Last Updated on December 14, 2024 by Steve
God has a great escape plan
On the home page of the Luke 21 website, I have a brief message saying that the good news is that God has a great escape plan for those who trust in Him and are willing to go when the time comes. This may be a new revelation to many of my readers but in this article, I want to answer some important questions that there may be regarding this escape plan detailed in the Bible. There are clues that we can see detailed in the books of Isaiah, Daniel, Matthew, and Revelation regarding the church being hidden during the worst part of the Great Tribulation for 1290 days. So here are the questions and answers:
What is the great escape plan?
In several verses, God promises to protect His people during the ‘Great Tribulation’ that is coming upon the whole world to punish the people of the earth for their sins.1 Isaiah also says, “Go my people, enter your rooms and shut the doors behind you; hide yourselves for a little while until his wrath has passed by.”2 God instructs His people to hide while His wrath and anger is expressed upon the earth. This speaks, I believe, about the last 3 ½ years of this age. Notice that God’s people have to take action. There is no passive waiting for God Himself to take us out of the trouble such as falsely predicted by the pre-tribulation rapture theory. Also, Jesus tells us that we must watch for the signs of this approaching time and that we are to pray that we may be able to escape all the trouble that is about to happen.3 The plan for those who trust in God, His people, is for us to remain safe and sheltered for a period of time. I couldn’t say it better than the Forest Gump movie: “Run Forest Run!”
Where do we go to escape the trouble?
Revelation chapter 12 tells us that the woman (God’s people) will flee into the desert to a place specially prepared for her.4 Furthermore, in Matthew, Jesus tells His disciples to flee to the mountains.5 Those mountains would be none other than the mountains of Moab in Jordan on the east side of the Jordan Valley. We also have another clue that we have to flee into the desert because Jesus tells His disciples to pray that their “flight” is not in the winter.6 Winter is a dangerous time in the desert region because there can be flash floods. There have been many flash floods in Petra and Jordan over the past few years.
Daniel tells us that the only place that the king of the North (Antichrist) will not be able to enter is Edom, Moab, and Ammon.7 He will be able to invade many places but southern Jordan will be delivered and protected. Take a look at a Bible map to see for yourself where exactly Edom, Moab, and Ammon are located. You might like to remember the acronym, GAME, which I do, to remember the regions or tribes on the east side of the Rift Valley where the modern-day country of Jordan is situated. This will help you to place in your mind the protected area during the Great Tribulation. Starting from the north near the Golan Heights and the border of Syria there is the region of G—Gilead, then A—Ammon, M—Moab, and finally E—Edom ending at the Red Sea in the south. G—Gilead and the northern area of Jordan towards Syria will not be protected but the southern areas attributed to A—Ammon, M—Moab, and E—Edom are. The ancient hidden city of Petra is located in Edom.
How do we get there?
Jesus tells His disciples that we must actually flee.3 This is in the active voice meaning that it is an action that we must take. It is not something that will passively happen to us as in the rapture. Most versions in Matthew 24:20 talk about “flight” or “running away” in some versions and “escape” in others. The Louw and Nida Greek Lexicon says that this noun (phuge) means to move quickly from a point or area to avoid presumed danger or difficulty—‘to run away, to flee, flight’. Be aware that the English word “flight” does not mean that we are going to take a short plane ride in a small plane from Judea to Petra across the Jordan Valley. More than likely we will have some other means like walking or maybe even riding a donkey like Cathi pictured above.
Can I go early and buy a property in Jordan beforehand?
Nowhere in the Scripture does it say that we are to go early and be already there before the time. Even though that sounds tempting, I am sure that God will give us the grace and the time to get there in plenty of time. We have our own example where we arrived at our destination in W.A. in March 2020 to our own ‘safe place’ to sit out the Coronavirus lock-down. When it was time, the borders were still open. A few days later however the borders were closed and now no one can get in or out. Reminds me of the importance of when it is time to go we must go. When we are late such as the 5 foolish virgins in the “Parable of the 10 Virgins” it will be too late. Matthew says, “The virgins who were ready went in with him to the wedding banquet. And the door was shut.”8 Once the door is shut it is too late. The lesson is ‘Don’t be late!’ But also the 5 wise virgins couldn’t get in early either. They had to wait for the bridegroom at the appropriate time. Notice where this parable is located? Right in the same discourse when Jesus was talking about the end times with His disciples!9
So when do we actually need to go?
Jesus tells us exactly when to go when He says, “So when you see standing in the holy place ‘the abomination that causes desolation,’ … then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.”10 Daniel further expands on when exactly this abomination will be set up.11 It is in the middle of the ‘seven’. In other words, this is halfway during the last seven years. We don’t need to go early. There will be a period of time, maybe 40 days (the period of testing in the Bible) where we will be able to escape. See my timeline which outlines this point in graphic form.
The last time I looked, the tribulation period had not yet started. Why? We do not see the two witnesses prophesying in Jerusalem and the Jewish sacrificial system has not recommenced. See my blog on “Why 2030 is an important year” for more information on the timing of the tribulation.
Why do we have to flee? Can’t I just wait for the rapture at the end?
