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Elijah was fed by ravens

Last Updated on December 25, 2024 by Steve

Helping out with Foodbank

Cathi and I have been helping out with a local church in Perth,  helping in its community ministry by doing buying and delivering to people who are in quarantine.  Today we went to Foodbank to do a shopping trip to resupply for when people are struggling to get provisions such as during the current Coronavirus pandemic.  It reminded me that God can provide in all sorts of wonderful ways and He can even use the ravens such as this story when Elijah was fed by the ravens in 1 Kings.

2 Then the word of the Lord came to Elijah: 3 “Leave here, turn eastward and hide in the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan. 4 You will drink from the brook, and I have directed the ravens to supply you with food there.”  5 So he did what the Lord had told him. He went to the Kerith Ravine, east of the Jordan, and stayed there. 6 The ravens brought him bread and meat in the morning and bread and meat in the evening, and he drank from the brook.

1 Kings 17:2–6 (NIV)
Life and ministry of Elijah in the past and the future

Ever read that passage in Scripture?  I have been dwelling and mulling over this story for a few weeks now probably because I am interested in learning about the life and ministry of the prophet Elijah.  He is mentioned in the last verse of the Old Testament in Malachi which says that the Lord will send the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the LORD.1  I believe that one of the two witnesses mentioned in Rev. 11 will be a type of Elijah just as John the Baptist was in Jesus’ day.  He will have a ministry for 1260 days during the first half of the final seven year period.  The sign of Elijah prophesying will be a sure sign that we have entered into that last seven years.

God used the ravens to feed Elijah

As we were recently driving across Australia on the very long and straight roads on the Nullabor Plain, I noticed that whenever there was a dead kangaroo or animal on the side of the road, there were usually crows and sometimes eagles feeding off of it.  Crows feed on carrion (dead and decaying flesh) and they are black in colour according to Google, ravens, and crows come from the same family of birds called “corvids”.   Both crows and ravens are very similar and can be hard to pick apart.  They are both jet black and are extremely intelligent.  Ravens are able to imitate the calls of other birds such as geese, crows, and jays.  When God instructed the ravens to feed Elijah in the desert by the brook, He certainly chose an intelligent bird whose preferred meal would have been meat.

God can supply all of our needs

How does this story speak to you?

It speaks to me in the sense that God is not restricted by human circumstances when there is a famine or a lack of food.  He can instruct any one of His animal kingdom, if needs be, to supply our need.  Many people find themselves in a place of great need at the moment with many people across the world finding themselves without jobs because of the pandemic.  We are faced with lock-downs and restricted movements, food shortages, and a lack of money to buy the provisions that we need to survive.  Where we are staying at the moment, there are four families serving in Christian ministry and there have been several times when there have been eggs, bread, vegetables brought to our very door.  It reminded me of Elijah’s story when the meat and bread were brought by the ravens to where he was at.  I jokingly mentioned to Cathi that the ravens are bringing food again.

God will provide in the wilderness east of the Jordan

Nothing is too difficult for God.  He is the great provider even in times of great famine, plague, and disaster such as the one we find ourselves in right now.  Interestingly, Elijah was staying by the Brook Kerith/Cherith, east of the Jordan River.  This is located in the area of Ammon which is a place that the end-times beast will not be allowed to venture into.2  It will be a protected or safe place.  Ammon is a dry and hot place in the wilderness and it doesn’t seem like the kind of place where there will be an abundance of food and water or coffee.  It wasn’t a problem to God in Elijah’s day and it won’t be a problem now in the pandemic or later when the woman finds herself in the desert for 42 months.  We can be sure that God does and will supply all of our needs according to His riches in glory in the future place of safety in the wilderness.3  Perhaps again, God will supply our needs (even coffee) using the birds of the air or any available means as well such as local food charities.  Psalm 91 mentions that in the place of refuge God “will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways.”4  The very angels of God will help us and protect us, we just have to be willing to go there when the time comes.

  1. Mal. 4:5 []
  2. Dan. 11:41 []
  3. Phil. 4:19 []
  4. Psalm 91:11 []

3 Responses

  1. So how do we get to Edom, Moab and Ammon (southern Jordan) if worldwide restrictions are put in place for those who will not get injected with something they don’t want in their body?

    Even if one can travel at that time what if you have no money to pay for the tickets because they stop your digital payments because you’re not complying with their orders?
    Will God command his angels to come and carry us away to this place?

    Or will all the Christians in Australia just have to suffer what is coming upon the earth here in Australia?

    Personally, I haven’t found much hope in this post Steve for believers that cannot get to the wilderness east of the Jordan River.

  2. Thanks Steve God is good and does provide. Ravens take many forms and can be many different people. Trust in the Lord and he will provide. I think especially in today’s crisis.

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