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Sign my petition: “The hand on our shoulders” (UPDATED)

Last Updated on December 10, 2024 by Steve


The petition has now closed and has been presented to the house.  There has been no response from the Minister concerned.  Thank you for those who signed.  There were 766 signatures in total.


E-petition EN2272 was with the Parliament of Australia and is now no longer available to read but the following is how it read… 

The e-petition formal request is as follows:  “We, therefore, ask the House to mandate the right for any employee in Australia to refuse any Covid-19 vaccine and not risk losing their job.”

Reason for petition:  “I would like employees the right to refuse any Covid-19 vaccines on ethical, moral or religious grounds especially those vaccines which have been used in the development, testing or production of aborted fetus cell lines from the 1960s. Employees would have the right to refuse any vaccine and thereby not risking losing their employment if they feel forced or that it goes against their conscience on ethical, moral or religious grounds. Employers would not have the right to enforce or coerce any of their employees to receive any Covid-19 vaccine but would be allowed to suggest and encourage their employees to do so according to their conscience.”

Loss of civil liberties

I don’t know about you but I am becoming increasingly concerned with the level of control and loss of civil liberties in the world and of course in my home country of Australia.  I can’t say that I am surprised particularly as we move towards the final seven-year period described in the Bible and known as the Tribulation.  I know that I have written extensively on this website about the deception that we will be faced with towards the end and even now.  I believe that this is all leading eventually to the ‘mark of the Beast‘ system whereby citizens of the world will no longer be able to buy or sell or even operate with any degree of anonymity.  This of course is the end game and we must do everything possible as Christians in the world that we live in to do what we can to fight against corruption, deception, loss of privacy, and the loss of freedom.  And the point is with the Corona vaccines whatever your opinion is about their efficacy or morality is that we should have the right to choose without the fear of losing employment or being treated as second-class citizens.  The loss of the right to refuse the vaccine without the fear of reprisal is the key point here and the point of my petition.

The day will come of course that the whole world will be forced to receive a financial ‘mark’ which may or may not be tied in with a health component.  This could lead to a kind of immunity passport whereby travel could be restricted unless a vaccine is obtained.  This is serious stuff and we are on a slippery slope.  If employers have the right to enforce their employees to get the vaccine with the threat of losing their jobs then this further reinforces not only the proverbial ‘nanny state’, but ensures the government becoming more and more authoritarian in nature.

Soft totalitarianism

Without purposely scaremongering, my view is that a totalitarian state is indeed in sight.  In fact, this may be the beginning of what is being labeled as ‘soft totalitarianism’.  See the following news report by CBN news that persecution for Christians is coming. 

I believe that this is where we are ultimately headed under the future world dictator similar to the 1930s–1940s in Germany under the Nazi regime.  That means that the little guy will have less and less say in the way that he wants to live in freedom and privacy and most importantly the right to live in religious freedom.  To force citizens to get a vaccine and to use social pressure is really just a form of persecution.  The screws really are tightening!  After World War 2, Hitler’s architect, Albert Speer, who designed Hitler’s so-called “seat of Satan”, where many Nazi party rallies were conducted, said,

It's hard to recognse the devil when he has his hand on your shoulder.

Albert Speer Hitler's architect

Watch the following CBN YouTube, The Seat of Satan, from the 9 min mark… 

And that may well be true as we edge closer and closer to the precipice.  We just don’t recognise what is actually happening and who in fact has his hands on our shoulders as our rights are being continually eroded.  The Jews in Nazi Germany in the 1930s by and large didn’t recognise what was happening even as they lost citizenship rights, their businesses and had to be marked by the Jewish star on their clothing.  Eventually, many of them would lose their lives as well in the gas chambers.

Immortal fetal cell line

Australia has secured 20 million doses of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine and it has been the first vaccine to be approved and rolled out by the end of February 2021.  Also, 53.8 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine have been secured and are expected to be approved in February by the TGA.  This vaccine is expected to be the most common one obtained by Australians later in the year as it is being produced in Australia and will be more readily available according to Chief Medical officer Paul Kelly.  Whilst no vaccine physically has any fetal material, immortal fetal cell lines have been used in either one or three of the phases.  Immortal cells are simply cells that do not die because they do not go through the normal ‘apoptosis’ which is the death process that cells normally go through.  A cell that does not go through apoptosis is literally a cancer cell.  So in effect, these vaccines could be carcinogenic possibly cancer-causing.  I believe that this goes for any vaccine as most vaccines that have been in use employ immortal (cancerous) cell lines.  The AstraZeneca vaccine is particularly problematic because it has used historic aborted immortal fetal cell lines in all three phases (development, testing, and production).  The Pfizer vaccine has only used them in the testing phase.  This may be a better choice but the mRNA vaccines have other major concerns in that they introduce synthetic genetic materials into our bodies.  Medical researchers say that this mRNA material disappears after a few days/weeks but this has not been proven.  Focus on the Family reports, the good news is that some pharmaceutical companies are working on vaccines that do not rely in any on aborted immortal fetal cell lines.  But the thing is that here in Australia we may not get a choice on alternative vaccines.

