Try these: mark of the beastPetrasafe placetwo witnessesElijahcountdown2030144000ten virginsDan. 9:27
Try these: mark of the beastPetrasafe placetwo witnessesElijahcountdown2030144000ten virginsDan. 9:27
The wise virgins will escape at the midpoint of Daniel’s proverbial 70th week after they hear the midnight scream because they will be ready to go with oil in their torches into the safe place in southern Jordan. They will be protected there beyond the reach of the Antichrist for 1290 days. Christians have to be ready in Judea/Jerusalem and ready to go when they see Jerusalem surrounded by armies and when the Abomination of Desolation is standing in the holy place.
A good place to start for further info is the blog, Important questions re the great escape
Christians who decide to flee to the wilderness at the halfway point upon seeing the resurrected Antichrist from the Abyss will be totally safe for time, times and half a time. They will be unaffected by the troubles going on in the world at the time. It might not be the ‘Ritz’ and they might even be camping but there will be water, food and shelter and angels attending.
For further info see What will it be like in the safe place for 1290 days?
People often ask why southern Jordan and why can’t I just flee to my nearest mountains in my own backyard. The problem is that Matt. 24:16 is very specific meaning the closest mountains to Jerusalem. The closest mountain range is across the Jordan Valley towards, Amman, Moab and Edom. These are the only places according to Dan. 11:41 that are protected in the whole earth. Run anywhere else and you run the risk of being caught by the Antichrist and his forces.
For further info see Trump – God’s wrecking ball which is shaking things up
This is a big and important question and one that is paramount in the argument that it is not only Messianic Jews (Christians) in Judea who are fleeing to the mountains at the halfway mark but all faithful Christians. The end times message in the Book of Matthew is addressed to all disciples of Christ not just Jewish ones. When the Israelites left Egypt, a mixed multitude went with the Israelites. The woman is all faithful believers at the time.
For further info see Who is the woman of Revelation 12?
The Bible is clear that the woman has to flee at the halfway mark, 1260 days after the Two Witnesses start prophesying and 1290 days or 42 months before the rapture. This is when the beast rises up out of the abyss, when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, when the Two Witnesses are killed and when the Abomination of Desolation is standing in the holy place (temple). Dan. 9:27 makes it clear that this set up in the middle of the ‘seven’ (week).
For further info see Testing time for the number 40
That is a good question but something that we don’t really need to worry about. The bigger concern is making sure that you are ready at the launching pad (Judea/Jerusalem) ready to flee to the mountains at the appropriate time. You can’t get there ahead of time. As for the conditions of what it will be like, read Psalm 91. Basically it will be like a protective bubble. Isa. 26:20 says that God instructs his people to hide themselves for a little while in their rooms and shut the doors behind them until His wrath has passed by (upon the earth).
For further info see Elijah was fed by the ravens?
The only thing stopping us from escaping is ourselves. If we have the will, the faith and the fortitude to escape then I believe God will help us. He may help us in a variety of ways including angels whose function may well be to get us there. In Heb. 1:14 the author asks the question, “Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?” I believe this has eschatological implications indicating that angels will be helping God’s holy people to inherit salvation in the sense of making it through the Great Tribulation and into the Millennial Kingdom. The ministry of the 144,000 will possibly also include seeking out and preparing those who are willing to flee.
For further info on this see What will the 144,000 do for seven years?
We also need to travel light and remove any earthly hindrances such as debt. For further info on this see Don’t become bankrupt in these last days
The final seven year tribulation will begin at the breaking of the first seal–the white horse judgment. At the same time, the Two Witnesses will appear on the scene possibly on Sh’mini Atzeret, the last great day of Tabernacles. The countdown will then be on. Everything seems to be pointing to the 2030s as being the key time because it will have been 6000 years since creation. The Jews also hold to this belief as did many of the early church fathers.
For further info see Why 2030 is an important year
For further info on when the Two Witnesses will kick things off on Sh’mini Atzeret see The countdown to Sh’mini Atzeret 2029
This is a controversial question. Some think Nero, some Antochius Epiphanes, some Nimrod and some a future contemporary man. It is this ministry’s position that the only candidate who fully meets the criteria for the coming Antichrist is a resurrected Adolf Hitler. The beast rises up out of the abyss at the halfway point and has to be a dictator and man from history according to Rev. 17:8-11. He once was, now is not, and yet will come. This means he will be resurrected but he is from one of the preceding seven major Gentile kingdoms who have oppressed the Jews. The possibilities in historical chronological order are Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia/Medes, Greece, Roman Empire, Nazi Germany. Who has defeated, exterminated and oppressed the Jews more than anyone in history? Adolf Hitler! The amazing and astonishing thing is, it seems that people are beginning to want him back.
For starters see the post The Antichrist will be European
For further in-depth study click on the tag “Hitler” for all the posts relating to him or type in the top search bar “Hitler” or “Antichrist.”
This is a question that has been asked of me quite often and I get it. It is a concern for those whose health isn’t good. After all, why would God only allow the healthy and fit to get to safety. It seems grossly unfair. I think the key here is that in God’s Word a parallel and hint is given in Rev. 12:14. The Woman’s escape is compared to Israel’s flight to safety out of the Egypt (the world) being on the wings of an eagle in Exo. 19:4. Remember how greatly God helped the Israelites from a type of Antichrist-the Pharaoh! God provided wonderfully and physically where manna was given, water at the right time, their sandals and clothing did not wear out (Deut. 8:4). The point is that we do not live on bread alone but by every word that comes out of the mouth of God. That is true sustenance and health. Perhaps God will give healing or amazing help from ministering spirits will help us get there. We only have to be willing and have faith.
For further info see How will the sick, elderly and weak get to the safe place?