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Pipe Dream

Last Updated on December 13, 2024 by Steve

Engineer C.Y. O’Connor the Irish legend

This section of pipe pictured above is the type of steel pipe used for the longest stretch of freshwater pipeline constructed at the turn of the last century at 566 km long.  The pipe was made from two flat sections of steel bent into a semi-circle and then joined as you can see in the picture above.  Construction took seven years from start to finish from 1896–1903 and it delivered fresh water to the parched and dry Kalgoorlie goldfields at the height of the gold boom in Western Australia.  It still delivers water to over 100,000 people in the region today and much of the original pipeline still exists.  It was the largest project in the world at the time needing steel and was the result of the vision and dedication of two men—W.A. Premier John Forrest and chief engineer C.Y. O’Connor.  It was Irishman O’Connor who devised and oversaw the construction of the pipeline.  He was a visionary and prolific builder of engineering projects in W.A. including Fremantle Harbour and railways across the state.  

O’Connor has legendary status in W.A.—I remember learning about his feats at school and how the project was, in the end, a success but for O’Connor himself, it was to become only a pipe dream.  He started and conceived the project but he never saw the project to its completion as he committed suicide less than a year before the water started flowing to the goldfields from Mundaring Weir dam near Perth.  It was a sad end for a brilliant man but O’Connor, although supported by Premier Forrest, bore much of the brunt of severe criticism by the press and politicians alike at the time. The project was described as being a money waster and just a pipe dream.  Many people also said that Fremantle Harbour could not be done as O’Connor foresaw but it was indeed a success as is the Goldfields Water Scheme to this day over 100 years later.  Unfortunately, O’Connor took the criticism personally.

O’Connor committed suicide in 1902

O’Connor rode his horse into the sea just south of Fremantle on 10th March 1902 and shot himself where there is a sculpture and statue commemorating the sad event.  On January 22nd, 1903, pumping station #1 at the starting point at the dam near Perth was fired up and the water did not arrive until 3 days later on the 24th, such was the vast distance that was needed to be covered.  If only O’Connor had been able to endure to the end, he would have been vindicated and rewarded greatly.  A Royal Commission in fact did vindicate him of alleged corruption and greed which was leveled at him by members of parliament.

Sculpture of C.Y. OConnor with his horse at the site of his suicide in 1902
So what can we learn from this tragic account?

The lesson for me is that we should patiently endure as Christians to the very end.  Much criticism and vehement opposition will come to the cause of Jesus Christ as we near the Day of the Lord and His return.  O’ Connor’s severest opposition came towards the end of the project when it was only months away from being commissioned.  And so opposition to Christianity will become most severe as we approach and enter into the Tribulation period.  We need to stand firm to the end otherwise our salvation is only a pipe dream and not reality.  Relief from persecution and trouble will come halfway during the seven year period when the woman will be directed to take refuge in the wilderness in Jordan.1  We need to be ready and to learn how to be resilient in the face of the strongest persecution ever to occur in human history.  That’s why in Revelation chapters 2 and 3, Jesus outlines in His letters to the seven churches to be overcomers.  We will need to be!  

Philadelphia–the only church to emulate

The only church that is promised to avoid the hour of trial is the Philadelphia church and the reason is, is that they have patiently endured.  Jesus said to this church, “Since you have kept my instruction to endure patiently, I will also keep you from2 the hour of trial3 that is going to come upon the whole world to test those who live on the earth.4

Don’t let your salvation be a pipe dream but learn how to endure patiently.  Start by listening to the “Now is the time series” in the Book of Revelation 

Watch the ABC documentary “Constructing Australia (2007) Pipe Dreams” below to get the full story on this pipe construction and the incredible story of engineer, C.Y. O’ Connor.

  1. Rev. 12:6 []
  2. The small Greek preposition, εκ (ek) is very important here.  It means out from the middle of.  In other words, it demands that you have to be in it before you can be taken out of it.  It doesn’t mean as the pre-tribbers demand that this church is the church that will escape the whole 7 year tribulation period altogether.  That would need another preposition namely απσ (apo) which means “beside” or “to bypass”. []
  3. i.e. the last 3 ½ years—the Great Tribulation []
  4. Rev. 3:10 []

One Response

  1. Yep…the world as we know it is quickly changing as we move closer and closer to the tribulation period. Faithful endurance and patience are fast becoming extremely important in this fast changing world. This blog was a great but tragic example of the importance of this. Strengthing our faith and relationship in Christ will ensure we have these qualities when we need them

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