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Scott Morrison all but confirms Russia and China are a threat to the New World Order

Last Updated on December 8, 2024 by Steve

Lowy institute address

There has been a lot of talk and newsprint about the world order of late, even from our own Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison.  Sometimes the phrase “New World Order” has popped up when you least expect it.  See a slip of the tongue by NSW chief medical officer, Dr. Kerry Chant to see what I mean.  But reading carefully across the news, the words “order” and “world” are increasingly been placed together or within the vicinity of each other.  Recently Australian PM Scott Morrison gave an important address to the Lowy Institute where it was very revealing.  He mentioned the phrase “world order” four times along with the phrases “global order” three times, “rules based order” once, “rules-based global order” once and “rules-based international order” once.1  Clearly the threat posed by Russia with their recent invasion into the Ukraine is of concern to those nations who have been following a global order that has been in place since 1945.

But there does seem to be some alignment in the sort of world order that they (Russia and China) would prefer, to the one that has been in place since the end of the Second World War.

Scott Morrison Prime Minister of Australia (2018–2022)
Does Australia and the world really care about Ukraine?

What has taken Western Democratic nations by surprise is this move by Vladimir Putin.  They don’t like it because it upsets their plans to continue on with their agenda to control and change the world to suit their plans.  They have plans to change the economic and financial system and eventually to enslave the people of the world.  They are worried about the increasing world population, climate change and the diminishing resources of the earth.  Although the invasion of Ukraine does not fit into their WEF2 plan, they have been able to mobilise the majority of the world against Russia’s incursion because of the loss of innocent lives.  But do you really think the world’s elite are that concerned about the innocent people being killed?  I dare say that they are more concerned about the politics behind the move and the threat that Putin plays.  In my opinion Morrison uses the language of gross violation of international law and an assault on the freedom of Ukraine as a smokescreen.  It sounds perfectly legitimate but I do wonder whether this is just a convenient excuse because they are fearful of Russian success in toppling this new order.  Clearly that is their fear when Morrison calls out those nations supporting Russia as part of an arc of autocracy.

A new arc of autocracy is instinctively aligning to challenge and reset the world order in their own image.

Scott Morrison Prime Minister of Australia (2018–2022)
Are liberal democracies becoming autocracies?

In my book that is the height of hypocrisy from what we have seen in the last two years.  Western governments like Australia, New Zealand and Canada have clearly demonstrated that they have been autocratic even though they pride themselves on being liberal democracies with the forcing of health mandates for the good of the people.3  I for one am not confident that we live in a true democracy anymore.  Think about West Australians who elected Labor’s Mark McGowan to a landslide win and record majority.  The traditional opposition Liberal party has been decimated to only two seats.4  Think also about Victorian premier Dan Andrews, nicknamed ‘Dictator Dan’ during the pandemic and Northern Territory Chief Minister Michael Gunner.  These have all demonstrated autocratic leaderships styles at times where control over decision making and distrust of others in making decisions is paramount.  These are leaders who take charge, are bossy and control the flow of information and seem to be very unsympathetic and callous to those who are suffering under their rules.5

We are in big trouble in the world.  The real autocrats are those promoting the New World Order because they have an agenda.  Let me make it clear that I do not condone war or the loss of innocent lives in this war in Ukraine but I would urge you to consider that there are deeper and more than likely evil forces at play.  I can clearly see a beastly world system of government on the horizon. The devil is eagerly waiting for his time to send in his two agents, the Antichrist and the False Prophet at the right time.


Things are certainly heating up and as we have seen all the right language is being used by all the right players.  Remember, the world’s leaders including politicians such as Donald Trump, Scott Morrison, Canada’s Justin Trudeau and NZ’s Jacinda Ardern as well as world business leaders read like a who’s who of attendees at the WEF in Davos.  All seem to be in WEF’s founder Klaus Schwab’s pocket.  I don’t think there would be many nations against their worldwide agenda except a few such as Russia, China, North Korea, Belarus and Syria.  Interestingly there is one group that seems to be fairly aligned with each other.  They are known as the BRICS nations (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa).  In a sign that these five nations think alike only Brazil recently voted against Russia’s invasion.  India and China abstained.  However in an indication of Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro’s real thinking he recently slammed his vice president for condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine.6  He also recently visited Putin only days before the Ukraine invasion and indicated support of Russia.

Where does that leave us right now?  Deception to be sure runs rampant in the days that we live in and whatever happens we know that we are moving headlong into the final seven years of tribulation very soon.  What should we do?  We must first trust in Jesus and then be ready to leave the Babylon system when we get the call.  I am not waiting for a pre-trib rapture but I am waiting for the two witnesses to give me the go ahead when to escape to the safe place.

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  3. Autocracy is where one person holds total political power.  There are two main types of autocracy: a monarchy and a dictatorship. []
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