Last Updated on December 10, 2024 by Steve
Faith statement
In the book of Daniel, the Antichrist is described as the “king of the North”—another title for the coming evil end times dictator because he originates from the north of Israel.1 Many Bible students might be of the opinion that the Antichrist will not have any religious beliefs or hold to a faith statement but interestingly Daniel says otherwise.2 To help establish his identity and the way in which he will operate, this four-fold faith statement is a key in solving the puzzle. Here is the four-fold faith statement:
Let’s have a closer look at each one of these statements…
Four-fold faith statement
The Antichrist will reject the gods of his fathers
Firstly, Daniel tells us that the Antichrist will reject the gods of his fathers. The KJV translates “gods” in the singular “God”7 and sees that this is referring to Elohim—the one and only God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Some have seen that this could refer to either an Islamic Antichrist or a Jewish Antichrist because both Islam and Judaism could see this statement as being a reference to the God of the patriarchs or the God of Abraham if one follows the KJV translation. Muslims venerate Abraham as well as the Jews as he is seen as the ‘father’ of both religions. It is only after Abraham that there is a divide depending on whether you follow Ishmael or Isaac with Islam coming through the line of Ishmael and Judaism coming through the ‘son of promise’, Isaac.
However, most translations translate this as “gods” with a small “g” because the actual word in Hebrew is “elohim” with the pluralizer “im” on the end. Furthermore, the Septuagint (Greek Old Testament) has “theous” which is the plural “gods” as well. So “God” here is not a good translation—it has to be “gods” referring to the many pagan gods. This makes a lot of difference because in this first statement we can see that the future Antichrist cannot be Jewish if the translation is “gods” rather than “God”. This also ties in with history as well because every type of antichrist in bible history has been non-Jewish including Pharoah (Egypt), Sennacherib (the Assyrian), Nebuchadnezzar (Babylon), Haman the Agagite (Persia), Antiochus Epiphanes (Greece), Nero (Rome) and Adolf Hitler (Nazi). Notice in the list above that each one of the seven Gentile kingdoms described in Rev. 17:10 has had a type of antichrist. The eighth and final Antichrist has to be one of those seven and this resurrected person will be the end-times Antichrist (King of the North).8
The belief of this ministry is that the non-Jewish German dictator Adolf Hitler is the best candidate for the future king of the North and so this first faith statement should be examined in that light as well. Adolf Hitler was raised a Roman Catholic and was even confirmed and baptised into that religion. But later Hitler rejected Roman Catholicism and progressively Christianity only seeing it as a tool to be used for his advantage. But Hitler also rejected atheism as well and rejected a turning back to the ancient Germanic pagan gods including Wotan.9 In “Hitler’s Table Talk” one can find this quote from Hitler:
It seems to me that nothing would be more foolish than to re-establish the worship of Wotan. Our old mythology ceased to be viable when Christianity implanted itself. Nothing dies unless it is moribund (at the point of death).
So, there we have it, Hitler rejected the gods of his fathers even though Himmler, the head of the Nazi SS, and other Nazi leaders were well known to be into the occult and paganism. In fact, the Nazi’s aim was to eventually replace “weak” Christianity and the old paganism with their own religion. Historian Geoffrey Blainey wrote, “Nazism itself was a religion, a pagan religion, and Hitler was its high priest … Its high altar [was] Germany itself and the German people, their soil and forests and language and traditions.”
The Antichrist rejects the desire of women
The second item in the future Antichrist’s statement of faith says that he rejects ‘the desire of women’. What does this mean? Some think that this means that the Antichrist will be a homosexual because he doesn’t desire women. However this is, in fact, a Hebrew idiom meaning that he will reject Jesus Christ. The desire of women probably refers back to Haggai 2:7 which is a title for the Messiah because it was the universal desire of Jewish women to give birth to the future promised Messiah. This essentially means then that he will oppose the Jewish religion. This completely lines up with Hitler’s belief system according to history. Hitler rejected paganism, he rejected atheism, he rejected particularly Judaism and he tolerated ‘weak’ Christianity but only for a while and only because it was expedient to do so. After a time the plan was to ditch it for the new Aryan religion of Nazism.
The Antichrist rejects every other god
Furthermore, the 3rd point in his statement of faith says that the future beast/Antichrist, king of the North will reject and have no regard for any god but instead he will exalt himself. That was particularly true of Hitler as everyone addressed him with “Heil Hitler” replacing “God be with you” as a greeting. Hitler was worshipped as a Messiah figure in German schools every morning in song almost as God Himself. He said, “I believe I am acting in the sense of the Almighty Creator.” Watch the following 12-minute video clip “God & Hitler“.