Two opposing theological arguments
Theologically problematic

You might argue that taking the Covid-19 vaccine is for the greater good and that we need herd immunity.  That may well be the case but I believe the end never justifies the means so we need to be really careful here.  Theologically on one hand I believe that it is highly problematic in receiving a vaccine that has at its historical roots, even if a long time ago in the 1960s, using aborted fetuses in their development.  For more information on the fetus cell lines used in developing vaccines please see this informative video about a decision by American Catholics on whether Catholics should get the Covid-19 vaccine or not.  I do not necessarily endorse their decision but the video does offer some very good information and food for thought.  Here is another article written by Got Questions about Covid-19.1

We must submit to the civil authorities

However theologically on the other hand there is the element that the government has been instituted or put in place by God and Romans 13:1–5 tells us that we are to submit to the civil authorities.


At the end of the day, I have come to the conclusion that each person has to make their decision by faith and according to their own conscience.  To be clear, I believe that taking the Covid-19 vaccines is not the mark of the beast in itself because we clearly are not at that time during the tribulation that the beast enforces this but it is surely heading us in that direction.  The major issue is control because in a sense we will be forced to take it if we want to function in society at this present time or at the very least face significant peer pressure.  The taking away of that choice really is the basis of my petition.  Just like Albert Speer, I am worried about the fact that we are not recognising the devil who has his hand on our shoulders in these end days.

So I hear you asking, “What can we do about it?”  Maybe you are familiar with the quote, 

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

Rev. Charles F. Aked

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

Our government gives us the right to legally submit petitions so I am requesting and inviting you to join me in helping by signing my petition which is only open for 4 weeks after which will be presented to the House and then referred to the relevant Minister for a response.  I am not denying the right for citizens to be vaccinated as I understand that some of you may support the vaccine—you have to act according to your own conscience.  But what I am particularly protesting is the right for citizens to refuse in getting the vaccine on ethical, moral, or religious grounds without fear of reprisal. 

Also, feel free to comment below and let me know what you think.

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12 Responses

  1. Megan, you are a wealth of information and clearly a very special person. So, too is Steve.

    Megan, I see where you mention that you, also, started a Petition. I signed that Petition which has since closed, and shared same.

    Yes, God gave us a brain but He can’t control the way people use same. Too often, someone who has an high intelligence uses same to fulfil his/her greed for money. If someone dies in a motor vehicle accident, God didn’t invent the motor vehicle or drive the vehicle, yet people blame God. And so on.

  2. I don’t need to know Pete Evans personally to have the opinion he is a nutter and a try hard social influencer that I consider to be quite unbalanced (based on his tweets not Murdochs). Apparently Facebook thought so too when they shut his account down.

    Science is the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence. BASED ON EVIDENCE. The evidence supporting vaccination is completely overwhelming. You simply cannot debate this argument with any credibility, no matter how subtly you attack me personally.

    Qantas has already stated all international travellers with their airline will need to be vaccinated for Covid 19 once international travel resumes & all their employees need to be vaccinated. I strongly suspect there WILL be a lot more restrictions on unvaccinated (Covid 19) people, under the banner – for the greater good. We can all see that train on the track. I’m afraid these petitions will be useless.

    Employers are starting to consider the O H & S responsibilities they will have regarding vaccinated/unvaccinated employees. For example – what will be their duty of care in a 200 seat call centre?? It’s common practice for employers to offer flu vaccination at work (to maintain productivity) but this isn’t mandatory, we can refuse. We can refuse the Covid 19 vaccination and live with the restrictions – firstly no holidays overseas. No amount of ‘infringing on my rights’ will work. We are in the middle of a world wide crisis, 2,280,000 people have died in 13 months! The government will simply apply the rationalisation – for the greater good.

