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Goats, goannas and giant machinery

Last Updated on January 25, 2025 by Steve

Obstacles in life

While on the road again today driving in the great outback of Australia, we were met with many obstacles which had the potential to hinder our progress.  The road was paved, had clear white lines and was relatively smooth.  The weather was sunny and clear and there was virtually no traffic.  But we also had many obstacles and dangers to watch out for.  I had to have my wits about me as I was driving.  Take this giant piece of machinery as an example:

On the road with Steve and Cathi
Watching and praying

The kinds of qualities that we need to exhibit on the road as we travel are the same types of qualities needed in life as we travel on the path of life towards our final destination.  What are they?  Today I needed to exercise patience waiting for 15 minutes to pass this giant piece of equipment, alertness, care of nature being careful not to run over a huge goanna on the road and watchfulness when there were many wild goats feeding on the side of the road near Cobar making sure they weren’t going to run onto the road.

We did make it to Broken Hill unscathed after nine hours of driving thanks to those praying for us.  Notice the key qualities needed: watching and praying.  Not dissimilar to what we are commanded to do by the Lord Jesus as we head towards the final destination in this age of grace.

It’s not going to be easy as we get closer to the end.  The obstacles are going to become more frequent and more intense just like labour pains the Bible says in Matthew’s gospel.1  I believe that God can protect us and guide us as we move towards the final wilderness destination in Jordan.  Are we willing to travel along roads that are dangerous that require watchfulness and prayer?  While some are panicking even now with the Corona virus, these events should not surprise us.  We are of the light and we have been warned.  Trust the Lord today and He will make your paths straight!2

  1. Matt. 24:8 []
  2. Proverbs 3:5–6 []

2 Responses

  1. Thank you again.
    I understand the importance of patience when travelling the back roads!
    Working in the community, I very often come up behind a slow farm ute, a tractor, or large piece of harvesting machinery being relocated.
    Even though my clock is on, and I need to be at the next client’s home on time if I can, there is no rushing these vehicles, and I must bide my time until I can safely pass.
    I always apologise if I am late, of course, and nobody questions it, usually…such is the nature of the easy-going characters that live in the sticks.
    Such a life lesson!
    I wonder if God gets impatient with us if we don’t do what His will is…but He always blesses us regardless!

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