The Antichrist honours a god of fortresses
Finally, the final Antichrist will honour a god of fortresses. In other words, this refers to his own ability to wage war against all that stands in his way. No one will be able to stop him and he will defeat all during his mad last 3 ½ years reign of terror. This is a good description of the old Hitler during the Nazi reign of terror and in the same vein, the revived resurrected new Hitler will be exactly the same. The reason that he will act the same way and hold to the same values is that I believe he will be exactly the same person resurrected into a ‘new’ body. You might be asking how can that be so as he died over 75 years ago. It certainly would be quite astonishing and that is exactly what Rev. 17:8 NIV says. The whole world will be astonished because they won’t be expecting it.
The coming dictator will be resurrected
How do we know from the Scriptures that the dictator will have a new body? Rev. 19:20 says that the beast and his false prophet were thrown alive into the lake of fire. They weren’t killed in the traditional sense but captured and thrown alive into the lake. That’s because these two men had already previously died and been resurrected from history and the next step was to be cast into the eternal fire. Hebrews 9:27 says that you can only die once and after that face judgment. They would be the first two souls to enter into their eternal destiny and then be joined 1000 years later by the rest of the dead whose names were not found in the Lamb’s Book of Life at the Great White throne judgment. The devil himself would be cast into the abyss to be released after 1000 years to deceive the world one more time at the end of the millennial period.
Best candidate is Adolf Hitler
Personally, I don’t think there is any better candidate for the coming Antichrist or King of the North than Nazi Germany’s Adolf Hitler. Clearly, he is one of the most evil men in all of history and he matches all of the clues that are presented in the Bible including this four-fold statement of faith in Daniel 11:37–38. The whole world will soon be astonished but you need not be if your name is written in the book of life.10 Keep your eyes open and your ears to the ground and watch out that you are not deceived.
6 Responses
Hello there Steve,
I don’t quite get the point you are making about the Beast being thrown alive into the lake of fire when all the lost are also and they will not have another resurrection either.. I’m.missing something.
God bless,
Hi Mick,
The point with the beast being thrown alive into the Lake of Fire proves that he is a man from history because there is only one resurrection unto everlasting life or contempt. True, you might be brought back to life after a few hours or four days like Lazarus but not after 90 years like Hitler or 2000 years like Nero if he is the only other likely candidate from history. Lazarus and the others you mentioned were resurrected back to this life but not everlasting life or everlasting contempt as it says in Daniel 12:3. That is the true resurrection. Your reference 1 Kings 17:21 even says this. “O LORD my God, let this boy’s life return to him!” It wasn’t a new life that Elijah was asking for but that the boy’s old life would be returned.
The whole point is that this obscure verse (Rev. 19:20) gives extra weight to the theory that the Antichrist is someone from history such as Hitler and explains how they get here from the abyss. It is not by some magic or that the beast will be a fake or trickery like a robot or AI. It proves that it will be a real man and that he gets his resurrection a thousand years early. There won’t be anyone else in the Lake of Fire for another 1000 years until after the Great White throne judgment. The beast and the false prophet are the first two because they are so evil.
Steve, here are the verses of “twice dead” people –
Examples of ten temporary resurrections: three by Jesus (Matt. 9:25; Luke 7:14; John 11:14) and seven by others (1 Kings 17:21; 2 Kings 4:34; 2 Kings 13:20-21, John 2:1-10 with Matt. 12:40, Acts 9:40, 14:20, 20:10).
The question is, if we are to die once and receive a resurrected body, how is it that it did not happen to any of the above?
God bless,
Hi Mick,
That’s fine with those examples. The simple answer is according to Heb. 9:27 is that men are appointed to death. In other words those who died twice or even more times – their death was not appointed until they finally did die for good.
So to use the main example of Lazarus: The first time that he died was not his appointed time. His appointed time was when he died the final time on earth probably decades later or whenever that was. Another point is, what is death anyway because nowadays people “die” all the time such as when a man suffers a cardiac arrest and the doctors say to him after he was resuscitated you were dead for 45 seconds. It doesn’t really make sense. I’ve watched loads of videos over the years of what happens to people after they died and a common testimony is that they are told, “it’s not your appointed time yet, you have to go back because you have things to do” etc etc.
A person’s time is decreed by God anyway. The Bible says, “Man’s days are determined; you (God) have decreed the number of his months and have set limits he cannot exceed” (Job 14:5).
At the end of the day I don’t see how your query relates to a man coming back from the dead as the beast and being thrown into the Lake of Fire alive. Obviously Hitler did die on April 30th 1945 and his body was incinerated shortly thereafter. Every person is resurrected, some to everlasting life and the others to everlasting contempt (Dan. 12:3). What I am saying is that everyone only gets one everlasting resurrection as opposed to being revived back to this life because everyone dies (except those raptured). The man of sin will get his resurrection and then the reason that he is thrown alive into the Lake of Fire is because he can’t be resurrected again. Man’s appointed time of death is only once. Those people you quoted who died twice obviously wasn’t their time but they will be resurrected again either to everlasting life or everlasting death.
Thanks Steve, lots to ponder and consider!
Thanks again Steve, it’s all a bit hard to get my head around but I truly believe things are changing and changing very fast and we certainly need to be on our guard not to be deceived.