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The Antichrist’s first 150 days

Last Updated on January 24, 2025 by Steve

The parallel between FDR and Hitler

I am currently reading a fascinating book entitled “Hitler’s First Hundred Days“, by Peter Fritzsche as pictured above.  What’s the fascination with the first 100 days of a new leader of a country or a new CEO of a company and where did this term originate?

It all started with Franklin D Roosevelt.  FDR was elected at the height of the Great Depression and wanted all Americans to know that he was going to get to work right away to improve their lives.  He came to office on March 4th, 1933, which was an exceptionally difficult year in the history of America. The stock market had crashed in 1929, and by 1933, fifteen million people were out of work and nearly half of the banks in the US had failed.  FDR wanted to reassure Americans that he was going to take quick, decisive action. And he absolutely delivered with his New Deal. His first 100 days included popular programs, legislation, and public-works projects to get the country working again. All U.S. presidents since then have been measured against his standard and leaders of countries, companies, and organisations across the world have since adopted a similar mantra of achieving something important in their first 100 days.  Interestingly, FDR died while in office on April 12th, 1945.  His tenure in office lasted 12 years which was almost identical in length to Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich.  Hitler became German chancellor by intrigue on January 30th, 1933, and committed suicide on April 30th, 1945 only 18 days after FDR’s death.  Hitler’s National Socialist (NAZI) party was elected into power on March 5th only one day after FDR was sworn into office as the 32nd President of the U.S.  The parallel is astonishing and Hitler’s first 100 days in office were also equally significant.  The burning down of the German parliament (The Reichstag) on the night of February 27th, 1933 was Day 30 of the Third Reich and many put the responsibility for this on the Nazis themselves in order to force a crisis where the Nazis would provide the only viable solution in the upcoming elections against the Communists.  Yet only 44% of voters actually voted for Hitler’s party in the election on March 5th but together with the 8% of the German Nationalist party, Hitler was ‘democratically’ elected to become the worst dictator in history.  Peter Fritzsche notes that the week that followed the elections was the single most consequential week in German history.  It featured attacks on Jews as well as Communists and Social Democrats and set the stage for the takeover of Germany’s political and administrative structures.1  It was a time of great joy for the Nazis after they had gained the electoral victory on March 5th, 1933.  The beast (Nazi Germany) was awakened!2

Germany has awakened! We are all rolling around in ecstasy.

Joseph Goebbels Nazi Minister of Propaganda
The first 150 days of the second and final beast

Different people have referred to Adolf Hitler as the beast the first time around such as Jewess Edith Hahn when training as a young Red Cross nurse in Germany when having to show allegiance to Adolf Hitler, the beast.  Deep down she prayed, “let the beast Hitler be destroyed.”   Watch “The Nazi Officer’s Wife” on YouTube for the quote here…

I am certainly of the view that a resurrected Hitler in some form will be the prophesied beast or Antichrist to come in the last 3 ½ years.  But my point is that just as Hitler, the first beast, solidified his reign and established his Third Reich in the first 100 days, the final beast to come will also astonishingly do some incredible evil acts not in 100 days but 150 days.  I believe the Bible gives us a hint that the Antichrist will begin his reign of terror with an initial 150 days of “blitzkrieg”3 which he will achieve with such ferocity and speed that it will be shock and awe for the remaining Christians who did not escape to the safe place at the halfway mark to southern Jordan, perhaps Petra itself.  The Christians on earth at that time will have no defence except free will itself to refuse the mark of the beast.  The Bible talks about when the abyss is opened and how out of the abyss comes the resurrected beast4 but also a hoard of demonic locusts with the power in their tails to torture those without the seal of God on their foreheads.5  This torture period will last for five months, specifically the first five months or 150 days.  This, I believe, will be an intense period when the Antichrist’s agents will enforce his mark upon as many as possible and as quickly and as efficiently as possible.  They will not be killed during this period but perhaps kept in confinement until the time when they can be disposed of.  Men will want to die but will not be allowed to during this period.  This will take great patience and endurance on behalf of the saints who refuse the mark.6  But sadly the Bible talks about most falling into line with the beast during this period and falling away.  It is at this time when the man of lawlessness (beast or Antichrist) is revealed that the great apostasy occurs.  What is this apostasy?  In my opinion, a great turning away from the faith occurs because many will take the mark of the beast due to the pressure applied by the demonic locusts to take it or face 150 days of torture.  Also at that time will be a great delusion where most will be deceived into believing the lie that they can achieve eternal life by taking the beast’s mark.7  This was the original lie offered to Eve by the devil that she can be like God if she ate from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil.

Another 150 days precedence in the Bible!

Is there another precedence in the Scriptures of 150 days of testing?  Yes, there surely is which has only just come to my attention in studying this subject!  Let me first ask you a question…

How many days did it rain in Noah’s flood?  Like me, you probably responded with, “40 days and 40 nights” only.  And after all 40 is the number that signifies testing in the Bible.  Now whilst it does say that God sent rain for 40 days and 40 nights that does not mean that it did not continue raining after that time.  The impression is that it rained and the springs of the great deep burst forth for 40 days and 40 nights only.  But according to well-respected Genesis commentator Henry Morris and others the waters prevailed for 150 days.8  Morris says that it was not until after this period that the fountains of the deep and the windows of heaven were actually shut.9  So what was the purpose of the mention of it raining for 40 days and 40 nights then?  According to others upon careful examination of the text10 this was the time that it took for the ark to float off of the ground and for the waters to rise completely above the highest point of the earth to a depth of 20 feet.  This was the first period of judgment when it could be assured that there was no living thing left on the earth.  In other words, it can be seen that the first 40 days were the initial judgment upon the earth for man’s great wickedness.  It was 40 days and then 110 more days before this period was complete and then God remembered Noah.