Great question. God is in fact doing something really great for us. He is providing protection in the storm just like He provided protection for the Israelites from the 10 plagues. Of course, we can take our chances and not flee at the halfway point. And to be sure there will be many who will survive the Tribulation and make it to the end and even be saved during the last 3 ½ years. But that in my opinion is a very risky option. Jesus says that there will be many who fall away and apostatize. He says also that the love of most people including Christians will grow cold and that many will turn away from the faith.12 Even if you do hold firm the likelihood is that you will become a tribulation martyr and have to die for your faith.13 Why would you take that risk and not take up Jesus for His offer of protection in the wilderness? It’s a no-brainer!
I’m still not convinced, where can I get more information?
Fair enough! I was shocked by this whole escape to Jordan thing too, initially. Keep studying it and ask the Lord to show you and to convince you. How about starting by listening to my whole series in Daniel from the beginning here.
Also read through all my blogs as there is lots of information, not all in one place. You can start by going to the footer of any page of the Luke 21 website and you will see some of the most common tags and latest posts. Alternatively start with the FAQ page.
I will continue to add bits and pieces as I see more angles and God shows me more too. The important thing is that first of all we need to be born again and to put our trust in what Christ has done for us 2000 years ago on the cross. He has died for our sins and made a way for us to be back into a right relationship with the Father in heaven. There is plenty of time yet to be prepared for the trouble that is about to come upon the whole world.
7 Responses
Hi Steve,
Thank you for your message. Right now I don’t have the time for a longer discussion or to listen to several sermons.
However, in regard to your teaching about the future escape to Jordan I am wondering how that would or could work out in reality.
Do you think that all believers, living on different continents are called to travel to Jordan? Think about all the tribal believers not just in PNG but also in the jungle of South America.
I have a hard time to believe that God wants all true believers to travel to Jordan. The letters to the seven churches in Revelation are an example for God’s different plans with different groups of believers. Some had to sacrifice their life on earth and some received the promise of protection.
I can assure you that I don’t look forward to suffering and death but church history is full of that and the book of Revelation also shows us the souls of believers, who were killed because of their testimony and the word of God. I believe without hesitation that believers in Israel and the surrounding nations are called to flee to the mountains and or to Jordan. However, I can’t see, how millions of Chinese believers or Christians from North Korea and – or the Philippines for example all gather in Jordan.
Anyway- I appreciate your ministry and efforts to warn believers regarding the Pre-trib teaching.
By the way- Nobody was able to read it to me from scripture. They always teach that doctrine but never read it. I was shocked that they even admit the fact that there is not a single verse in the Bible that clearly teaches Pre-Trib and yet, they don’t have a problem with that. Amazing, shocking…
Hey Joerg,
Yeah many people get stuck by the thought of logistics in why believers won’t be able to get to Israel and then Jordan in time. The first step is to get to Israel (Joel 2:32). That is where the refugees will need to wait and then when they see the Abomination of Desolation that is the signal to flee (Luke 21:36)(Matt. 24:16) to the mountains (Jordan/Petra). Southern Jordan is the only place on earth that will escape the clutches of the beast (Dan. 11:41) hence it is the only safe place. Read Psalm 91 which I believe describes this place under the wings of the Almighty.
Logistics was not a problem when the Israelites left Egypt and it won’t be a problem in this generation to escape the modern day Egypt and its slavery (Rev. 12:14).
As it says in the song, “My God is so big, so strong and so mighty, there’s nothing my God cannot do!”
I don’t understand – are we physically fleeing or is there a mid-trib rapture? I have heard a lot of things and different opinions. I’m new to Christianity and have come to know the Lord and the truth in the last 6 months or so. I’m scared about what is happening in the world at the moment and I want to save myself and my family.
Hi Leigh,
It’s a great decision that you have made to believe what Christ has done for you on the cross – congratulations, you have made the right decision. You are right, there are many different opinions. Some believe in a pre-tribulation rapture, some a mid-trib rapture and some like myself see Christ coming back at the end which is called the post-trib rapture. I suggest that you read all my posts by clicking on some of the tags such as You have a lot of study to do and catching up but it’s something that will come with time. Just keep in the word of God and keep reading it. You are right to be scared about what’s happening in the world at the moment-things are moving very fast because we are getting towards the end. I believe the Scriptures teach that we will have to physically flee and escape before the Antichrist reveals himself at the half way point. But to be fair not everyone believes the same so it can be confusing. I believe that the pre-trib and mid-trib rapture give a false hope. To save your family make sure they believe the Gospel and that they persevere until the end. It will become clearer as you study more.
Thanks Steve, appreciate your insights! While I’ve always been a pre-trib girl, I’ve never wanted to be foolish enough to believe that it is 100% definite!
You have spent so much time studying and researching in an attempt to inform others of a different view… I for one am very thankful to you for that and take everything you share very seriously! I’ve become quietly a lot more open as to what may happen in future days and what the last days will look like… when you and Cathi are about to ‘flee’ can you give us the heads up… I’d love to be right behind you!
I didn’t want to mislead anyone Steve about property in Jordan but I think it is worth taking a look at. But I also see your point about not getting ahead of GOD at the same time. To obey is better than sacrifice ??
All good Dave. It is a fascinating subject. I don’t blame you for wanting to take a look at property prices. I’ve previously looked for Baptist churches in Amman.