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Luke 21 Bible Project

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I need your help!

The day has finally come when I have completed my Bible project of the EDV (Everyday Dynamic Version) New Testament after nearly six years of hard work.  Of course this is not the first time that I have translated the New Testament–the first time was the Asengseng New Testament for the people living in that language group in Papua New Guinea.  It was published in 2007.  I believe God inspired and challenged me with the idea to do it all again but this time in a new English version which utilizes all the translation knowledge and skills gained the first time around.  This new English version is what is called a “dynamic” version meaning that I have tried to get across the meaning of what the Greek is saying for this last times generation to understand.

Why another English version?

Why another English version when there are over 200 English translations?  Good question.  The simple answer… Languages are ever changing and English is the trade language of the world.  And because new discoveries are being made all the time such as the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947 and new insights into verses, I believe that a lot has been missed.  I have always gone by the mantra since my missionary days that the best Bible translators are Bible teachers and the best Bible teachers are Bible translators and I have always done both.  So what am I saying?  I am saying that translations need to be ‘road-tested’ so that the best translation can be achieved.  My EDV is not just an academic translation but uses information gained from many years of Bible teaching experience both on the foreign mission field and in the local church context in Australia.

I remember teaching Bible Translation principles to missionary training candidates in the 1990s saying to them that a translation is needed for each new generation because language is ever changing.  How long is a generation?  Anywhere from 20-40 years in languages.  That’s how fast things change!  My vision for my new EDV translation is to capture the language of our day in this last generation in the days before Jesus returns.  The EDV has an end times flavour with relevant information and commentary in the extensive footnotes.

At the end of the day, Bible Translation is interpretation and translations are highly vulnerable to the doctrinal stances and biases of the translators.  In studying the Bible, one must use many different versions, I believe, to get different angles in arriving at the original meaning.

My goal is for readers to use this as an aid in their personal study that provides a unique and different angle on many of the Bible passages and verses that have been read and studied before.  I believe the EDV will be a useful addition in the Bible student’s study toolbox.  So…

I am asking for your help to raise AUD $8000

Down to the nitty gritty.  The total cost to print 500 paperback copies from a professional well established publisher (Sid Harta) (not Amazon) which includes professional typesetting, professional proofreading, cover design, Jesus’ sayings in red (which I think is important), and printing is AUD $14,375.  Further details of the quote:  Size is 226 x 150mm.  Text is 600 pages printed in colour on 90gsm uncoated.  Cover is on 350gsm coated CMYK and gloss laminated on face.  Spine is estimated at 35mm.

I have $6000 of my own funds, so I am looking to raise an additional AUD $8000 to see the project through.  I believe there is still a need in this day and age to have hard copies so to speak although the publisher will make it available worldwide Print on Demand platforms and eBook.  The cost includes ISBN.  RRP will be $29.95.

If you feel led to donate to this Bible project you can either use the PayPal button below or contact me for my banking details if you would prefer as PayPal takes their cut.  Any amount is appreciated.  Check back here to see the progress made towards the goal.  Also please feel free to share this with your friends and any interested parties.

Praise the Lord as of 4th April the goal has been reached.  Many thanks to those who donated.

Progress towards $8000
0% $8530

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