Look for the sign when to flee to the mountains

Similarly, my calculations of the end times have led me to see that once the sign of the Abomination of Desolation is seen11 that is the signal for all those in Judea at that time to flee to the mountains across the Jordan Valley to the other side into Jordan.  This is the time when the abyss is opened yet the woman is protected as she escapes from the flood that the serpent spews out of his mouth to overtake the woman in a torrent.  During this intense period, the two witnesses will be killed by the beast out of the abyss.  In fact, that is probably the first item on his agenda because of the trouble they have caused him by prophesying and preaching the gospel and warning the saints for 1260 days.  After this initial period when the Antichrist is unsuccessful in killing the woman, the dragon will turn his attention to the rest of those who claim to follow Jesus and obey God’s commandments.  This will be the equivalent to the time of Hitler’s post-March 5th 1933 elections which Peter Fritzsche described as the single most consequential week in German history.  It was a time of great persecution and fear by all of those who opposed the Nazis.  It was a time when those who opposed the prevailing and elected government shut their mouths, rolled away their banners, and hid behind closed doors.  In contrast, those who were cupboard “brown-shirts” or Nazis boldly came out into the open in a much greater fashion and searched high and low for communists and Hitler haters.

Another option-flee!

We need to be aware that the first 150 days of the beast’s reign of terror is coming and will be awful.  It will be a time of intense persecution when you will have to yield to the demonic locusts whatever they really are and take the mark of the beast or refuse and be patient only to lose your life at some later date.  But the alternative and best option, if you are still alive at that time, will be to escape or run for your lives before this begins.  Hopefully by that time you are already at the staging ground in Judea ready to flee.12  The survivors will be there ready waiting for the sign as to when to make the last part of the journey probably by foot 40 km or so across the ditch.13  What is this sign?  Jesus tells us specifically that when you see the abominaton of desolation spoken about by Daniel standing in the holy place (third temple) then that is the time to flee.11

The initial 150 days will be a period of intense change

It is my contention and belief with the information I have at this time that like Hitler’s first hundred days and FDR’s first hundred days where there was a period of intense change, there will also be a period of intense change when the second Hitler comes.  There will be the murder of the two witnesses, the proclaiming of himself to be God in God’s temple, the attempt by the serpent to drown and kill those who flee into the desert, a world-wide chasing down of the saints and people to take the beast’s mark, and subsequent torture.  This will lead to a period of great apostasy when most remaining Christians will fold and relent to the demands of the Antichrist just like what happened under Hitler the first time.  Also at this time, the Jewish temple will be brought low, surrendered and the daily sacrificial system will be brought to an end.14  Just like in AD 70 it will take time for this to happen as the Jews will no doubt bravely defend their temple and fight to the end.  After all, it will only just have been rebuilt after thousands of years.  How long will this take to destroy? 150 days!  Why you ask?  Because that then ushers in the 2300 day prophecy where from this time 1150 days will be counted out until the Lord returns in glory to defeat the Antichrist and false prophet.  The sanctuary (the temple) will be surrendered and the Lord’s people or host trampled underfoot for the next 1150 days.15  The first 150 days are important because it begins the beast’s reign of terror and he has much to accomplish in a short time.  


In conclusion, you have to remember that the devil has been waiting for his chance to rule for a very long time.  When he opens the abyss he finally has all the forces of hell at his disposal including the second Hitler and so he makes the most of it by starting out furiously.  Adolf Hitler the first beast had also been biding his time since the early 1920s and trying for years to gain power.  He finally got his chance and achieved chancellorship on January 30th, 1933.  For the next 100 days, he bedded down his power brutally by burning down the Reichstag and creating a crisis, cunningly winning the March 5th elections, and starting the process of eliminating all opposition including communism, Catholics, the church, and the Jews. I will expect no less from the ‘second Hitler’ when Satan is allowed to open the abyss.  Except this time it will be 150 days or five months.  However, for the first period of days, perhaps even 40 days, we will have the chance to escape so we need to take that opportunity.  But first, we need to be ready to get to the staging ground (Judea and Mt. Zion) when we receive the call to go.  Be ready and don’t get too tied down by the affairs of this world.

  1. Fritzsche Peter, Hitler’s First Hundred Days (2021), p. 136 []
  2. Ibid., p. 132 []
  3. German for lightning war []
  4. Rev. 17:8 []
  5. Rev. 9:1–6 []
  6. Rev. 14:12 []
  7. 2 Thess. 2:11 []
  8. Gen. 8:2 []
  9. Morris, Henry M, The Genesis Record (1995), p. 202 []
  10. Gen. 7:17–18 []
  11. Matt. 24:15 [] []
  12. Matt. 24:16 []
  13. Joel 2:32 []
  14. Dan. 8:11–12 []
  15. Dan. 8:13 []

2 Responses

  1. Mark of the beast is exactly that, Mark is the DNA of every creation of God, and the word Beast in the bible is an animal.
    This is the introduction of animal DNA vaccines being placed in God’s DNA. in 2020
    This relates to Rev 9 being the first woe, and the locust plague at the end of the 150 days of problems for Males.
    It also compares of 150 days of judgement of the flood.
    The end of the 3 and a half years is the July 2023
    This means while most males are having with their health
    The perfect time for,
    The antichrist will demand the world to accept him
    Most industry could stop because the males can’t work

    1. Hi David,

      You are over a decade out by my calculations as everything ends at the end of 6000 years–6 days! The 150 days relates to the time in between the beast’s rising out of the abyss and the 5 months or 150 days of the locusts enforcing the beast’s mark.

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