Last Updated on January 25, 2025 by Steve
Some people are beginning to question whether the final seven-year tribulation period prophesied in the Bible in the book of Daniel has already begun or whether it might be very soon within the next year or so. Others think they are sure that it hasn’t happened yet using the pre-tribulation logic that it hasn’t begun because we are still here on earth and believers haven’t been raptured yet. It is extremely dangerous to base everything around whether the rapture has occurred or not. So, what is the actual sign that the final seven-year clock has begun ticking?
There will be no peace treaty between the Antichrist and the Jews
There is a common theory amongst Christians today that the covenant to be confirmed referred to in Dan. 9:27 which begins the 70th or final ‘week’ is a peace treaty between the Antichrist and the Jews. This is simply not the case because 2 Thess. 2:4 states plainly that this “Man of Sin” proclaims himself to be God and takes his seat in the temple in Jerusalem. This is the so-called abomination of desolation talked about in Matt. 24:15. Dan. 9:27 says that this takes place in the middle of the seven or in other words at the halfway point of these seven years. Furthermore, the beast or Antichrist is not seen coming up out of the sea1 until after the great red dragon was cast down to the earth until just after the woman of Revelation 12 was safely in the desert place of refuge at the halfway point where she would spend the next 1290 days or last half of the tribulation protected.2 At the sound of the 5th trumpet, Satan (the star) is cast down and falls from the sky to the earth and he opens the abyss where demonic hordes called locusts are released to enact their evil upon the earth for the last 42 months. The Bible is clear that the Antichrist does not appear on the earthly scene until the mid-point.
So in conclusion, there is no peace treaty to be enacted between Israel and the Antichrist at the start of this seven-year period so we shouldn’t be looking for one. The so-called peace treaty isn’t a peace treaty anyway because Dan. 9:27 does not specify that it is a peace treaty but it says that someone (a male) will confirm “the” covenant for a period of one week or seven years. This is not talking about “a” covenant but “the” covenant—a very specific covenant that is none other than the Old Testament covenant. There can be no doubt that the covenant talked about in Dan. 9:27 is the Law of Moses that is mentioned at least five times in Daniel’s prayer in the earlier part of chapter 9.
I believe the best candidate for the unnamed male person is none other than the final Elijah prophesied in Mal. 4:6 who will turn the hearts of the fathers back to the sons and vice versa. What does this mean? In Israel even today there is a very well-known and common saying, “The acts of the fathers are a sign for the sons”, meaning that the acts that happened in the past have modern-day consequences and meaning.3
The deeds of the fathers are a signpost for the sons
The Old Testament covenant will be reenacted and reaffirmed by Elijah or someone in the spirit of Elijah once more for a short time of seven years in the future but then the Antichrist when he is revealed will go straight to kill the two witnesses and put a stop to this covenant and its daily sacrifices in Jerusalem at the temple. All of this drama however happens at the mid-point and that is the point here—it does not mark the beginning of the tribulation but the start of the Antichrist’s evil ministry on the earth.
The white horse marks the beginning
So how indeed do we know when the 7-year tribulation period starts? The tribulation begins with the first of the seven seal judgments described in Rev. 6:1–2. The first seal and therefore the first sign that things have begun is the white horse. There are four horses and the first horse is the white one representing a false peace. Its rider holds a bow (with no arrow) and wears a crown symbolising a deceptive peace without bloodshed conquering all before him. This is backed up by the corresponding passage in Matt. 24:4 when Jesus tells His disciples to watch out that they are not deceived. So deception and a false world peace mark the start. Perhaps there is a world peace treaty. But this does not last long because war soon follows with the second seal and the red horse which represents war and bloodshed.4
Two major Jewish signs also mark the beginning
The other point to note why the tribulation has not yet started is because we do not see the two witnesses prophesying in Jerusalem yet. That is the other sign that we will see to verify that the final 7-year period has begun. The Jews every Passover are looking for Elijah and even set a place for him at their annual Seder or Passover meal. The children are sent out to check the door to see if Elijah has come yet. The Jews are looking for their Messiah and believe for him to come that the Third Temple must be built and Elijah must come first. We must remember that the final seven-year period is primarily the time of Jacob’s (Israel’s) trouble, not the church’s trouble.5 So we should be looking for Jewish signs, not some secret rapture that takes the church away before all the bad stuff happens. The church’s opportunity will come 1260 days later when we who are ready in Judea are instructed to escape all that is about to happen by fleeing to the mountains.6 It will be up to us to be there in time for this final part of the 30 km journey at the halfway point.
