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Putin and the resistance to the New World Order

Last Updated on December 8, 2024 by Steve

What is really going on with Putin?

What in the world is really going on with Russia, the attack on Ukraine and the New World Order?  Are you suspicious like me of the underlying politics that there is perhaps an underlying agenda and purpose?  I believe we have been lied to by the mainstream media (MSM) on many occasions and we have been subjected to propaganda and fake news for a really long time.  We know in the end times Jesus warned His disciples not to be deceived.1  Just today a video clip came to my attention by Ukrainian Parliament member Kira Rudyk saying Ukraine is fighting for the New World Order.  This is after the Freudian slip by CHO Dr. Kerry Chant in September 2021 when she implied that a New World Order is coming soon.  Take a look at these two clips…

Putin calls for a different world order in 2014

On October 24th 2014, Vladimir Putin made a speech in Sochi during a meeting of the Valdai International Discussion Club, an annual forum that brings together experts from dozens of countries to debate the role of Russia in the world.  Putin called for a priority to be placed on building a new system of relations that would prevent global and interstate conflicts.  In effect, he was calling for a different New World Order than that which has been led by the U.S. since World War 2.  According to Alexei Fenenko, a leading researcher with the Institute of International Security Issues under the Russian Academy of Sciences (RIA Novosti), the main point of the president’s speech was that Russia is rejecting the USA’s claim to establish a new world order.2

We are entering a new period when there may start a discussion on revising the rules of the game. We are still living by the rules that were established by the victorious nations in 1943-1945.

Putin is urging the Americans to revise the world order. What this revision will consist of, what the deal will be is not clear yet.

Alexei Fenenko Researcher at the Russian Academy of Sciences (RIA Novosti)
New World Order plans derailed

It seems to me that what is really happening is that Putin has been resisting the New World Order that is coming in sync with Agenda 2030 led by Klaus Schwab and the WEF and he has been calling for a different way ahead for a number of years.  Of course, America and western nations are not cool with this latest Ukrainian war as I suspect that it does not fit into their plans for the New World Order.  Now I am not condoning war or the loss of innocent lives by any means but let’s not be naiive to what may really be happening here.  We know that we have a devious enemy and he is preparing the way ahead for when he comes to power again for the last 3 ½ years through the agency of the Antichrist and False Prophet.  Satan’s ultimate aim is destruction and power to usurp the Holy God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.

This resistance to the New World Order may explain why there was a bromance between former U.S. president Trump and Putin as well.  Trump was on record for wanting to ‘drain the swamp’.  He hated the establishment and all the Washington cronies and ran his own race to some degree.  He was also a thorn in the flesh to the elite trying to establish their New World Order and I believe they were happy to see his political demise.  Once he was gone they could get back to their agenda in seeing a New World Order by 2030.

Interestingly Adolf Hitler also had ambitions of establishing a new Germanic Empire and saw the Germanising of the Crimea as vital.  Ukraine would be the granary of Germany and besides it held rich sources of iron ore and molybdenum used for alloys in steel making.  Ukraine and the Crimean Peninsula was Hitler’s first step in his Barbarossa campaign in taking over Russia in 1941.  During this campaign, the Ukrainians warmly greeted Hitler’s invading troops as German general Heinz Guderian wrote in a private letter on June 29th, 1941…

Today there is a Thanksgiving service in the local Orthodox churches, as we (Nazis) are regarded as liberators. I hope they don't get let down.

Heinz Guderian German general (1888-1954)
Are the Ukrainians or the Russians following the Nazis?

Perhaps this is why Putin recently made the comment upon entering Ukraine in this latest incursion that he would ‘denazify Ukraine’.3  The rhetoric around fighting fascism resonates deeply in Russia, which made tremendous sacrifices battling Nazi Germany in World War II. Critics say that Putin is exploiting the trauma of the war and twisting history for his own interests.  That is interesting in light of the fact that current Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, is Jewish and had family members die in the Holocaust.  Three of Zelensky’s great uncles were executed as part of the German-led genocide of European Jews during the war, the president said on a trip to Jerusalem in 2020. His grandfather, who was the brother of those killed, survived.  It seems like all sides are invoking the Nazis as certainly Putin’s quest for land is very similar to Hitler’s 1941 quest for lebensraum (living space).4  This Putin-Nazi link is demonstrated by many cartoons and memes in Ukraine such as this recent tweet by the Ukrainian government…

Official Ukrainian govt tweet Hitler-Putin cartoon amid war
Putting all the clues together

What really is the truth here?  Putting it all together, it seems in light of the Freudian slips by Kerry Chant and Ukrainian member of parliament Kira Rudyk, other history since World War 2, and the aims of the world elite in establishing a New World Order that it would be reasonable to say that there is more to this current war than meets the eye.  Politics is a deep current and we are not privy to what goes on behind closed doors.  We can only guess and look for pieces to the puzzle.  But one thing we do know is that a new world Babylon system is coming.  When looking at the precarious nature of the world’s financial system and development of digital currencies, the increasing rise of authoritarianism across the world including Australia, Canada, and other western nations we are headed for trouble.  It’s all coming together for the ultimate rise of an evil axis of power similar to Nazism in the 1930s.  To be sure Putin is not the only one who is at fault here.  Don’t believe everything you read, hear or watch in the MSM.  We are subject to propaganda and hidden agendas because it’s all about votes.  Western nations are not innocent either and I believe they are aiding and abetting the rise of the ultimate beast system led by the future updated Hitler and Antichrist during the last half of the 70th week prophesied by Daniel.

After all, Adolf Hitler foresaw the rise of a new world himself…

Hitler seems to have envisaged a future war-perhaps not in his lifetime-between the New World and the Old.

David Irving (Hitler's War), p. 417
The elite hate Putin

I am beginning to suspect that the real reason that the West and the world’s elite hate Putin and are desperately against this war is that he threatens to derail their plans and resist the New World Order as it has been planned since 1945.  But the thing is God is still on the throne and none of this has taken Him by surprise.  We just need to keep our eyes open and watch for the signs and pray that we might escape all this trouble at the right time.5  At present we can pray for the innocent citizens of Ukraine who are fighting for their families and their lives.

  1. Matt. 24:4 []
  2. []
  3. []
  4. []
  5. Luke 21:36 []

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