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“New York is modern Rome”

Last Updated on December 28, 2024 by Steve

New York is the modern Rome

Interesting take from former Liberal MP, Joe Hockey,1 who is about to finish up as Australian Ambassador to the U.S.  According to the Sydney Morning Herald,2 Joe is choosing to remain in New York and work in the private sector for a few years. 

(New York) is the modern Rome. We’re going through a tumultuous period and I want to be in the thick of it.

Joe Hockey Former Australian treasurer and ambassador to the U.S.
Babylon = Rome

Interestingly there are a few times in the New Testament where Rome is equated to being the ancient city of Babylon, namely “Babylon the Great”3  Peter also writes from Babylon4 which is often understood as being a reference and figurative expression for the eternal city of Rome.  Rome was the centre for organised godlessness in the 1st century just like the Babylon of old.

Revelation chapters 17 and 18 both mention Babylon. In Revelation chapter 17:5, the reference to Babylon is “Babylon the Great, the Mother of Prostitutes and of the Abominations of the Earth.”  When reading this, Rev 17:4, 15, 18 seem almost certainly to refer to Rome.  Particularly verse 18 it says that the prostitute (Babylon) is the great city that rules over the kings of the earth. Rome in the 1st century most certainly qualifies.

But in chapter 18, Babylon the Great seems to not fit the description of Rome instead referring to a great city that is extremely rich, a city like no other that will be destroyed in 1 hour.  It appears to be a city by the sea where merchants will be able to see her destruction.  It will be a shock to the whole world when this wealthy city is destroyed so quickly.  Is there a city that can match New York in our modern times just like the city of Rome was unrivaled in the 1st century AD?

Babylon = Rome = New York

Maybe Joe Hockey has unwittingly called it!  New York is the modern Rome!  Babylon is Rome but it is also New York.  Revelation 17 refers to Rome and its religious system of Catholicism and Revelation 18 refers to New York which is in no doubt capitalism’s centre of power for the last 80 years or so.

So what is the take out for us? New York is not a place that I want to be in the thick of in these present evil times if my interpretation is correct. In fact, a voice from heaven says, “Come out of her my people, so that you will not share in her sins…”5

When a city is referred to as Babylon in the Bible it is not a good thing.  It means that it is a centre of idolatry and godlessness.  Ironically when a ship comes into the port of New York they actually pass by the town of Babylon on the coast.  It was named “New Babylon” around 1803 apparently being named after ancient Babylon.  This does not bode well for America and New York in particular in the end times. But it does make a lot of sense as New York is the present-day financial and political capital of the world. The other Babylon, Rome, is the religious capital of the world in terms of apostate Christianity.

Both Babylons (Rome and New York) are destroyed so in a way the three pillars of society are brought to ruin—religion,6 financial, and political.7

If the Antichrist can bring America to its knees by destroying the centre of its power then he will be able to better control the world system and after all, that is what he will desire—control!

Come out of “Babylon”!

What are we to do as God’s people?  It’s not to remain in the “New Rome” Joe!  I think the answer lies in the command of verse 4 in chapter 18: “Come out of her my people.”  And where are we to go you ask?  The only place in the end where we will be protected and safe for 1290 days is in the wilderness.8  Listen to my sermons in Daniel and particularly Daniel 11:36–45 where I give three clues where this safe place is most likely to be and what God’s plan for Christians is all about.

  1. []
  2. []
  3. Rev. 17:5 []
  4. 1 Peter 5:13 []
  5. Rev. 18:14 []
  6. Rev. 17:16 []
  7. Rev. 18:17 []
  8. Rev. 12:6 []

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