So, apart from a period of peace and safety represented by the white horse seal judgment and a period of great deception where there will be many claiming to be Christ,7 I believe that there will also be two primary Jewish signs to start things off: there will be the two witnesses or prophets that will begin by measuring out the temple area and commanding a beginning to the sacrifices once again after a 1960 year period gap. They will prophesy and have much to say and offend many but no one will be able to stop them. They will have great power to command plagues and stop it from raining. A Jewish Temple may or may not be constructed at this time or it may already be constructed and ready so this is the other Jewish sign—the temple or at least the brazen altar where the sacrifices can begin once again as per the Jewish Law.
Many Christians will be surprised
We are looking for Jewish signs not church signs. This will take many Christians by surprise as many are waiting to be caught up or raptured before this final period commences. Rather the church will be caught up in Jewish affairs as God once again deals with the Jews as per the 70 weeks prophecy in Daniel. We will need to hold on until the end and make good our escape when the time comes. Who knows how we will make it to Israel in time but we just need to be ready and watch and pray.
The tribulation period has not started yet
Please do not fret that the tribulation has already started or that you have missed the boat–you have not! I believe that Jesus will return again in the third day8 after 2000 years, which means AD 30 + 2000 years + 7 years. More specifically Jesus announced in late AD 29, six months before His death at the Feast of Tabernacles, that He would be going away9 which is the fulfillment of Hosea’s prophecy in Hosea 5:15 NASB that He would be going back to His place. This is the exact start of the two millennia. Fast forward 2000 years and this then means that the tribulation would start in late 2029. So not only do we know when the tribulation starts because of the Jewish signs including Elijah but we know the time as well because of the culmination of 6000 years of history after creation. Remember Gen 6:3 when the Lord says that He will only contend with mankind for 120 years/cycles = 120 x 50 (Jubilee cycles) = 6000 years. I can hear you contending with, “but no one knows the day nor the hour”. Read my blog “No one knows about that day or hour“, for my answer on this.
Look for Elijah!
Anyway, don’t worry about the rapture being the sign you are waiting for as it won’t happen until after the tribulation.10 Look for Elijah like the Jews do although they are looking for him to return at the Passover! Elijah will come at the beginning of the tribulation period at Shmini Atzeret. Elijah came before the Messiah’s first coming through John the Baptist (for those willing to accept it) and it will be a ‘third Elijah’ at His second coming too. Remember that common Jewish saying, “The acts of the fathers are a sign for the sons”.
12 Responses
The rider of the first seal has no arrow because the seal is not about a weaponized war. He has a bow. I interpret this as power over the earth. It is the bow that has the power, not the arrow. This rider is the Son of Perdition. “He goes out conquering AND DOES CONQUER.” The Son of Perdition will not be known openly at this time. He works through his minions who serve Satan, the elites of the NWO, the globalist politicians and the rich, i.e. George Soros. The Luciferians. He plans to conquer the world economically and through worldwide govt laws i.e., COVID lockdowns and the jab, killing millions, destroying businesses, worldwide inflation and shortages of energy, food and most everything. He is conquered the world as the world is in chaos. The second seal is a world war, which we are beginning to see, {but not yet at that point} with NATO forces provoking Russia to attack Ukraine, China and Taiwan { Nancy Pelosi doing her part.} North Korea is ready to send the US an EMP and Israel’s agreement with Biden 3 months ago to attack Iran. The third seal, world famine, pestilence {disease through animals} war deaths and earthquakes killing 2 billion, 1/4th of the earth. We are seeing this begin now but it will escalate in the next year or two. This pre-trib rapture nonsense is a lie of Satan, and it will keep the church believing that the trib has not yet started. I believe we are about to be in the trib, by April 2023. { April, 30 AD plus 2000 yrs is April 2030, minus 7 yrs of tribulation equals April 2023. Daniel 12:12 “Blessed is he who waits until 1,335 days.” the rapture.