    Thanks for the sermon Megan, I’ll get busy pulling the plank out of my eye.
    I respect your opinions even if I consider them flawed

  3. I stand with you Steve! And also with Megan. Your information and opinions are reflective of my own. Thank you for your boldness and strength to stand for truth and justice?

    If I may also add, Sharon you said God gave us the knowledge to develop vaccines so it is a gift.. In my opinion, this is illogical thinking as it sounds like this excuses any thoughts from accountability. For example God gave us knowledge of human anatomy but that does not make rape or murder ok. We have knowledge of weapons but terrorism and destruction is not a gift from God. If anyone believes in God, then they must also know the devil is real and out to play.We need to be critical thinkers, and follow the truth in the Word.

    Sometimes we can’t see the fire through the smoke but that doesn’t mean it’s not there… Dont ignore the warning, be careful not to get burned.

  4. Steve I love this initiative! I have posted a link to a petition already started that covers more than just employment discrimination and already has over 37000 signatures. Your signature would be appreciated as well!! The more voices, the more chance of being heard. Solidarity, brother ??

    To be clear, I agree wholeheartedly with your reasoning and can see the slippery slope that you speak of. This is just the beginning and “it’s just a mask” will very quickly turn into “it’s just a vaccine” and then where to? Scary to think about, the control they are demanding, and it makes sense the level of fear that they are trying to maintain in the general population in order to ensure compliance and a high uptake of the vaccine once it it released.

    1. The petition you are encouraging was started by Pete Evans, a renowned nutter! He believes that sunlight and self love would be better protection against Covid-19 than a science based and developed vaccine. With his wealth, celebrity & self inflated influence, I would suggest his motivation is based not only on maintaining his lifestyle (as he mentions international travel, bars, clubs & restaurants), but also a continuation of his fanciful and unfounded vaccination ideology. He is a renowned anti-vaxxer, who has spread such misinformation that his Facebook account was closed recently due to spreading lies, twisted information & fear, encouraging people not to get tested in hot spot areas! Read the link below and watch the video. His petition has to date 44,000 signatures out of 25 million residents of Australia, he might even hit 100,000 or 200,000 but it’s obviously not going to do anything except give him yet another platform to spread his disgusting and totally inaccurate propaganda. Have you ever nursed a 2 week old baby with whooping cough until it died struggling to breathe? Have you ever seen a 4 yr old trying to walk in leg braces as a result from contracting polio? A 7 yr old die from complications from measles? A 70 year old losing the struggle to Covid-19 while staff stand by helpless? You say “it’s only a mask” – this virus is airborne & incredibly contagious! Did you wear a mask at any stage or show no Christian regard to anyone you came into contact with because you see it as a form of government control? You say “it’s only a vaccine” – did you vaccinate your children or ‘roll the dice’ with their lives because it’s a form of government control? I would believe you didn’t by what you have stated. I might start a petition (it seems any half wit can) to have non-vaccinated children classed as actually being neglected and placed in an unnecessary ‘at risk’ situation by parents who listen to the nutters like Pete Evans. As a Christian, I believe God has given us the knowledge to develop vaccines, that it is a gift and a wonderful reminder of His great love and mercy to mankind, especially now when the whole world is terrified and every country scrambling to get control of this virus. Lastly, in regard to your theory on herd immunity – it is totally inaccurate. It is also illegal to refuse enrollment to school based on a child’s immunisation – I have also attached that link. Seems like you should do more independent scholarly research instead of relying on second hand, internet, misguided and totally useless so called ‘facts’.

    2. Well it seems there will always be a few that do not believe in science…I have no problem with that if you isolated yourself forever from those that believe in the good of science and how most apply it. I am not a vaccine expert so should have said ‘many diseases’… I don’t agree about going to Mars however if God allows it then science will facilitate that…so I don’t worry much about non-scientific facts however as I work in a science role with IT security I can tell you a fact that is already well known and that is communal activities will only welcome those that can prove certain facts….research immigration criteria to see the direction the world is going. Something that underpins Bitcoin called blockchain will record any fact forever with no risk of hiding important info. Well it’s just science however going to Mars vs flat earth

