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Hitler beheaded 16,000 people

Last Updated on December 14, 2024 by Steve


This is a picture of the actual fallbeil (guillotine) used in the execution of the Scholl siblings in 1943, a brother and sister convicted of non-violent protest against the German Nazi government. It’s now stored in the Bavarian National Museum in Munich.

Nazis executed their own citizens

It is a little-known fact that the Nazi regime executed 16,000 of their own citizens during their reign of terror mostly from 1936–1945.  At first, Hitler was reluctant to execute traitors and his own people using the guillotine because he didn’t want to be associated with the French Revolution and their propensity to use the guillotine.  It became a symbol of the French Revolution where about 17,000 people were executed in the so-called reign of terror between June 1793 and July 1794.  King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette were executed at the guillotine in 1793.

It seems that there is a common element here of traitors and a country’s own citizens being executed by this brutal method.

Otto and Elise Hampel

The fact that the Nazis used the guillotine came to my attention as we watched a movie called “Alone in Berlin”.

Although the movie is based on the 1947 fictional novel Every Man Dies Alone by Hans Fallada, the tragic true story is that of Otto and Elise Hampel, a working-class couple who were guillotined in Berlin’s notorious Plotzensee Prison in 1943 for distributing anonymous postcards denouncing the regime.  It was an act of civil disobedience against the Nazi regime.  Eventually, they were discovered after distributing nearly 300 postcards and subsequently tried and executed.  It startled me when in the last scene they were guillotined because I was of the mistaken opinion and belief that the Nazis only gassed people to death.  That was reserved for the mass deaths of the Jewish people whereas for their own miscreant citizens they seemed to prefer the guillotine.

Here is an extract from an article from the Daily Mail1

It is often forgotten that, when the Nazis took office, they were initially cautious about using the death penalty. Their grip on power was not as firm as it would come to be and they were aware that public opinion might turn against them if they executed too many of their own citizens. At Plotzensee Prison, for example, where the execution described in Hans Fallada’s novel takes place, only 45 people were put to death from 1933 to 1936 — a figure that would be dwarfed in years to come. In those early years of the Nazi regime, Hitler was concerned by the idea that, across Germany, methods of judicial execution varied. There was the guillotine, but also hanging, shooting, and perhaps most medieval of all, the axe. Hitler, therefore, established a commission to standardize the way in which he would put supposedly miscreant citizens to death. At first, the Fuhrer was reluctant to use the guillotine, as it carried with it the alarmist image of the French Reign of Terror. He preferred to remove people from the concentration camps. ‘At least we have not set up a guillotine,’ Hitler said in a newspaper interview at the end of 1933. ‘Even the worst elements have only needed to have been separated from the nation.’ However, in October 1936, acting on the advice of his justice minister, Franz Gurtner, Hitler decided that the guillotine should be Nazi Germany’s preferred method of execution. Twenty guillotines were secretly ordered — and distributed to prisons across the Reich.

Guy Walters Daily Mail
Why is this important?

Well, if you have read many of my posts on this website or listened to my teachings in Daniel then you will know that I have put forward the theory that the end times Antichrist will be the resurrected Adolf Hitler.  He is the beast who comes up out of the abyss in Rev. 17:8.  Chapter 17 is fairly clear that the beast has to be a resurrected historical figure who is from one of the previous seven Gentile kingdoms who have oppressed the Jews over the course of history.2  In order they are Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Media and Persia, Greece, Roman Empire, Nazi Regime (1933–1945).  The beast will be an eighth ruler but will be from one of the seven kingdoms.  The only realistic possibility is that he must be from the Nazi Empire.  But the other clue from Revelation is that many souls (people) will be beheaded because of their testimony for Jesus during the last 3 ½ years.3  These souls had not worshipped the beast or taken his mark but were unable to avoid the reach of the beast and his forces.  Those who are able to avoid capture during the Great Tribulation are part of the “elect” and they will be raptured at the end of the 1290 days.4

If I am correct, then the resurrected second Hitler/beast will do as he has previously done.  He will behead miscreants who rebel against the final end-times beastly empire.  This will be totally consistent with Hitler’s character the first time around.  These miscreants will be the tribulation martyrs, the ones who didn’t escape to the place of refuge in time but the ones who realize their mistake and who are faced with only one remaining choice, that is to stand firm to the end, even if that means being beheaded.

Adolf Hitler

If you are a Christian and you want to avoid this end-times reign of terror by the beast then you will need to watch and pray and listen to the instructions when it is time to flee.  This new piece of information fills in another piece of the puzzle to the theory of why I believe that Adolf Hitler is in fact the end times beast, Antichrist, Assyrian, and Man of Lawlessness.

  1. []
  2. Rev. 17:9–10 []
  3. Rev. 20:4 []
  4. Matt. 24:31 []

6 Responses

  1. Can I ask a question re Rapture as you know I have a different view, …
    still thinking….
    If the Rapture is at the end of the Tribulation, what is the point of it?

    We would be raptured & meet Jesus in the air n then straight after He will return. Rev 19. Do you see what I mean?

  2. Same here Steve, I hadn’t heard about the use of the guillotine, by the Nazis.

    One question-If I remember you have indicated Jordan will be the safe place to escape the Anti-Christ. Are there any other places to escape to, say here in Australia, as some aged ,infirm people might find it difficult to get to Jordan?
    Any thoughts on this?
    Take care,

    1. Hi Brian,

      The Bible doesn’t give us any other alternative places of refuge other than Jordan. This is because of Daniel 11:41 which tells us that southern Jordan is the place where the King of the North cannot invade. Rev. 12 tells us that the place of refuge is in the desert just like it was for the Israelites. There is a lot of similarity to the Israelites escaping Pharaoh and the church/woman escaping the Antichrist. This could even be around the area of Petra where Israel was stationed the first time 3500 years ago. I am sure that God will provide a way if the elderly and the infirm desire to go, possibly with the help of angels. In Luke 21:36 Jesus instructs his disciples to pray that they may be able to escape or flee. The onus is on us to have that desire and pray for that outcome even if physically not possible.

  3. That’s an interesting find Steve, that Adolf Hitler did in fact use the guillotine…and also the fact that it was to become the preferred method for dealing with citizens who actively opposed the Reich. I don’t think many people are aware of this at all.

    1. Yes, it ticks another box and I actually find it quite incredible as I wasn’t aware of it either until I watched the movie.

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