Last Updated on January 24, 2025 by Steve
Freedom or control
Ever heard of the “Red Pill Expo“? Its self-stated mission is to “help truth seekers understand how the world really works”. For those of you who have watched the 1999 cult film, “The Matrix”, you would be well familiar with the scene where Morpheus offers Neo (Keanu Reeves) the choice of taking the blue pill or the red pill. The red pill represents an uncertain future—it would free him from the enslaving control of the machine-generated dream world and allow him to escape into the real world, but living the “truth of reality” is harsher and more difficult. On the other hand, the blue pill represents a beautiful prison—it would lead him back to ignorance, living in confined comfort without want or fear within the simulated reality of the Matrix.
You take the blue pill...the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Neo chooses the red pill and so joins the rebellion.
We are all faced with a choice like Neo
Today we are faced with a similar choice as Neo. In fact, we are Neo—confronted with the truth of where we are at in this 21st century world. The choice is blissful ignorance by swallowing the blue pill or swallowing the red pill where we are faced with the harsh reality of life. My contention is that the blue pill is the world and all it has to offer and like Neo, at first we don’t even realise the world we are born into until we start to question the sinful world we live. Cracks start to appear and we wonder what life is all about. Then hopefully we are offered the “red pill” where we start to hear the truth in the Bible and what the meaning of life is with God as the all-powerful creator of the world and mankind. And we are faced with a choice: do we believe what God says in His Word and so take the red pill or do we ignore the message, the Gospel, and what Christ has done for us and keep living for ourselves, money and riches. The choice is that stark. It is either the red pill or the blue pill. Jesus said something similar in Matt. 6:24, “No one is able to serve two masters. For either, he will hate the one and love the other, or he will hold onto one and despise the other one. You will not be able to serve both God and Money.”
No one is able to serve two masters. For either, he will hate the one and love the other, or he will hold onto one and despise the other one. You will not be able to serve both God and Money.
In this verse, God’s message is the red pill and ‘Money’ is the blue pill. Unfortunately, most people in the world take the blue pill which means they don’t want to face the harsh reality that they are sinners and the danger they face if they take the blue pill. If they take the blue pill, sure, they can ignore their destiny for a time on this earth but eventually, reality will catch up with them and their lives will be over and they will have to face their Maker. By taking the red pill, as Neo did in the movie, and facing the harsh reality now, we can actually take action now and be prepared and avert the danger of hell that all of mankind faces.
Studying prophecy is the key
Today we are again faced with the red pill or the blue pill analogy as we move towards the end of the age as we know it. Christ is coming soon and we can either be blissfully ignorant or we can learn, prepare and study prophecy and be aware of all that is about to occur and what we need to do and how to prepare. Using the analogy, God wants us to take the red pill not the blue pill. We must serve God not Money, the choice is that stark. This shouldn’t frighten us but it should give us hope as we wait for our returning Saviour who will set everything right. Good has won, evil has lost 2000 years ago but the Devil wants to fool you into taking the blue pill. He wants you to stay in the matrix and be controlled by the system. The system keeps us happy, fed, and comforted but it is all fake just like the matrix.
Bliss is coming but we just have to wait a little while longer and it is not blissful ignorance as in the blue pill. But neither will the glorious new state of reigning with Christ be a stark reality. Rather it will be a blissful reality! The Apostle John’s promise to those who read the words of the prophecy in the book of Revelation is that they will be blessed.1 Furthermore, those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it (Book of Revelation) will be blessed. In these last days, prophecy will be key.
Study prophecy. Start by listening to my “Now is the time” series in Revelation.
- Rev. 1:3 [↩]
2 Responses
Sounds like the US elections to me.
The red pill sure does open your senses to the rabbit hole.
I often wonder what the world looks like to the blue pill taker? Very small I suspect, because only God can truly open our eyes to what is in this world.