    3. Hi Sharon,
      Thanks for replying to my comment. Firstly, I’d love to address your hostile opinion of Pete Evans. He is portrayed by Mainstream, Murdoch owned media as a nutter, yes. He has been vilified for having an opinion that strays from the narrative. I’m astonished that you speak of “Christian regard” whilst spewing vitriol about a person you have never met. Doesn’t Christ tell us to love others? (Galatians 5:14-15 – For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: “Love your neighbour as yourself. If you bite and and devour each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.” and Matthew 5:44,46 – But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you.If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that?). Doesn’t He instruct us not to judge? (Matthew 7:1 – Do not judge, or you too will be judged.” ) I find your response incredibly hypocritical, given that the only thing he has done is spread awareness that you don’t agree with. He hasn’t actually spread misinformation about vaccinations, and I have to ask you what is wrong with being an “anti’vaxxer” (as you have labelled him, and also me)? If your vaccines work so well, why should some people who are not vaccinated scare you?

      As for your question regarding 2 week old babies – yes, I have nursed my two week old, unvaccinated baby with whooping cough. I treated him and he recovered just fine. I haven’t seen a 7 year old with polio, no. But, as I mentioned previously, that is because the clean living environment made a huge difference in the contraction rates of wild strain polio. As previously offered, I can provide peer reviewed studies proving this.
      As for the elderly struggling to recover from Covid – of course they do. The percentage rate of deaths from Covid have predominantly been the elderly, or others with co-morbidities. Just like with flu deaths every other year. I encourage you to search the annual death rate in the UK for 2019, and compare it to the annual death rate in 2020. You will find the difference marginal.

      I also have videos and reports from doctors stating that these masks are ineffective with preventing airborne viruses being transmitted – if you drop your email below I can send it through to you, along with all of the studies, reports and links I have to support my stance.

      Thank you for asking about the vaccination status of my children. I have two fully vaccinated children, one partially vaccinated child, one child who almost died as a direct result of vaccines, and one completely vaccine free child. It may surprise you to know that my vaccine-free child is the most healthy and ailment free of all of them. Your presumption of my actions as a parent are regrettable, and again not the type of Christian behaviour you seem to hold to such a high regard. (But only if it’s injecting aborted foetal matter “for the greater good”, right?). So, yes. I did “roll the dice” with my children, and I almost lost one because of it. Your comment (again – incredibly judgemental and rude) about any “half-wit” being able to start a petition, so perhaps you should start one claiming neglect for unvaccinated children…. Wow. That is actually ABHORRENT behaviour, especially for an adult and an adult proclaiming to be Christian at that. I will certainly pray for you, as that comment is actually repulsive. I pray that you take your thoughts captive and give them over to Christ, because He certainly did not state anywhere in the Bible that in a few thousand years time, parents will be neglectful for respectfully declining a **voluntary** medical procedure. Good grief.

      God has given us knowledge, this is correct but never did he say it was acceptable to murder “for the greater good”. You can’t pick and choose which commandments you want to listen to each day. God also provided us with an immune system, and when cared for appropriately, we are capable of fighting off disease, especially with luxuries afforded to us such as clean, running water, sewage systems, and a basic understanding of the human body and it’s functionalities.

      As for denying children the right to an education – in Western Australia which is where I live, children are not allowed to attend childcare of kindergarten if they are not up to date with their vaccination schedule (unless the parent has a health care card, or the child is of Aboriginal or TSI decent). What’s the difference between my child and the child next door, whose parent’s have a health care card, you might ask? Yeah – me too. The rules don’t make sense. Parent’s are also stripped of a portion of their FTB from centrelink if they don’t vaccinate as well. (Financial coercion anyone? Which is against the Nuremburg Code as well, FYI). Pre-Primary is a compulsory schooling year though, so they can attend there if they aren’t vaccinated. (I assume because all the nasty viruses don’t attack children once they turn 5).

      And lastly, do not ever imply that my research has been half-hearted, google searched, toilet scrolling, listening to “that nutter Pete Evans” or any other highly offensive remark you might have. I have done hours upon hours upon hours of scholarly research, speaking with doctors, head doctors of major hospitals, nurses and more. You have no clue about my journey, my story or what I do in my spare time. I am not uneducated, I am not a nutter. I am a Christ fearing mother of five beautiful babies who deserve nothing but the best, and I will do whatever it takes to protect them – and that does NOT include setting them alight to keep your kids warm.

      Please, provide your email address so I can forward on my hundreds and hundreds of sources. I’m not here to argue, I’m here to shed light on a topic that the majority of the population accept as gospel without so much of a critical thought.

      Love and light to you, Sharon. May God bless you moving forward.

