Last Updated on December 9, 2024 by Steve
Many theories
There are many ideas floating around among end times Bible buffs that the Antichrist will be a Jew, a Muslim, an Arab, from Syria, from Turkey, from ancient Assyria, and so forth. In fact, the Bible does call the end times dictator, “The Assyrian”.1 So where does the future beast, the Antichrist, the man of sin talked about so much in the Bible actually originate? It’s a puzzle that has perplexed scholars for millennia. I think the Bible is pretty clear that the future beast will be European from a few different places in the Old Testament. To be even more specific Dan. 9:26 makes it clear that he comes from the Roman Empire. I looked at these issues fairly extensively in my article, “Why the coming Antichrist will not be a Jew” so I won’t repeat what I wrote in that article. The new information that I hadn’t seen before to further prove that the Antichrist must be European and more specifically German is explained in this article you are reading now. There is a small piece of the jigsaw puzzle in Dan. 8:9 as follows…
Then from one of the prominent horns came a small horn whose power grew very great. It extended toward the south and the east and toward the glorious land of Israel.
The little horn possibly comes from Germany
So what this is saying is that the beast or the small/little horn grows his power and influence to the south and the east. In modern terms, southeast. If one draws a line on a 45-degree angle from Berlin (the place where Adolf Hitler died on April 30th, 1945) you arrive almost exactly at Jerusalem (See map above). Now 45 degrees below the horizontal (135 degrees from north) is exactly in the southeast direction or northwest if viewed from the perspective of Jerusalem. To further clarify the point no other place on earth really fits the clue and the beast could quite possibly be German. He cannot be Syrian, Russian, Arab, American, or any other place because they don’t fit this geographical constraint of being northwest of Jerusalem. When one considers the title “The Assyrian”, this may fit what some historians claim to be true in that Germany originated from the White Assyrians. See my article on how this title fits with ‘The German’ in “Who is the Assyrian?“
One small matter that needs to be cleared up is that this verse in Dan. 8:9–14 has an initial fulfillment with Antiochus Epiphanes from the Seleucid Empire in the 2nd century BC. The second primary fulfillment of the ‘little horn’ comes with the end times beast. The Seleucid Empire included Turkey in its domain which also fits the prophecy of expanding to the southeast when examining the 45-degree line in the above map. Note also that the seat of Satan was located in western Turkey or Asia Minor too. Ironically this was dismantled piece by piece by the Germans in the 1870–80s and reconstructed and moved to Berlin in 1910. It was placed in the Pergamon Museum on Museum Island in Berlin in 1958 and remains there to this very day. According to Dr. Steven Zucker2 in the late 19th century Prussia had ambitions to be the new Rome rivaling the great museum cities of France and Britain. Interestingly there are reports of Turkish President Erdogan wanting to relocate the seat of Satan (Altar of Zeus) back to its original home at Pergamon in southwest Turkey by 2023 for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Turkish Republic and the Treaty of Lausanne.3 Supposedly the altar has been under renovation since 2014 in Berlin which is slated to be complete by 2023.
So all these clues seem to fit the puzzle and the picture is becoming clearer, in my opinion, to point to the evil coming beast being an updated resurrected German dictator who comes up out of the abyss—Adolf Hitler. The world will be astonished when they see the beast who once was, now is not, and yet will come because it may very well be Adolf Hitler.4 Now that would be quite astonishing and extremely disturbing!
- Micah 5:5–6 [↩]
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- Rev. 17:8 [↩]
6 Responses
Hitler was Austrian, not German. There is a difference…
Hi CR,
I don’t think that is real important because Austria is still European on the border of Germany and in that north-western direction. The important point is that the Antichrist will be European from the Roman Empire. Furthermore Hitler renounced his Austrian citizenship in 1925 and became a German citizen on February 25th 1932, a year before becoming German Chancellor. Hitler often talked about German supremacy and superiority over other races. Hitler also saw Austria as an extension of Germany. He said, “German domain extends as far as the German tongue is spoken.” (Irving D, Hitler’s War, p. 2) See this National Geograhpic article on Hitler becoming a German citizen.
Hi Steve, I’m wondering how 666 fits with this prediction of who is the AC. The bible says we will know him by this number. “Here is wisdom. Let him that has understanding count the number of the beast for it’s the number of a man and his number is 666,” Revelation 13:18.
Hi Rob,
I don’t think we will know until the time comes how 666 fits into the AC but it will surely give us a solid confirmation. There is no doubt that if it is an updated resurrected Adolf Hitler then it will become clear that 666 will fit into the equation somehow. But at this point we can’t really identify the AC with this because there have been many in history who have tried using either Hebrew or Greek gematria to arrive at specific candidates including Nero Caesar etc. The important point is that it is not a man alive today but will be one of the dictators or rulers in one of the seven Gentile kingdoms who have ruled over and suppressed the Jews (Rev. 17:10-11). Interestingly Hitler’s party number was 555 in the 1920s. Maybe he will go 111 better when he gets resurrected as 111 means a new beginning or spiritual awakening and the resurrected Hitler will be inhabited possessed by demonic forces when he returns (Rev. 16:13). However this is all speculation at this stage and we will just have to wait.
But why would anyone want to take heed of Adolf Hitler? In retrospect, wouldn’t the world hate him?
Hi Stella,
Great question and entirely logical because I wouldn’t have ever thought that anyone would accept arguably the world’s worst dictator either. But just think about it… The beast has to be a man from history (a Gentile ruler from one of the seven Gentile kingdoms: Egypt; Assyria; Babylon; Persia/Medes; Greece; Rome; Nazi). Adolf Hitler is the only one who fits all the clues and if he was able to come back to life after 80-90 years then the world would think he was able to have power over life and death itself. It’s more that he would be able to demonstrate that he is the ultimate strongman. Besides God will send a powerful delusion so that people will believe the lie.(2 Thess. 2:11-12) What is that lie? I believe it is the lie that Satan fooled Eve with at the very beginning of time–that she could be like God and have eternal life. After seemingly conquering death itself an updated resurrected Hitler could offer supposed eternal life for those who are willing to follow him. What a tantalising but deceitful offer!
Also, I don’t think everyone will necessarily love him and he won’t be popular but as it says in Rev. 13:4, who will be able to make war with the beast? People will have no alternative and he will basically force the world to worship him through the mark of the beast system. People who disagree with him, and there will be many, will have to lose their lives. Basically it is a case that everyone in the playground or prison ground will fall into line behind the biggest bully. They won’t love him but they will be forced to choose and obey him if they want to survive. But choosing to take his mark will ironically be a fateful decision.