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Five years to go?

The signs are getting prolific

Just about everywhere one looks as of late we are seeing predictions, warnings and signs about the coming change in the world order whether it be the financial system, the political system or the return of Jesus.  There is a plethora of predictions, signs and opinions out there on the web.  There has been talk of the red heifers (which has grown quiet of late), the war between Israel and surrounding nations and there is even talk that the tribulation period has started in October 2024.1  Talk about confusing!

Of course the main sign of Jesus’ return has been around since 1948 when Israel became a nation once again and the return of millions of Jews back to their homeland.  But we won’t really know for sure when Jesus will return until the last seven year tribulation clock has begun ticking and then the countdown will begin.  We can all have our predictions and estimates and the general Christian public has become wary and disillusioned about all this date-setting because there have been so many failed modern predictions for the last 200 years or so perhaps beginning with the Millerites who predicted the second coming of Christ in 1843.  Since then there have been a myriad of predictions including Harold Clamping in 2011 and the 2017 Revelation 12 sign in the stars.  Of course no one has been correct up to this point.  The Rock Island Books author, C J Lovik’s latest pre-trib rapture prediction has mid November (11th-18th) as being the date for the rapture.  But of course he says that he doesn’t know the day or the hour as his ‘get out of jail free card’.2

Just as there was a flurry of activity and increase in demonic activity just before Jesus came to the earth the first time I believe we are seeing the same thing occur now.  Evil is increasing and gaining the upper hand in society with the gender equality issues, wokeness and even the evil that we saw at the recent 2024 Paris Olympic Games.  The rise of evil and preparation for the coming beast surely is an important sign.

Jesus did not prohibit date-setting

Yes, I have my own predictions about the end too but I am pretty sure that I am not a prophet so everything must be tested.  You know, Jesus never prohibited date setting. Rather Jesus stated that no man knew the date then, nor did he, at that time.  The late Tim McHyde says, “I think this means the Bible did not and does not contain it (the hour or day that Jesus would return), or he (Jesus) would have known as the Word of God made flesh. He never said no one would ever learn when the timing was later and attach it to an actual prophecy already in the Word of God.” (italics mine)3

"I think this means the Bible did not and does not contain it (the hour or day that Jesus would return), or he (Jesus) would have known as the Word of God made flesh. He never said no one would ever learn when the timing was later and attach it to an actual prophecy already in the Word of God." (in brackets mine)

This is especially true because it is backed up by the grammar of the verb, “knows” which is in the Greek perfect tense.  This indicates a completed action in the past that has effects into the present but not the future.  In other words no one knew the day nor the hour when Jesus would return in glory before or up to that point except the Father.  But that doesn’t mean nobody would know about that day or hour at some point in the future (i.e. the last days).

Besides that though, I believe Jesus when he said that, was possibly and likely referring to a well-known Jewish idiom.  The day that no man knows means the Feast of Trumpets because it was the one day that the new moon had to be sighted by two witnesses and reported to the Sanhedrin in order for this day to be declared.  This day was important because it was the Jewish New Year’s day.  See my article, No one knows about that day or hour

Five years to go

I’m still holding to 1st October 2029 as being when the last seven year tribulation period begins.  I’m probably more convinced than ever.  In fact, I think the first thing we will see is the arrival of the two witnesses on the scene at Jerusalem on this day which happens on the last great day of the Sukkot (Tabernacles) festival.  It is known as Sh-mini Atzeret.  The next day is Simchat Torah (Joy of the Torah) and interestingly this is the exact same day that Hamas invaded Israel in 2023.  Traditionally this was the day that a new cycle of reading the Torah began, prayer for rain for the land and the beginning of the new agricultural cycle began too.  All seven Biblical Jewish feasts for the year are complete after the Feast of Tabernacles.  Day 1 of the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) occurs on Tishrei 15 with day 7 occurring on Tishrei 21.  Day 8 is Tishrei 22 and that is Sh-mini Atzeret.  The very next day is Simchat Torah (Tishrei 23) and that begins the new harvest cycle and presents the perfect start for the last seven years of the present age.

Simchat Torah this year (2024) happens on 24th October and so if on Thursday 24th October we see two strangely dressed men in Jerusalem (aka the two witnesses or prophets of Revelation chapter 11) preaching then we know it has started.

End times You-tuber Nelson Walters who takes the pre-wrath position is 95-99% sure that the tribulation began on October 2nd 2024.  Despite what Nelson Walters and others are saying, the tribulation has not begun and will not begin this year.  Why?  We haven’t entered into or are within seven years of the third millennium.  Hosea calls it the third day when Israel will be restored4 and 6000 years does not end until 2036.  See my myriad of calculations on this website that we are only 12 years away in the article Countdown to Sh’mini Atzeret 2029.  Seven years before October 2036 takes us back to October 1st 2029 when I expect that we will see the two witnesses.  This is my best guess.  There are many things that must happen yet in the next five years including the New World Order to be set up with a lot more control coming with digital IDs etc.  Also the financial system will more than likely be reset to be ready for the mark of the beast system at the midpoint.

I believe some prognosticators such as Nelson Walters and C J Lovik are five years early.  Keep your eyes peeled on Jerusalem–watch and pray!  And make the most of the next five years to get ready and your family ready.  Ask me how!

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  4. Hos. 6:1-2 []

4 Responses

  1. Hi Pastor Steve!

    Thank you for the article!

    You wrote at the end “And make the most of the next five years to get ready and your family ready. Ask me how!”

    PLEASE, can you tell us how? I am currently working on memorizing Scripture and taking my family verse-by-verse through the entire Bible in our family Bible Studies. Is there anything else I can do to prepare my family and myself for the storm to come?

    God bless you!


    1. Hi Renier,

      Good to hear from you. I can tell you what I am doing to prepare but everyone has to make their own decisions…

      1) Do not be distracted by the world and all of its pleasures. Just take a day at a time and enjoy the simple things everyday knowing that one day soon everything is going to change. It’s a mindset change because we have found the more we talk about this and study the Word and listen to YouTubes and preach on this at church etc the easier it becomes to be prepared. A footnote in my new EDV translation on Matt. 24:36 says…
      Jesus did not say ‘be ready’ as though a believer must be in a continuous state of readiness. Rather to ‘become ready’ in this context means to learn or discover the timeframe of the tribulation events so that you know when to watch for his arrival. This is only possible when the events have been unsealed so to speak as Daniel prophesied in Dan. 12:9–10, closer to the time of the end. He says only the wise will understand. LSV & YLT translate this verse with ‘become ready’.
      2) I am walking just over 5 km a day to maintain fitness. One must be ‘match fit’.
      3) Get involved in a smaller local church where you can be part of a real Christian community that really supports each other.
      4) Do your own research and study the Word in these areas.
      5) Travel and live light and get rid of stuff that you don’t need.
      6) Invest in real assets such as real estate and precious metals. Fiat currency is becoming more and more worthless. Obviously we do need some.
      7) Take every opportunity to tell others about what is coming.
      8) Give them a copy of my new EDV translation when it becomes available as I have numerous footnotes. It has an end times focus. It is in the end stages of edit and goes to the typesetter soon ready for printing.
      9) Pore over the details in the notes and sermons of good Bible Teachers such as Tim Warner.

      Hope this helps.

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