Hi Mary,
Your timing is out by 7 years and 6 months because 69 weeks in Dan. 9:26 ends when the Anointed One (Messiah) is cut off. He was cut off 6 months before He died. He died in April 30 A.D. because the Rabbis reported in the Talmud that 40 years of certain bad omens occurred in the Temple before its destruction in 70 A.D. such as the huge double doors of the Temple opening by themselves and the oil lamp of the menorah refusing to burn. The first bad omen for the Jews was the Temple curtain ripping down the middle. Jesus was cut off in late 29 A.D. when he started to announce His imminent departure at the Autumn feasts from John 7:1 – 10:21. This was a direct reference and fulfillment of Hosea’s prophecy in Hosea 5:15 which says, “I shall go and return unto My place.” Because of this there is still 1 week of years after this point bringing the final date to 1st October 2036. I agree with you about the pre-trib nonsense being a lie of Satan but we will not know that the tribulation has begun until the Two Witnesses start prophesying. I don’t expect that until 1st October 2029 on the 8th day of assembly after Tabernacles (Shmini Atzeret). Another thing is that the Son of Perdition (the beast) does not come up out of the abyss until the 5th trumpet at the mid-point.
Could not the 7 year tribulation begin in 2022? This years Rose Ha Shanan is the 11th cycle. Biblically the number 10 represents law and responsibility. The number 11 represents the opposite which is the irresponsibility of breaking the law, which brings disorder and judgment.
This still aligns with the Hosea prophesy with the 3rd day rapture around that 2030 mark.
Hi Amanda,
The only problem is that the 6th day or 6000 years ends in October 2036. Take away 7 years for the final 70th week prophecy and you arrive at late 2029 when it starts. The Shimta Sabbatical year is right now and the next one starts in 2028-2029 — perfect for the start of the last seven years. The first sign I am looking for at the start of the last 7 years is the Two Witnesses. There is no temple built yet.
The fig tree generation that saw Israel reborn in 1948 should see all things come to an end – possibly by 2028, if a generation is no more than 80 years. There is no way to know that any one date will absolutely be the crucial day. Meanwhile, some of us enjoy trying to make sense of prophecy. and timing.
Now, Psalms 90:10
We are at the edge.
Psalms 90:10
The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away. (80 years)
a “score” means 20, “threescore and ten” refers to the number 70. “Threescore equals three times 20, or 60.
Threescore plus 10 = 70
Fourscore = 80 years
Israel 1948 fig tree blossoms
1948 + 80 = 2028 Yeshua returns
But 7 years before that is Tribulation
Daniel’s 70th week ( Jacob’s time of trouble)
7 years= a Week
2028 – 7 = 2021 Autumn?
Hi John,
Thanks for your comment. I think you are 8 years out because 69 weeks of years ended when the Anointed One (Jesus) was cut off (Dan. 9:26) six months before He was crucified in Passover 30 A.D. At this time six months before, Jesus began announcing His departure in John 7:32-36 in fulfillment of the Hosea prophecy in Hosea 5:15. The last two millennia began the day after the 69th Sabbatical cycle began on Tishri 1 3993 AM (Sep 29 A.D.) The last or 70th week begins the 120th Jubilee as Christ’s crucifixion was 7 years short of a Jubilee year. The seven year tribulation follows the “two days” interval described in Hosea 6:2 which means that the second coming of Jesus will occur 2007 years from the beginning of the crucifixion year (29 A.D.) in October 2036. This also ties in with the last generation prophecy from May 1948 because a generation can be either 70, 80 or up to 100 years. This last generation prophecy is not accurate to the year but a ball park prophecy. The last week or seven year period will begin at the end of this decade. See Tim Warner’s book, “The Time of the End” p311-329 for further details who gives a detailed analysis of his expected timeline.
