Try these: mark of the beastPetrasafe placetwo witnessesElijahcountdown2030144000ten virginsDan. 9:27

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Read the fine print

Last Updated on November 13, 2024 by Steve

They are trying to fool you!

Reading the fine print is so important in life.  It means the difference between getting the right directions to the correct destination like reading the destinations on the signpost above in the picture.  It may mean missing out on a special deal or missing out on insurance that you are entitled to because you didn’t read the fine print.  Companies these days are adept at trying to fool you by having exclusions to what they are offering.  They are hoping that you will not read the fine print.  I had a couple of real-life examples this last week.  

Most men don’t like reading the fine print

Like most men I have not particularly been a person that likes to read the instructions before I start constructing something or setting a new purchase up.  But over the years I have learned that it pays to read the fine print on deals or read the instructions.  You inevitably find out the hard way when you make an error, have a screw loose or leftover, or don’t get the deal that you were expecting.  The consequences can be annoying at the least and devastating at the most.  I had been attracted recently by a new car insurance deal that had offered a couple of enticements and was wondering the whereabouts of my rewards.  I had even read their “fine print” saying that after 30 days the deal would come through.  It was now at day 44.  I pointed out their fine print and the customer service officer replied that it was now 45 days and that the website needed to be corrected.  They thanked me for pointing out that they hadn’t followed up on their fine print.  The reward points had been applied that day and the other reward is still coming.

Another incident occurred just this last week when I had booked an overnight stay in a motel at Bunbury in W.A. with a company that said in a glossy email that I would receive a $25 travel voucher if booking with this motel chain.  In the email was a button saying “Book here” and another fine print hyperlink underneath saying “Term and Conditions”.  You wouldn’t normally click on an unappealing and insignificant-looking “Terms and Conditions” link but I did happen to.  I am trying to make a habit myself of reading the fine print on deals!  When I did click on the link the fine print said that you have to register for the deal before making a booking otherwise you don’t get the deal.  But the glossy original email did not make that very clear at all.  In fact, it enticed you to make the booking straight away.  So glad I read the fine print.  

Arriving at the expected destination

It’s a couple of small wins this last week because I took the time to be concerned about the details and I eventually received what I was promised.  I got to my expected destination!

Are you getting to your expected destination?  The crucial thing to watch out for as we move towards the end of days is that deception will be playing a major role.  The devil will want to try and deceive you by appealing to you with a deal that seems great on the surface.  But please, please, make sure you read the fine print.  And the fine print is in the Bible.  When troubled times really arrive, people will be panicked and make rushed and foolhardy decisions.  One such decision will be the mark of the beast.  He will entice and eventually enforce his mark upon the whole world.  The deal will be that you won’t be able to buy and sell unless you have his mark—pretty strong enticement.1  It may even have a security or medical reason attached.  But here’s where the fine print comes in.  The Bible says that if you take his mark (no exceptions) then you won’t make it.  You will have to spend an eternity separated from God, a serious consequence for not reading the fine print.  And many people see the Bible as very inconsequential and insignificant or even irrelevant for this day and age.

Start reading the fine print in the Bible today

We are being deceived daily in the times that we live in right now and I believe that we are moving headlong into the final stage of history as we know it.  Don’t be deceived!  Start reading the fine print in the Bible today.  Check out Revelation with footnotes in my EDV translation.  Let me know if you are interested in knowing more details in the Book of Revelation.  Also explore this website for other valuable ‘fine print’ details that you may have not been aware of like the fleeing to Jordan at the midpoint of the final seven years.

  1. Rev. 14:9-12 []

3 Responses

  1. Agree that we are constantly being deceived on so many levels, we need to be vigilant. God will always provide an escape for us. Thanks for the reminder Steve.

  2. Steve. I am a bit unsure about the fleeing bit. Most people wouldn’t have the money to buy a ticket and would they be able to buy a ticket without the ‘mark’ It’s certainly scary stuff. Will we really know when the time is? Aaaargh!

    1. Hi Denise,
      Good question though one thing I would like to point out if you read the fine print in the Bible is that the fleeing takes place before the mark of the Beast so no problem in buying a ticket so to speak. One must make sure that we don’t try to work out all the details in our own human reasoning. If we are meant to get there, God will make a way for us. Borders will have to be open and the lame and sick, if they are wanting to go, will need a way as well. We don’t know all the details but we do know the important fine print. The other thing is we will know beforehand because once the 7 year timeline starts then it is all like clockwork.

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