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The beast and CBDCs

Last Updated on December 6, 2024 by Steve


Since my last post dated 7th November 2020 on CBDCs and that a great monetary reset is coming (A great monetary reset is coming!) the likelihood of the plan has only intensified.  In this blog, I want to highlight your attention to something that connects the coming beast and the Antichrist even more to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) than I previously thought.  It’s all coming together perfectly in the time frame that I can see within the next decade or so.  Furthermore, the reporting of the coming CBDCs has increased amongst many finance experts with 90% of all central banks investigating CBDCs.  They have either launched, are researching, developing, planning, or in pilot stage.  For a complete up-to-date picture of where it’s all at see the Atlantic CBDC tracker website.  I was surprised to learn that Australia is further along than I thought being in pilot stage.

Definition of a CBDC

What exactly is a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC)?  A CBDC is virtual money backed and issued by a central bank.  As cryptocurrencies and stablecoins have become more popular, the world’s central banks have realized that they need to provide an alternative—or let the future of money pass them by.1

When will they be launched widely across the world?

At present, only Nigeria with its eNaira, and some Caribbean countries have actually launched their CBDCs.  Nigeria has had all sorts of problems and is a test case in many ways before the majority of nations fully adopt the new digital currencies.  Citizens have been reluctant to adopt so the central bank has encouraged adoption by restricting cash withdrawals from ATMs and canceling old banknotes with the aim of heading towards a cashless society.2

As far as countries in the West are concerned, opinions are that CBDCs will start being launched in the next couple of years from 2025–2030.3

The point is that a cashless society and digital currencies are inevitable as we head toward 2030.  The consensus of opposing opinion, however, is that CBDCs will result in reduced privacy, and increased social control, and will generally result in totalitarian behaviour by the global elite.  In my opinion, this will not be a good thing.  The beauty of cash is that it cannot be tracked and leads to increased privacy.

Who is in control of the money supply?

A totalitarian monetary system needs to be in full swing by the time the Antichrist arrives otherwise he would not have time to fulfill his intense agenda which only lasts 3 ½ years.  The way the financial system is currently set up can be seen in the following Global Private-Public partnership flow chart…

For a higher resolution click on the above image.  Upon examination, you’ll notice that the central bank of all central banks, the BIS (Bank of International Settlements) is the ultimate controlling entity of money supply in the world.

How will the Antichrist use CBDCs?

This question is the crux of my whole blog and the answer of course is an educated guess because it is in the future and no one truly knows how the Antichrist or coming beast will make use of this increased control but one thing we do know is that no one will be able to buy or sell unless they have his mark.  There is no doubt that he will be in total control of the monetary system when he arises from the abyss at the midpoint of the final seven years and he no doubt will take over or work with the BIS.  Ultimately there will be many CBDCs developed by each nation’s or region’s central bank/s so it will give an appearance of many currencies but in fact, they will all work in sync with the BIS which is seated at the top.  One-world currencies have freaked people out for a long time so to allay the public’s fears there will be the appearance of many digital currencies but they will all work in practice as a one-world currency.  This will suit the agenda of the beast because he will need total control.  And this is the diabolical part that finance guru Rick Rule foresees as a nightmare if someone like Hitler, Stalin or the Chinese Mao had had access to a technology like CBDCs.

The worst nightmare is coming

But the shocking realisation is that, in my opinion, Adolf Hitler himself will be resurrected and so he will have access to this technology in the near future to enforce his totalitarian control over the citizens of the earth.  Rick Rule’s statement is I think prescient and it totally shocked me because his nightmare scenario is true, not that he himself thinks that Hitler will ever return.  It was just a hypothetical in his mind to demonstrate the danger of CBDCs.  The Great Tribulation will be the worst time that the earth has ever seen—period.  Hitler or someone in his spirit will rise and he will be able to exert his control and enforce his mark on the financial system of the world.  The groundwork I believe we can now say is being laid with the CBDC technology and the like and we are charging full speed ahead towards it.

What can we do about it?  Not much really.  It is going to happen.  Rick Rule suggests using cash and we can do that but it won’t stop the new technology from being implemented.  All we can do is personally prepare by being outside the system as much as possible (cash/gold/silver), feed the poor, keep the faith, and be faithful in the ministries God has given to us till the very end.  There is still a great work to be done in ministering to those around us who need the gospel.  We need to spread this message because the time is getting away.

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2 Responses

  1. My heart always breaks a little as I hear so very often fellow believers respond in these days with “hurry or come Lord Jesus”…as I am finding myself respond in opposite with “just wait a little longer Lord Jesus” to give more people more time. As excited as I am at the prospect of meeting Him, I relish the thought of being accompanied by a greater number than fewer..even if by minutes!

  2. Hmmmmm…….yes, we cannot stop it from happening. As you say, Steve, we need to bring people to our Saviour, Jesus Christ, and help them to prepare.

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