Last Updated on December 13, 2024 by Steve
Adolf Hitler was, in his day, the master of the comeback. In a sense, he resurrected himself many times and that is the subject of a new book by Peter Ross Range called, “The Unfathomable Ascent” as pictured above. There was a period of 13 years from 1920 to 1933 when Hitler made several quests for power over a weakened Germany. Hitler almost failed and in fact, almost died many times during his rise to power but there were also many noted attempts on his life from 1932 to 1945. Historians have uncovered that there were 42 attempts on his life during this time. His survival of some of the attempts might even be described as quite miraculous. The 2008 film Valkyrie documents the attempt on his life on the 20th July 1944. One might say that Hitler rose again and again from the dead during all these attempts.
First close call on Hitler’s life
In his book, Peter Ross Range says, “I was stunned at the number of times Hitler’s quest for power almost came to an end and how close the world came, it seems, to avoiding the terror he caused.” The first attempt at a power grab by Hitler came in 1923 when he staged an ill-fated coup d’etat. The attempt was defeated very quickly but 20 men were killed. Hitler missed being shot in a barrage of bullets by police by only 2 feet. The man next to Hitler died. Subsequently, Hitler, being in prison, threatened suicide and attempted a hunger strike. He was convicted of treason and in prison, he wrote his autobiographical manifesto, Mein Kampf (My struggle). He obtained early parole and refounded the Nazi party in 1925.
Hitler had a death wish
There was another time in which Hitler considered suicide and we know that on May 1st, 1945 he actually did go through with suicide by shooting himself in the head and swallowing a cyanide capsule at the same time in his bunker under the German Chancellery just before the Russians reached him. Here is a pattern: Hitler threatened, attempted, and eventually succeeded at suicide. Hitler survived at least 42 attempts on his life maybe many more that were undocumented. There is no doubt that he came back from some remarkable situations that should have killed him. This in my view makes him the perfect candidate to resurrect for real next time right at the end of our age in the middle of the seven year period at the 5th trumpet judgment. The world will be astonished when they see the beast because he once was, now is not, and yet will come.1 This is a peculiar way of saying that the beast of the future and last days will be a resurrected historical figure/dictator of history. It has to be someone from one of the 7 Gentile kingdoms from history ranging from Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, Rome to Nazi Germany in modern history.2 The only one who fits the bill to be resurrected is Adolf Hitler, himself a strongman who kept coming back. A further clue is that this beast suffered a fatal head wound. No other world ruler from one of the seven Gentile kingdoms in history has died from a fatal head wound except Hitler himself, who shot himself in the right temple with his own revolver. This is amazing because in 1927, Hitler, when faced with the bankruptcy of the Nazi Party, said that he would rather put a bullet in his head than accept bankruptcy. He was saved by a huge donation to the party by a rich German industrialist after Hitler delivered a four-hour monologue. This is the character of the man. A man with a crazy death wish who kept coming back from the dead, so to speak.
Hitler had a political resurrection
Hitler nearly didn’t even come to power at all but for a last-minute political deal that involved the cabinet at the time in 1933. A newspaper at the time said, “It is obvious that [Hitler] is now headed downhill.” Hitler’s Nazi Party had only received 37% of the vote and his end seemed imminent because he refused to be a part of a coalition. Hitler was appointed chancellor in January 1933. He needed the agreement of just one man in the end to establish total power at a meeting of the cabinet. Elderly Alfred Hugenberg, who was to be the minister of economics and agriculture finally agreed and within 15 minutes Hitler had become chancellor. His political resurrection was complete and the following day, Hugenberg regretted his decision saying, “Yesterday, I did the stupidest thing of my life. I joined forces with the greatest demagogue in world history.”
Yesterday, I did the stupidest thing of my life. I joined forces with the greatest demagogue in world history.
Hitler ticks all the boxes as the beast to come
Adolf Hitler, the master of political intrigue, strongman, dictator, and orator, came back time and time again from certain death whether we are speaking physically or politically. This is not insignificant because the beast will rise from the dead at the end, from the abyss. It will be a man from history and I believe that Adolf Hitler perfectly fits the bill. He will come back one more time and the world will be astonished. They will give credence and obeisance to the one who cannot be killed and the beast will play on that theme. He may even offer eternal life because he has seemingly conquered death. He will be powerful, being able to perform all sorts of false miracles. The whole world will follow the beast and take his mark. We need to wake up and be ready because I believe that we are being conditioned at the current time to accept such a man as this.
6 Responses
Here’s a thought… perhaps for another blog: We may have to choose to STAY in the safe place (Jordan).
Nazi’s were known for their propaganda.
Living in the safe place will not necessarily be easy.
As you have suggested Steve, if the safe place is Jordan and if we are living there for three and half years (possibly in tents) then there are going to be a lot of challenges, especially for us “soft” westerners. Jordan summers are very hot and Jordan winters are very cold (especially in a tent). There may be limited access to medical services. I have no doubt God will provide all our needs but there may be times (just like it was for the Israelites in the desert) when God allows us to be tested: times when water is scarce… times when the food is monotonous.
Now, consider being thirsty, hot, bored and perhaps suffering some ailment or in pain without access to modern medical help… then comes the propaganda (enter Adolf Hitler) showing us how “good” and “easy” life is OUTSIDE the safe place.
What will I do? what would you do?
An interesting perspective and thoughts Colin.
I think much of the world is in denial of the close resemblance that the CCP has with Hitler….in fact they are several times worse….just watch the Tianamen square video on youtube
Then there’s the authoritarian rule too with so much evidence….however no one calls them out for a very intriguing reason? Would it be the trade making so many westerners so wealthy?
You are no doubt right about China being an oppressive authoritarian regime although totalitarian regimes are technically an extreme form of authoritarian. The Nazi Empire was a totalitarian regime as was old China until 1976. Nevertheless my focus is on prophecy which talks about the future Antichrist and who he might be and where he might come from. He will lead a world-wide government that will lead to the complete domination of nearly every nation in the world including ten kings who give their authority to the beast (Hitler) Rev. 17:12-13. China may or may not figure in end times prophecy when at the 6th bowl judgment the great river Euphrates is dried up to prepare the way for the kings of the east (i.e. China) This is the prelude to the great battle of Armageddon and the quickest route to get there is along the silk road from Asia.
This is very interesting. Are you aware of the conspiracy theory that Hitler didn’t in fact commit suicide in 1945 but escaped to Argentina on a U-boat and lived there for a number of years thereafter? There are even eyewitnesses who say they saw him in Argentina, supposedly. Not so sure that he is going to come back from the dead again, but certainly an intriguing antichrist theory that I haven’t heard before.
Hi Greg,
Thanks for your comment. Yes, I have heard of the theory that Hitler did not die on April 30th at his bunker, instead escaping to South America. I have watched documentaries etc but what convinced me that Hitler did in fact die in 1945 at the Chancellery in Berlin was the research done by Jean-Christophe Brisard and Lana Parshina. See
Hitler definitely did die in 1945 despite the rumours because of his jaw fragments stored in Moscow. The Antichrist has to be a historical person resurrected who died of a fatal head wound from one of the seven Gentile kingdoms who persecuted the Jews. The only “king” or dictator who fully fits the bill is Adolf Hitler. This would indeed astonish the world!