  5. It’s funny you brought up polio Martin as that situation came immediately into my mind as I read this article. I am a Registered Nurse who went to primary school with a child who had suffered polio. So many terrible diseases are now gone because dedicated scientists developed the necessary vaccines to eradicate them. The polio vaccine was mass administered to children in schools, my own children have now grown and have never heard of polio. We need herd immunity to get any sort of control over life threatening disease. The WHO and other organisations work tirelessly in third world countries to vaccinate. The percentage of herd immunity needed varies with how contagious a disease is – Measles which is a very contagious virus need 95% herd immunity, but my daughter who is a Day Care teacher said they cannot refuse to accept children if they are not vaccinated. So no bias or prejudice there. Covid-19 has proven itself to be incredibly contagious, so as many people as we can get vaccinated around the world the better chance we have of controlling it – just like with smallpox. The amount of information/opinions coming out now because we are getting closer to a vaccine being available to this virus is staggering. Immortal cells and aborted fetus use from 1960???? My opinion is we all have an ethical, moral and as Christians, an obligation to be vaccinated, to protect the vulnerable in society who cannot for age or medical reasons have the vaccine themselves. A better petition would be that third world countries have the same vaccination opportunities we have in Australia – the ‘lucky’ country. That 1/2 of the vaccine we produce (batch by batch) goes to South America, Africa and other countries that are right off the radar with the worlds vaccine roll-out. That would be the ethical, moral and Christian thing to do. I can see where you are coming from Steve, but I think you’re off the mark here, and it’s badly timed. In my opinion it contributes more confusion and fear for people to deal with. There’ll be other opportunities after this crisis to address continued government control and oppression. I agree with you there but now is not the time.

    1. Actually, polio is still rampant – it is just labelled with other names. Like GBS for example. The fact that cleaner living conditions, clean running water and better hygiene protocols are actually much more to do with the fact that wild strains of polio have disappeared. Most cases of polio now are actually derived from the vaccine itself that was administered very liberally throughout third world countries by people who have absolutely no medical training whatsoever.
      Herd immunity is not actually accurate in terms of vaccination and can only truly be achieved through wild strains of each disease.
      Most of the vaccines that are on the Australian Immunisation Schedule have been cultivated using aborted foetal tissue (amongst other things, like bovine dna, chemicals that you wouldn’t touch any other day of the week and more), and in fact there is an entire black market demand for aborted foetuses to continue the manufacturing of vaccines, so I genuinely don’t understand how any Christian can be pro-vaccination when this information is widely available. If you would like to start looking into this, maybe have a search for MRC-5. If you would like me to provide you with all of the vaccine inserts and studies to support this, I’m more than willing to do so. I also have a copy of the inquest of Dr. Stanley Plotkin admitting to the use of over 75 foetuses for ONE VACCINE. To say that we have a moral and ethical right to vaccinate is absolutely appalling and part of the reason we are facing this medical tyranny currently.

      If you would like to line up and get the COVID vaccine, then go right ahead, but forcefully coercing others to do the same is inhumane, immoral and definitely not ethical. Now is EXACTLY the time to be bringing this issue up – it’s already gone too far by not affording all children the same opportunities by refusing them access to ECC and Kindy based solely on their vaccination status.

  6. Here is my argument…unless one has lived under a rock for the last year then it’s clear that this virus has wreaked havoc with the survival of the human species and now its mutants are here with even more dangers…if you agree about that then it stands to reason to use our intelligence God has blessed us with to defeat the threats?
    If the world was hit by an asteroid or world war or something dire that threatened humanity then unity will see us through and division will be severe. Has anyone ever passed someone with the results of polio and dared ask their opinion about opting out of vaccination programs?

    1. So God believes that abortion is ok? But ONLY if it’s used to concoct chemical cocktails to inject into a body that God created in His infinite wisdom, complete with immune system?


