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Hitler keeps raising his head

Last Updated on January 24, 2025 by Steve

Rising authoritarianism

Cathi and I went to the latest worldwide ‘freedom march’ in Brisbane last Saturday and it was an interesting experience.  Some sources were saying that perhaps there were up to 100,000 + people who marched through the city.  The march was nationwide and some estimates say that there may have been nearly 1 million people who marched last Saturday across the whole country.  That is very significant in a population of 26 million but more telling is that the numbers marching and protesting are increasing.  The concerns of course are mandatory vaccines and the freedom to be able to choose whether people want to take the vaccine without coercion and the children also being forced to have it as well.  Something that struck me was the energy and willingness to fight this out and to ‘hold the line’ so to speak and the disdain for the current crop of politicians and not just the QLD Premier, Annastacia Palaszczuk.  It’s funny but I heard a news reporter say that never before have so many Australians known the names of all the state premiers.  In my mind, I have even listed them from worst to best considering the sad and sorry state of authoritarianism that we seem to be in.  There is one that seems to stand out above all the rest and seems to be a devout enemy of Christianity.

Hitler is the benchmark

Anyway getting back to the Brisbane protest march on the weekend there were so many homemade signs and the one in this picture above captures the title of this blog about Hitler raising his head again.  Hitler is the ultimate benchmark of dictatorial regimes and it is feared and recognised by many that we are heading in that direction.  And that is where my eschatology is ultimately headed too so it is no surprise to me.  People have asked me, “Do you really think that the world would allow us to regress back to something like the days of Hitler and totalitarianism?”  I thought too that it seemed unlikely because you would have thought that we would have learned the lesson thoroughly.  But history tends to repeat itself and we know that the devil through his agent the Antichrist, will do something similar again.  Hitler and his 12-year regime, I believe, is destined to rise again.  Click on the Hitler and Antichrist tags at the beginning of this blog to find out more about Hitler rising again to be the future resurrected beast.  In fact, in the early 1940s, Hitler made a very prescient statement to his Minister of Propaganda, Joseph Goebbels, about the future, ‘Germany as master of the world. Job for a century.’1 The Nazi regime began in 1933 and ended in 1945 so that almost perfectly works out for the Antichrist to rise at the halfway point and if it is Hitler then that would make it to be almost exactly 100 years since he became dictator the first time until he rises again.2 I am convinced that Hitler was the seventh king and he will be the eighth also.3

Preparing for the coming storm

So what are we to do right now?  How can we prepare for the coming storm?  How can we live as free citizens in a rising mist of authoritarianism?  If we follow the rules and edicts of the future end times government we will be told to take the mark of the beast so that we can buy and sell and basically survive.  This will be a real test of our faith and the pressure will be intense because there also will be many famines some even instigated by the two witnesses.  There is a way of escape for those willing to flee to the wilderness before it gets really bad but for those remaining behind because they missed the call and signs at the halfway point, they will have to endure and find food somehow.  In response to the disciples’ question on what would be the sign of His coming and the end of the age, Jesus told a riddle which almost certainly refers to Joseph and how he prepared by storing grain for seven years for a future seven years of famine.4  It seems like this might be an instruction for us to do the same right now before seven years of disaster and famine hit.  Why not listen to my Foundation series in Genesis on this very subject, sermon #25, “Pharaoh’s dreams” or the Daniel series as well.

  1. Irving, D, Hitler’s War (2002), p. 34 []
  2. Rev. 17:8 []
  3. Rev. 17:9–11 []
  4. Matt. 24:45–51 []

5 Responses

  1. While I am Vaccinated due to health issues, and the need for constant visits to the hospital. I am very disappointed in the current leadership. All around the world you see the leaders who, apparently, lead and represent the free world failing. Political corruption is rampant, and people continue blindly paying most of these ‘peoples representitives’ large salaries as they continue to use their positions not to serve their constituants but to further themselves financially and politically. How great to be a politician. You can potentially get paid to go on a power trip to financially further yourself and suck up to powerful industries who will give you a cushy position on the board when you ‘retire’ on a massive pension paid by the people who you can openly despise and get away with it, because they are all sheep. That is why more honest politicians are harrassed and blocked by the majority….. More Godly people who are politically savy need to get in there and start shaking some cages…
    As for Hitler rising again, take your pick there are plenty of candidates being groomed out there….

  2. I absolutely loved the atmosphere on Saturday (at the march in Brisbane) and how great it was to to see you both there.

    I absolutely agree with everything you have said here Steve and Grace I also agree with you too.

    @John, if I can ask you what does Revelation say about sorcery? Especially Rev. 18:23 ESV? Look up what sorcery actually means in the Greek. (Pharmekeia) so ALL MEN THE RICH THE POOR THE YOUNG AND OLD WILL BE DECEIVED BY pharmekeia! Watch this:

    Steve and Cathi for the past 12 years have always been so aware and open. I will follow and run with them to Jordan.

    I believe it to be black and white: vaccinated and you can’t get to heaven; unvaccinated then they can if they have Jesus as their Saviour. It’s that simple for me. This is only hysteria and a soul grab for the devil nothing more. As Grace said, the vaccinated still catch it, spread it and die from Covid but what’s worse is that I have 9 close friends now with unbelievable reactions to this and all can’t work and two are now dead. But I never met a person with Covid and it’s got a 99.98% survival rate. The vaccine definitely doesn’t have such good odds. I put my faith in my Father God and Jesus is my healer not Bill Gates.

