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Persecution against Christians will mean escape

Last Updated on December 9, 2024 by Steve

Shocking bumper stickers

I was walking back from the shops when I noticed the back of this car.  I only had a brief glance as I walked about 30 m past and then felt an urging in my spirit to go back and take a second look.  I took a photo not really thinking that I would end up doing a blog but it occurred to me that it really is a sign of the times.  Obviously, the owner of this car has an issue with Christians and mankind in general.  The instruction, “If your religion is worth killing for, please start with yourself”, is particularly worrying.  These stickers mirror the attitudes that will be prevalent in the last days described by Paul in 2 Tim. 3:1–4.  I believe we are in those very last days that Paul talks about before the Last Day when Jesus Christ will come and judge the earth.  It’s quite scary looking at something like this and I was looking around making sure that there was no one around when taking this photo.  Perhaps the person would return and start persecuting and attacking me.  What would be my response?

Persecution of Christians is a tactic of the devil

When persecution broke out against the early church instigated by Saul in Acts 8:1–2 what was the response?  Luke the historian records that the church scattered throughout Judea and Samaria.  Of course, that was a God-ordained thing because it meant that the early Christians didn’t stay huddled together in Jerusalem but took the gospel out wherever they scattered.  Fear struck the church because no one likes to be persecuted or suffer.  It has been a typical tactic of the devil over the centuries and the Bible is clear that a great persecution will happen again just before the Lord Jesus returns.  Many will be handed over to be killed and persecuted and Christians will be hated.1  Some say that Matthew 24 is directed at the Jews only but Jesus is talking to His disciples about the very end of time.  He is talking to the church which includes both Jews and Gentiles.  Because of this persecution, many will turn away from the faith unable to stand up against the pressure.  Jesus’ exhortation is to stand firm if you want to be saved during this period.2  Paul makes it clear in 2 Thess. 2:3 that there will be a great falling away as well before the Day of the Lord.  This will occur about 3 ½ years before, at the time when the Man of Lawlessness (Antichrist) is revealed, possibly because he institutes the mark of the beast system where everyone is required to take it in order to participate in society.

We are becoming a two-tiered society

The thing is that this is kind of happening now as we see the Covid-19 vaccine being coerced and forced upon virtually everyone in order to participate in society.  The parallels are uncanny.  The future mark of the beast will be ‘voluntary’ too but really it will be almost impossible for people to refuse because they will value their lives and their standard of living too much.  The questions will be “who can make war against the beast?” and “how can I live and eat if I don’t take the mark?”3  Recently I lost my casual job as a funeral assistant with Bethel Funerals because I refused to take the jab.  Well, in fact, I didn’t quit and they didn’t sack me—there has been no communication.  I’m just sort of in limbo without any shifts.  So the consequences of not conforming will be similar right at the end as well I would think.  The present slide into totalitarian control is so obvious and observable even in a so-called democratic nation like Australia.  I can really visualise the statement in Matt. 24:10 where it says many will betray and hate each other in the end because we see that happening now where we are degenerating into a two-tiered society—the vaccinated and the unvaccinated.  There is a palpable hatred towards the unvaccinated by the vaccinated.  Imagine then what it will be like when we get the full-blown real deal when the Antichrist is actually revealed.

Don’t jump off the plank before you are pushed

So what is one to do? And what will happen to those who refuse the mark of the beast?  Well for one thing we will see that hatred towards those who are not willing to get with the program increase even in the church. However, there may in fact be very few who will be willing to refuse the pressure to do what the future government wants them to do.  There will be persecution and like the early church, the end days church may be scattered too or more likely most will just comply.  One thing I am sure of is that God always provides a way out, a way to withstand the pressure.  I am afraid Christians may be too quick to walk the plank and jump off before they are actually pushed.  God has always had amazing and miraculous ways to provide and one of those ways in that last 3 ½ years of turmoil will be to provide a safe place where believers (both Jew and Gentile) can take refuge.  Read Psalm 91 (the refuge psalm) to get a hint of what this place will be like where there will be missiles flying overhead and plagues non-existent.  Refugees will be able to hide under God’s wings so to speak.

Wait for God’s marching orders

We just need to wait for our marching orders from God Himself of when to escape.  Luke 21:36 urges us to pray that we might be able to escape all that is about to occur at this future great time of persecution. And similar to how God carried the Israelites on eagles’ wings,4 He will do the same thing by giving the woman of Revelation 12 two wings of a great eagle that she might fly away to the place prepared for her in the desert in Jordan.5  In other words we will have miraculous help.

Persecution is on the rise, hatred is on the rise, totalitarianism is on the rise, and Satanism is on the rise but our escape is getting closer and closer every day.  Are you ready to escape?  Be ready and get rid of all unnecessary encumbrances, willing to fly away at the drop of a hat.  This world is not our home so don’t get too comfortable.

  1. Matt. 24:9 []
  2. Matt. 24:13 []
  3. Rev. 13:4 []
  4. Exo. 19:4 []
  5. Rev. 12:14 []

10 Responses

  1. Hello Steve, I have received the vaccine as have some other close family members. However, other family members have not had the jab.There is no doubt the Covid virus is a bad disease, causing loss of life and pain all over the world. Over the years many of us have received vaccines for many other diseases such as polio,TB, whooping cough, smallpox and tetanus. So I cannot see a problem with getting the vaccine.

    Christians have to accept each other’s decision on this, and still love each other regardless. But sadly, government restrictions on the unvaccinated are going to cause massive problems, including loss of jobs and inability to attend weddings or restaurants.