    2. VIRUS CONSPIRACY? I’ve just heard this crazy conspiracy theory about a virus being used to control the entire World population.
      It’s ridiculous but, despite the virus causing a condition that 99.95% of people will survive, its very existence is going to be used by Governments around the World as a way of testing the obedience of the population to its limits.
      Not only that, but simultaneously Governments across the globe will conspire with massive pharmaceutical companies to engineer and deploy a mass programme of ‘gene therapy’ technology wrapped up as a “vaccine” that will initially be referred to as a “magic bullet” but later be proven to be both unnecessary AND extremely dangerous. The obvious question is, “Why would billions of people allow themselves to be injected with such a substance?”
      The answer is, FEAR. Governments around the World will embark on a round-the-clock, non-stop campaign of fear-mongering propaganda aimed at scaring nearly 8 billion people into believing they are ALL potential serial killers if they break the rules. That they will infect and kill others if they disobey. That they MUST do as they’re told “for the safety of others”. This propaganda will convince billions of people that THEY are personally responsible for the safety of EVERYONE else. They MUST NOT break the rules. They will kill people.
      But, what RULES? Initially we’ll be told we need to stay at home for just a few weeks in order to “suppress the virus”. Schools will close, shops will close, as will restaurants, pubs, sports facilities, museums, cinemas, etc. In fact, ONLY shops selling absolutely “essential items” will be allowed to remain open. Heavy fines will be imposed on any transgressors.
      This initial “lock-down” will run in conjunction with a series of financial-assistance schemes. Not due to any benevolence from Governments but to suppress the will of citizens to complain about the imposition they are forced to endure. To stop them getting restless. To quell their desire to rebel. To subdue them. These lock-down measures will continue (in different forms) for nearly a year during which time Legislation will be passed in order to compel the populace to wear a “face covering” in public places and to remain 6 feet (180cm) apart from anyone they don’t live with. Additionally, we will have the decision of who we allow into our own homes taken away from us. We will be told how many people we can converse with in the park (ALL indoor and outdoor group sports will be banned, of course), and how long we can “exercise” outdoors.
      We will also be informed that we are personally responsible for the ability of our health services to cope during this “pandemic”. If WE step out of line the system will crumble. And the media will go along with it. Unquestioning. Strangely compliant.
      Meanwhile, we’ll be informed that the “vaccines” are on their way. We’re told once the “vaccines” arrive we can start to get our old lives back. “WE JUST NEED THE VACCINES”. By now, many millions of routine health procedures will have been cancelled. Millions of essential operations will have been removed from the schedules, and waiting lists for hospital treatment will increase by several thousand percent. Mental health issues will begin to overwhelm millions of individuals and families. Suicide rates will rocket. People will begin unnecessarily dying from cancer, diabetes, heart disease and strokes because they were too scared to ask for help, believing they’d be a burden on health services or they were worried about catching the virus in hospital.
      Hundreds of thousands of closed businesses will NEVER re-open. And, all the while we’re told “The vaccines are coming. The vaccines are coming. The vaccines are coming”.
      And the vaccines arrive. And Governments start to inject all the elderly and vulnerable. And we’re told, “NOTHING has changed. The vaccines are here but nothing has changed”. Lock-down continues. Businesses remain closed. Masks are still mandatory. You still can’t even THINK about getting your previous life back until EVERYONE is injected.
      And just to enforce this point, new rules are imposed upon us and new penalties are introduced. Fines for “transgressors” are increased and we’re even threatened with 10 years in prison if we fail to comply.
      But, then we all find out that the “magic bullet” is nothing of the sort. It doesn’t stop you catching the virus or passing it on to others. It only reduces SOME of the symptoms, in SOME of the people, SOME of the time. And we will need TWO doses.
      But it gets worse. More “Variants” of the virus are detected. They’re given names like the “South African”, the “Brazilian” and the “Kent”. We’re told the “vaccines” may not be effective on the new variants. We’re told we may need THREE injections or possibly even FOUR, but these won’t be available for months.
      Meanwhile, everything is still shut. There is no end in sight. And the media still refuse to question what’s happening. Then something happens. All around the World there are reports of people dying after receiving the “vaccine”. In the UK the number of people dying from “CoVid-related” conditions, in care homes, rises threefold in two weeks. Why?
      Official figures are released regarding the reported numbers of adverse reactions from the “vaccines”. The statistics are worrying. But, they’re brushed aside by officials and “experts” as neither concerning or important. Nothing to do with the “vaccines”. Just a coincidence. And the media refuse to investigate. The lock-downs continue unabated. More people are “vaccinated”. More die. More businesses fail. More people jump in front of trains. More children suffer. More families are ripped apart.
      By now we’re in an endless cycle of lock-downs, restrictions, rules, fines, arrests, hope then despair, then no hope. Just the realisation that this will NEVER end.
      But it’s OK. It REALLY is OK. Because the vaccines have arrived. And that was the reason for all of this from the start. Thank God it’s only a conspiracy theory. It could never actually happen. Never.

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