Last Updated on December 6, 2024 by Steve
13th March 2023
A few days ago, according to my best guess, on 13th March, we passed the ten years to go point before the Antichrist will rise from the abyss. I am reluctant to make such predictions because of such mantras as, “no one knows the day nor the hour” when the Son of Man will come.1 It even says that not even the Son knows, only the Father. Of course Jesus, when He said that, was referring to His own coming, not when the Antichrist will rise from the abyss. But one thing leads to another and once we have a starting point for the 70th week or last seven years then calculating dates becomes rather perfunctory. In my blog, “No one knows about that day or hour” I make the case that this is code phrase for the Jewish New Year’s Day or Rosh Hashanah or Feast of Trumpets. Essentially Jesus was saying that He was returning on the Feast of Trumpets which no one knew the exact day. Logically that doesn’t mean that we can’t work out the year or the season though. So, one does have to be careful to say that this or that is going to happen. We are all looking in a mirror dimly. Now I know in part, then I shall know in full.2 The irony according to the blog picture above is that there will be a space invasion in ten years time. It won’t be an alien invasion from Mars but a space invasion from the abyss with the rise of the demonic locusts. The inhabitants of the earth will likely be told we are being invaded from aliens from outer space but in fact it is all recorded in Rev. 9:1–11. The beast and the locusts will arise at the same time—it will be an utter Doomsday scenario.
It all depends on 6000 year timeline
In my blog, “The countdown to Sh’mini Atzeret 2029“, I state that this is when the countdown begins all because there is only 6000 years in God’s prophetic calendar. The early church fathers also believed this and many others do too. If that is the case then it becomes easy to count 1260 days forward from this date to when the beast arises out of the abyss. The interesting thing is that the beast has to be a ruler or dictator from one of the seven historic Gentile mountain kingdoms explained in Rev. 17:9–11. The only historic dictator that fits this description in my opinion is Adolf Hitler. Yes, as unbelievable and astonishing as that sounds, I believe that he will be resurrected to establish the Fourth Reich from 13th March 2033. We have exactly ten years to go as of 13th March 2023. One might argue that the world would never accept another Nazi like regime ever again! Good argument up until 2020 when we saw worldwide the totalitarian agendas of governments worldwide including Australia. The German, Klaus Schwab, has made his intentions clear of Agenda 2030 and the coming Great Reset. He even wrote a book called “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” in 2016. Is this really the “Fourth Reich” in code? Klaus Schwab’s father has been reported to have links to the Nazi Party in the 1930s.
Purim 2033 is the key
You might ask, “How did you come up with the date 13th March 2033?” Please read my blog, “The amazing coincidences of history!” where I explain how the resurrected Hitler will return just before Purim 2033. Purim is a time of great happiness in Israel when gifts are exchanged because of the hanging of Haman—a type of Antichrist. Satan does not forget and this would be the perfect time to exact revenge on the two witnesses who tormented Israel and the world for 1260 days. See my blog, “The ten sons of Hitler“. Interestingly, when the beast assassinates the two witnesses the inhabitants of the earth celebrate by sending each other gifts. Purim would be the perfect occasion to do this.
Counting from creation to the end is 6000 years
Actually, once you know the biblical mathematical key and chronology of what God is doing in recreating the original creation week in terms of one day = one thousand years and that God will only contend with man for 120 shannahs (cycles) in Gen. 6:3, all that needs to be done is to count. The formula is as follows: 120 x 50 (jubilee years) = 6000 years. This begins by counting through the genealogies in Genesis which is 2000 years up to the birth of Abraham. Next there is 500 years from Abraham to the exodus. The exodus was the Jubilee of Jubilees (50 x 50 years) = 2500 years after creation. After the exodus we learn in the Bible that there was another 500 year block known as the period of the Israelite Judges from Joshua to Samuel. The period of the kings comes next from Saul to the exile in Babylon–another 500 year block. The last 500 year block was in Daniel’s prophecy—the 69 week prophecy from Cyrus’ decree until when Christ was cut off.3 There is one more week (seven years) to go which is the last seven years of tribulation. In between the 69th and 70th week there is a gap of 2000 years in which Israel is punished for their disobedience. This is the church age. Adding all this up takes us to late AD 2029.
Are you ready?
There is possibly only ten years to go until Doomsday—The Great Tribulation begins and the beast and the demons arise. This will be a hard and difficult time for those remaining on the earth. The good news however, is there is an escape plan for Israel and it is in Rev. 12:6. But guess what? All believers including the church and believing Israel are the true Israel.4 Doomsday can be avoided for those willing to flee.5 Doomsday may be coming in ten years time but that means that the Lord Jesus Christ is only 1290 days away from this marker. It just needs patience on behalf of the believers.
But as always, don’t take my word for it. Do your own research and search the Scriptures.