    Not sure where these restrictions will lead to. I can foresee that the overall, majority acceptance of evil practices will lead to a time of more persecution to those who do not conform. Our only hope is to maintain our faith in Jesus, and pray for wisdom on how to act and react as the end draws near.

  2. Yes! Great article! You are so right, people do not want to give up their standard of living. This is a taste of whats to come. I won’t be able to continue my job from mid December. But I feel peace. He knows all our needs.

    God bless you and Cathi.

    1. Thanks Shantay,

      Great to hear from you. It all comes down to just simply trusting God. I believe the real essence of what a person believes in comes out in tests like this. In other words, is your job more important or your health? I have seen for many people that taking the vaccine is not a decision made for protecting their health but often an expedient one because people want to travel, want freedom, want to keep their businesses or jobs or careers that they have invested in over a long period of time. I can understand that but don’t we believe that God can provide in many different wonderful ways? Just because we can’t see a way forward unless we vaccinate doesn’t mean that there isn’t a way forward that doesn’t compromise our core values or health.

  3. Wow but somehow I am not surprised. The hostility is increasing. Especially if you’re not jabbed either. However, we remember what the King said: “But when these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near.” Luke 21:28

  4. Here is a super-power that I think is something that humans totally underestimate no matter who or what uses it….it’s the power of advertising as it uses every single sense such as emotion, beliefs, hearing, sight and so much more to reach a certain conclusion. Steve I respectfully ask myself why you noticed this sticker walking past it and I would likely never and it immediately a Pandora’s box for me…so maybe the evil one delayed getting me or did he? I listen to every morning’s faith talk in my native language Afrikaans that tends to always draw the word of God to practical guidelines and philosophies and I once listed to one that always stuck to me this way….not everything in life is the doing of God or even the devil…it is just logic or how things happen. Yes it is true that God allows and knows the outcome of everything and uses everything to his Glory. It is clearly stated in the Bible in many ways ‘the path is narrow’, ‘trust Me ‘, ‘My word is the light’ etc in countless ways. The piece I listened to said that it is what you keep busy with that matters and to ignore and pray about what is doubtful to make the path even clearer and narrower. The sticker is advertising something doubtful….even talking about it does exactly what this guy intended….advertising is very powerful.

    So as I work with some very cut edge tech such as AI, robotics and 5G….and had all my vaccines I feel I have a philosophical view about the mix of all that….I am unlikely to contribute to the problem by not getting it (I’m still trying to understand as a person of science why the hoohaa?)

    So also it was quite funny when the stories broke of 5G nano particles to track people in vaccines however for real facts about your phone tracking you see some real facts on a YouTube channel about how any phone or browser can easily track any info of you by a channel named Rob Braxman such as

    Even though tracking seems so evil a great story broke this morning of the abducted girl being found by classified technology…want to know what? I saw a post by the police after the girl disappeared requesting help and a technologist suggesting it was too easy….wherever you go your phone normally goes too and it continually broadcasts your Bluetooth ID…this is what Google maps uses for congestion to indicate red routes. It was simply a matter of getting all the data of the Bluetooth ID’s at the crime scene and getting AI to analyze this…too easy to find the criminal that abducted the girl. The same technology was used to arrest 600 people that were at the US capital breach day.

    What’s my point? Steve, respectfully I point out very strongly that you are blaming technologies and vaccines for evil….it is the messages that are broadcasted that people can believe that are incorrect. Our brain power is a true gift of God to operate for good to invent technologies…I see that every day as in the case of tracking and 5G and the case of the little girl. The devil has no power to invent anything…not anything but only has the power to sow doubt. Technology and vaccines do not deserve the negativity they get.

    1. Thanks Martin for your comment. I am not against technology at all–in fact I am a great user of it and always have been but to be honest I think I’m going to stop at 4G because 5G does worry me a bit. Not a bad idea to stay a step behind. Besides tracking, the EMF’s that it produces are a worry. See I agree that it was great to see the girl rescued through technology but the Corona virus vaccines are a different kettle of fish. My main point in this particular blog is the slide into persecution and hatred towards Christians and how that indicates that we are so close to the end.

  5. Persecution sounds so frightening. Looking to God and trusting Him is our only hope. My fear is for our children and their families because they are being seduced by the world’s way of dealing with calamity, and governments are looked upon as their hope more and more. Today is just a practice run, and next time it will be much easier to control people.

  6. Hello Steve, great blog. On the weekend past we were having a family lunch at ours and this topic came up, in particular the Antichrist and who or what it is. Dad said it was the internet, Emma and Craig said maybe the COVID 19 jab. They asked me and I said, “no the Antichrist is a person–it’s in Revelation.” My Brother’s response was how many versions of Revelation are there and which one is correct?

    1. Thanks Dave. You are right, the Antichrist is definitely a person. The beast seems to be a person and the end times system as well. Of course there is only one book of Revelation but there are many interpretations as to its meaning. I take a futuristic view meaning that everything in this book is all about what is going to happen in the future. The seven letters to the seven churches in chapters 2 and 3 are both historical and future, I believe. I take a pre-millennial, post-tribulational view of the end times. Tell Craig to subscribe to my Luke 21 website to find out more by doing it online or passing on his email address. There is so much in this that it’s hard to explain in a few sentences. My main premise in doing this website is to warn people of what’s coming and to tell them of God’s great escape plane for faithful Christians to wait in Israel and then escape to Jordan at the halfway point.

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