  3. I am amused at the scaremongering that accompanies the Covid Vaccination debate. Pandemics are not a new phenomenon. Some have been far deadlier than Covid and I am thankful to God and medical science that many vaccines have been developed. They have saved millions of lives. If as Christians we are so fixated on end time signs I would have thought we would be more proactive in sharing the message of the gospel.

    1. Hi John,

      Thanks for reading my blog. In one sense you are absolutely correct, there have been far deadlier viruses and pandemics in history so my question is why the heavy handed approach by governments worldwide eager to lock down its citizens and force vaccine mandates upon people including children against a virus that only kills such a minor percentage of people. Clearly the vaccine solution is not in proportion to the danger of the virus. This is an utter outrage. Whilst the vaccines might have some capacity to reduce symptoms and or death foe a very limited time, I ask at what cost to the person involved? I won’t even go there with the issue of the safety of the vaccine and the fact that it still in the experimental stage. I also am taking part in the Covid-19 vaccine trial but I have decided to be part of the control group (tongue in cheek). So many African and third world countries are using other proven medications such as Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine and have had very few deaths. I recently heard Dr. Peter McCullough, an American cardiologist, inform people that Covid-19 can be stopped dead in its tracks by putting a diluted solution of hydrogen peroxide and iodine in one’s oral and nasal cavities. He says that hand sanitiser is completely useless because Covid-19 is a virus contracted through the air not by touch. See BMC protocol here.

      The real issue however, is coercion. I have no qualms about someone voluntarily taking the vaccine but no one should be forced especially when considering the number of deaths, adverse reactions and vaccine injuries that have occurred. There needs to be informed consent and “informed” often is the missing part here. There is no insert on the vaccine vials or just a blank piece of paper which is an immediate ?. I want to know exactly what I am putting into my body. Can you blame people for having doubts? The only scaremongering taking place is from the continuous barrage from the government in forcing people to take a jab that is questionable, experimental and in my opinion not needed. If they believe in it so much why don’t they mandate politicians to get the jab as well and if it is so good then why give indemnity to rich multinational big pharma so they can be untouched by litigation. They should be sued to within an inch of their lives but that is not possible. One has to conclude that there is something extremely underhanded about the whole thing. I think the motive is not even profits for these companies but for the elite to develop a system of authoritarian control that will end up evolving into the beast system of the last seven years and perhaps to reduce the earth’s population as per the Georgia Guidestones and Bill Gates etc. Of course the thief (the devil) only comes to steal and kill and destroy so there we have the purpose statement of the devil (John 10:10) and his elite minions. John, seriously you need to do your research because this vaccine shouldn’t even be called a vaccine but rather an injection. This is not medical science at work but in my opinion medical sorcery. This “vaccine” is not like any other previous vaccines that have come before it so it can’t be thought of in the same way. These Covid-19 vaccines are a clear and present danger and only time will fully tell how the world, I believe, has been deceived.

      The imminent end times makes a perfect platform for evangelism. People are happy when they are forewarned although maybe a little frightened. Better to know what danger lies ahead so that one can make appropriate preparations. When I worked in sharing the gospel, church planting, teaching and translating the New Testament over a period of nearly 20 years as a cross-cultural missionary in PNG I preached on the end times as a part of the whole gospel and the Asengseng people were appreciative and thankful that they knew some of what was ahead. The gospel will indeed be preached to the whole world (Matt. 24:14) but the complete message including the fearful bits about the mark of the beast will be completed by the three angels in Rev. 14:6-12. But we do still need to keep going with the sharing of the message as much as we are able. Eschatology makes the perfect partner of evangelism because it gives the gospel urgency.

  4. I have in the last few days sent emails to Qld politicians (7 so far) and will continue to do so. We need to make our voices heard in various ways. I will copy what I wrote and people may feel free to use it as a template:

    “We have never met but I appreciate what you are doing for Queensland. Thank you for representing us as Assistant Minister for Health.

    I am just writing to you as I wonder how we can still sing: ‘Advance Australia Fair’ when Australia is fast moving away from being fair. We are also not free anymore. I want to ask you what you (I assume you are a person of integrity and good faith) are going to do about the current and upcoming unfairness. There is a lot going on that has nothing to do with health but more with social control.

    I assume that you know that both vaccinated and un-vaccinated people can catch and transmit the Corona virus. So I cannot understand what good it will do to ‘punish’ and restrict un-vaccinated people. Many are in a place where they are worried about the adverse vaccine effects they have seen in people they know. I also have friends who have been vaccinated and are now seriously ill with the Corona virus. Others simply don’t want to take part in a program that uses drugs which have not been proven to be safe (despite what the official messages tell us) and for which no one wants to accept liability if anything goes wrong.

    As you know from history, these kinds of government measures remind us a lot of what happened in Germany prior to WWII. It started with restrictions, segregation, then internment, and look what the end of it was.

    Please recognise that the upcoming restrictions in QLD do NOT protect anyone. I repeat: both vaccinated and un-vaccinated people can catch and transmit the virus. So we are wondering what the agenda really is? As the official message does not ring true for people who still use their brains.”

    With kind regards and all the best,

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