3 ½ years or 1260 days. Although severe enough these first four judgments are only the beginning of sorrows or birth pains.1 The corresponding passage in Matt. 24:6 talks about wars and rumours of wars. There is another interesting possibly parallel passage that talks about red, brown, and white horses. An angel tells the prophet Zechariah the Lord has sent them throughout the earth.2 This is similar to the four horses in Revelation who go throughout the earth. In Zechariah, the horses discover that the earth is at rest and in peace meaning that they have patrolled the earth to carefully check what is happening all over the world. In the Zechariah context it probably means that the peace and rest is caused by a superior and oppressive power rather than a genuine peace and justice.3 This would fit in well with the Revelation context of the first white horse which causes a kind of false and forced deceptive peace from a conqueror for a time.
So, the thing is that the Lord was very angry because of the peace and security that the nations seemed to have in Zechariah’s time.4 And back to the context of the last seven years, the red, black and pale horses certainly take away any peace that the world has with the accompanying judgments. The historical context of Zechariah chapter 1 is around the time of the Babylonian exile in the 6th century B.C. but there could be a further fulfillment at the very end when again God’s house will be rebuilt.5
The black horse (3rd seal)
The seal judgments continue with the third seal and the black horse. The black horse represents hyperinflation and the economy of the world. Basic food and goods will be extremely costly with the common man having to work all day just to have enough to eat. This will be caused by famines leading to a decrease in the supply of wheat and crops.6 Demand will mean that prices greatly increase. Even now we are being warned of inflation and price increases. Again we are not given how long this judgment will last but we do know that these first four judgments occur in the first half.
The pale horse (4th seal)
All these first four seal judgments happen in the first half and they happen progressively meaning that there is an intensification as time goes by as illustrated by going down the vortex in the picture above. God sees that there is an arrogance to the world and its false sense of security and peace that it has established possibly through a One World Government and ten leaders.8 But God sends his four-horse judgments upon the world which eventuates in the population of the world being reduced by one quarter. Despite this, a temple is built during this time or has already been built and the Jews will rejoice as they will be reunited and joined together once again under the leadership of the prophet Elijah.9 The old covenant (Law of Moses) will be reinstated in Israel and the priesthood in the order of Aaron with all of its sacrifices will be re-established for a time only to be broken by the beast at the halfway mark upon his arise from the abyss.10
For seal #5 see “The seven seals of Revelation – part 3“.
2 Responses
I believe from my studies that the white horse and the red horse seals have already been broken. The white horse was Covid, with the toxic poison on the arrow and they all came out in white coats everywhere. The red horse seal is the war in Ukraine. The satanists started that war because Putin blew the tunnels they were transporting the stolen children for their torture. They were doing blood sacrifices to the devil and obtaining Adrenochrome-such an evil thing. Those children are “feeding” Satan. Now they are getting them (children) from Jamaica.
Hi Rachelle,
Just because evil is going on in the world at the moment and you can find similarities that doesn’t mean that this is a correct interpretation. In prophecy, there are many cross-checks to ensure that prophecy is actually being fulfilled. The seven seals outlined in Revelation occur within the last week (7) of years of this age (the tribulation). The tribulation period has definitely not commenced because the Law of Moses has not been reinstated for the Jews which is ultimately the starting point for the 70th week.(Dan. 9:27) We will also see the Two Witnesses commencing their 1260 day ministry at this time in Jerusalem which we do not see yet.
I also believe that the symmetry of the world’s history culminates after 6 days (6000 years since creation) which is 2036. (See my timeline). Therefore the first seal in my estimation is opened late 2029 (2036-7 years = 2029 A.D.)
As per my blog in part 1, the white seal is more about security and a false deceptive peace in the world at that time not a pandemic or disease. That comes with the pale horse at the 4th horse. Another thing is that with these seal judgments 1/4 of the earth’s population is killed. That equates to ~ 2 billion people.
Your interpretation, although fascinating, does not meet all the criteria of fulfilling Biblical prophecy concerning the seals. In accurate Biblical exegesis an important fact to remember is that there are many applications but only one interpretation.