Last Updated on January 25, 2025 by Steve
If you hadn’t noticed the Jewish years have just clicked over from 5782 to 5783 as the Jewish New Year’s Day has just come and gone. It is also known as Rosh Hashanah. Now if you are a long-time reader of my blogs you’ll be familiar that I am of the belief that this Jewish reckoning of years is incorrect and that we are a lot closer to 6000 years. In fact, if my findings are correct the 6000th year comes in 2036. I have been watching a live camera on the Western Wall the last few days to see what is happening as the New Year clicked over. As predicted there were many people, Jews and Gentiles gathered with the blowing of the shofar as well. See my blog on “What exactly is the last trumpet?” This happens on New Year’s Day because it is also the Feast of Trumpets or Yom Teruah (The day of blowing). This in fact will be the day of the rapture in the future (most likely September 2036 IMHO).
Not the rapture this year
A good friend of mine was waiting for the pre-trib rapture to occur on this day this year but disappointingly for him, it did not occur. I believe that Daniel’s 70th week will begin on Rosh Hashanah 2029, seven years before the last Rosh Hashanah in 2036. Daniel prophesied that there would be 69 weeks (shabbu’im) of years and then one last week (seven years) of years before Christ returns. Just after Rosh Hashanah 2029 on Tishrei 22 (1st October 2029) on Sh’mini Atzeret, the last Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles is possibly the perfect day for the two witnesses to reveal themselves and to begin prophesying. The reason is that when the 1260 days of ministry of the two witnesses is added from this date (1st October 2029) to the second half of 1290 days of tribulation plus ten days to the Day of Atonement (1st October 2036) a perfect total of seven years is attained. I have held this theory for a little while now and I have been praying lately that God would confirm or deny this for me. Lo and behold, Nelson Walters, who has a popular end times ministry on YouTube recently declared the same day as being the likely commencement of the ministry of the two witnesses—i.e., the 8th day which is the actual meaning of Sh’mini Atzeret! See below.
The 70th week is still yet to come
The upshot of all of this for me (not Nelson Walters) is that we now have less than five years to go before the start of the last 70th week,1 according to my calculations. (Scroll below to the counter at the bottom of page for update). Of course in prophetic news of late is the story about five red heifers arriving in Israel. There are mixed views on whether pure and unblemished red heifers are needed to recommence the Jewish sacrificial system once again but one thing for sure is that the two witnesses begin their ministry by measuring an existing temple.2 So, it seems as though a temple is to be built before they start which we do not see yet. Plenty of time for that.
It actually makes the perfect start to their ministry for several reasons if a little background to the day is known. On this last great day the harvest cycle is finished and everyone is happy so immediately it was the day that the Jews would start praying for rain to come in preparation for the next harvest cycle and according to history rain often did come on this day. In Israel, the rains would normally begin at this time from October/November continuing through to March/April. These were known as the Autumn or early rains and the Spring or latter rains as described in James 5:7. Interestingly the one time that this 8th day is mentioned in the New Testament is when Jesus stands up in the temple courts and said in a loud voice, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink.”3 It’s all about the water especially when you think of the first and original Elijah. The very first mention of Elijah is when he appears before King Ahab and declares that there will be no rain or dew in the next few years except unless Elijah said there would be.4 One of the two witnesses is certainly a type of Elijah (the third one) and his very first task on Day 1/1260 at Sh’mini Atzeret could very well be to declare that for the next few years that there will be no rain unless he says so. We learn from James 5:17 that it did not rain on the land for 3 ½ years because of Elijah’s earnest prayer. Could it be that there will be no rain for the entire 1260 days of the ministry of the two witnesses? It seems most likely when you consider that droughts are times of testing designed to bring about repentance. When we have everything we need we don’t pray and we don’t turn to God.
Elijah appeared at ‘zero hour’5 in Israel’s history. The third Elijah will also appear at zero hour—the moment that his ministry starts and not a day early and not a day late. He will not be a day late or a dollar short! The question is, “Who will be his companion, the other witness?” I have some ideas but I will leave that for another blog.
Elijah appeared at 'zero hour' in Israel's history
Simchat Torah (Joy of the Torah)
There is another day called Simchat Torah which also falls around the same time on the very next day after Sh’mini Atzeret. This is the day that the Jews begin a new reading cycle of the Torah.6 So what better day to start prophesying for the two witnesses than to start at the beginning and recount what God has done. They may even teach from Creation to Christ to fill in the blanks for those who do not understand exactly what Christ has done and that He has in fact already come. This of course would be anathema to the Jews because they are still waiting for their Messiah’s first coming. No wonder the two witnesses have the power to protect themselves from their enemies.7 Remember from history that Elijah called down fire from heaven when attacked by two regiments of 50 soldiers sent from King Ahaziah.8 History may not be repeating but it certainly rhymes.9
What else might they do and say? Another distinct possibility is that the two witnesses will reveal or confirm the identity of the coming Antichrist. Of course the Antichrist will be their murderer after 1260 days and they will surely know who that person is. The Antichrist is not revealed until the halfway mark at the 5th trumpet when the abyss is opened.10
Below is my proposed countdown (IMO—in my opinion) to the appearance of the two witnesses in Jerusalem on Sh’mini Atzeret 2029 (1st October 2029). See also my timeline where you can clearly see how things start at Sh’mini Atzeret.
Proposed countdown to the two witnesses appearing...
- as at Dec 2024 [↩]
- Rev. 11:1–2 [↩]
- John 7:37–38 [↩]
- 1 Kings 17:1 [↩]
- ‘Zero hour’ is the scheduled time for the start of an operation or action, especially a combat operation of great size. [↩]
- The Torah is the first five books of the Hebrew Bible: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy. Torah is the same as Pentateuch. [↩]
- Rev. 11:5 [↩]
- 2 Kings 1:1–18 [↩]
- quote from Mark Twain [↩]
- Rev. 9:2, 17:8 [↩]
2 Responses
Very interesting Steve. There is alot of revelation based media at present as the world begins to turn on the globalists and many Christians and non-christians are hungry to restore their countries to their traditional roots.
As it should be…and a certain demographic trying to take over the world should be worried.
Plenty of food for thought here Steve. Very interesting.