Good explanation as always, thanks
Thanks Steve, so the 120 Jubilee’s (based on the lunar system) is exactly equal to the 6000 solar years… is that correct?
Many of the articles I’ve looked at recently also suggest, as you do, that the day (1000 years) of “rest” is coming soon. This guy also agrees with many of your views, especially commenting on “the day and the hour” which refers to timing on a micro-level as you say… makes me wonder how many other Messianic Jews see the obvious parrallels between Christ’s return and the final trumpet of the Feast of Trumpets?
I find it all very interesting 🙂
Hi Steve, with regard to the discussion about years/cycles, when is it appropriate to apply lunar years vs solar years? ie. Does this have any bearing on the numbers you’ve put forward in this and other blogs?
Hi Colin,
The dates I have given such as Christ coming back for the church on the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of the Lord being 10 days later on the Day of Atonement are all predicated on the lunar calendar. Rosh Hashanah (Jewish New Year’s Day = Feast of Trumpets) is set by two witnesses who had to separately witness the first crescent moon to the Sanhedrin. Then and only then could New Year’s Day be announced so that the New Year could go ahead. Of course nowadays we know the exact dates of the astronomical new moons. They are usually visible a couple of days later but it still depends on the visibility which could vary according to weather conditions. There is still room for human error and weather conditions. All important feast dates are set according to the lunar year because the first day of each month is set by the new moon. Interestingly solar years are now 365.25 days per year whereas Gen. 7:11 and Gen 8:4 seem to imply that 5 months = 150 days (Gen. 8:3) which means that 1 month = 30 days in the pre-flood era. So there seemed to be a perfect symmetry with the months and years with 12 x 30 days = 360 days = 1 year. The solar year is the length of time it takes to complete all 4 seasons whereas the lunar year is the time it takes for the moon to complete 12 cycles. As well as this we have the parallel Jubilee calendar system from creation which suggests that we are nearing the 120th Jubilee cycle. Both calendars (6000 solar years and 120 Jubilees) give us the proof and crosscheck that we need to give us the history of the earth dates on a macro level which can be proven by the Bible and the lunar calendar gives the uncertainty of no one knowing the day nor the hour on a micro level which is particularly important on the final day that Christ returns. The earliest church fathers believed in chiliasm believing that man’s struggle would be limited to 6 millennia. See this article on chiliasm. Also see another article “Chronology for everybody” proving that the earth is around 6000 years old from a different source.
I do have an issue with getting to Israel at that time period because I feel international travel will be heavily restricted by then so I feel we will not be able to physically fly there. Also is the covenant with 7 countries which would mean that the Abram accords is not the covenant?
The time we will need to get to Israel first is still many years away (in my opinion)- at any rate it’s not something that we should worry about because if we are meant to get there God will provide a way. Physical travel is one problem but at the moment a bigger problem is that Christians are not even allowed an entry permit to reside there. A tourist visa yes but not residency even if you are a Jew. Apparently they want your tourist dollars but not your religious influence! These are all logistical problems that God can easily take care of just like when the Israelites were between a rock and a hard place between Pharaoh’s army and the Red Sea. What did God do? He did something quite miraculous – He opened up the Red Sea. And interestingly we see that we have that comparison to the “flight” of the Israelites in Exo. 19:4 and the flight of the woman in Rev. 12:14. Have faith brother – God is bigger than a few small logistical problems. We just need to be ready to go when called.