9 Responses
Hi Steve,
Not long after I was born-again I asked the Spirit of God a question (Who and what are UFO’s?). Funny first question to ask you may say. I wanted an answer too. Well I didn’t get the answer right away, it was many years later after digging deeply into the Bible that God revealed the answer to my question. While reading the book of Genesis I awakened to something that changed my understanding of who we are in Christ and why we need to endure to the end.
In your blog, “Ten Years to Doomsday” you talk about a space invasion from the pit. Wow brother, that’s so amazing, that was the same answer I had been given from the Lord those many years later. After I had been given this answer I dug deeper into the Word of God and gained more and more understanding that this will take place. I then went around trying to make people aware of this event to take place in the end days. I called my message, “The coming greatest deception of the world.” Many Christian teachers and followers of Jesus told me I was barking up the wrong tree and that I had gone off with the “fairies.” My message was this, “If one day spaceships appear in the cities all over the world and one of the alien’s claim to be our creator god, don’t be fooled it’s going to be the Antichrist. What’s so hard to believe about that right? I thought, with so many movies made today about us being invaded from space by creatures that look just like the demons in the Bible and us defeating them that it wouldn’t be that too hard to understand. It’s so hard these days to share anything about the supernatural God we serve and even harder to share revelation of the supernatural enemy we fight against daily.
Matthew 13:13 “This is why I speak to them in parables, because seeing they do not see, and hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand.” Many in the church this day and age are spiritually dead to the supernatural things of God. I’m so thankful God has people like you brother that spend countless hours in prayer and study of God’s Word to bring us fresh revelation. Your blogs encourage us to seek out the truth in God’s Word.
Blessing to you and your family. Keep it coming Bro.
Thank you for the time you have spent on this (even though I do not completely concur with your timelines). I am personally surmising that the world is not judged during the period of Christ’s earthly ministry for it’s disobedience to God (hence the ‘6000 year’ time frame holds true) …. And, as you must be aware a number of scholars hold Christs’ death to have occurred in 33 AD (hence bringing the 2,000 ‘church age’ into play) .. the last seven year period of Daniel’s prophecies commencing in 2026 amid other calamitous events of the period. …God’s judgement falling upon God’s house (nations that consider themselves ‘Christian’) first of all as we are advised in the book of Peter.
Hi Malcolm,
Thanks for your comment. Did you see my article on why Christ died in AD 30?
Thank you for the post and link to your blog. I can sense Jesus coming is soon and even in the 1st century church too many expected Christ will return soon. Giving a precise date seems a bit too much to accept. It is our desire that Christ should come soon so that we will be delivered from the struggles, pain and suffering.
Well, someone said prepare for 100 years but live as though it is the last day before Christ coming. Most of us have grown old and wonder if we will see another 10 years!
It was good to read through.
God bless
Hebrews 9:27, And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment! I don’t think Hitler will make a comeback; however, I do believe the same spirit that inhabited Hitler and countless other dictators down thru history will appear again on the final stage of world history in the person of the Antichrist. We only need to look at current world events to realize things will not get any better until Lord Jesus returns to set up his kingdom. Brother Steve, Your timeline deserves a deep dive and more time to digest so I’ll hold judgment on that for later. Meantime, we should focus on Philippians 2:12-13 to work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. For the one at work in us, both to will and to work for his good pleasure, is God.
Hi John,
With respect to Adolf Hitler (the name “Adolf” means “noble wolf”) I could be wrong but he is my best guess. It has to be a resurrected man from history from one of the seven Gentile kings/mountains/empires as in Rev. 17:9-10. The seven Gentile kingdoms in order are: Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persian-Medes, Greece, Rome, Nazi Empire. Why is the 3rd Reich/Nazis included in this list as the seventh king? Because Rev. 17:10 says that the seventh king only remains a little while. The Nazis were only in power for 12 years. Furthermore Hitler is the only ruler who has had a fatal head wound from a “sword” (weapon of war). Hitler also is highly recognisable even today hence the world being astonished if they saw him come back from the dead. Also during his life he made several almost prescient quotes including “You will see. My spirit will arise from the grave. One day people will see that I was right.” (Adolf Hitler as quoted to Ribbentrop – his Foreign Minister.) See my blog “Sleeping heroes waiting to be awakened in the end times”
The beast is described as someone “who once was, and now is not, and will come up out of the abyss.” (Rev. 17:8) Clearly this is a man and the thing is, yes, all men die physically but all men also have a resurrection before they face judgment. With the beast and the false prophet they are resurrected 1000 years earlier than the rest of mankind and are judged because they are thrown alive into the Lake of Fire (Rev. 19:20). Why alive? They aren’t killed physically at Armageddon because they have already physically died once and subsequently been resurrected and the only place left for them to go is the Lake of Fire.
Feast of Trumpets September 2023; Harpazo? 🙂
Haha–you’ve got to be kidding! That means Christ would be coming back 13 years too early in Year 5987 A.M. Doesn’t make sense to me. But hey, if I’m wrong I don’t mind.
You wish, Craig.?