Time, times and half a time
Dan. 12:7
“Time, times and half a time,” said the man clothed in linen in Daniel 12:7 when asked how long will it be? He was referring to the Great Tribulation period of the second half which is 1290 days from the beast rising out of the abyss until the rapture occurs of the elect. See Who are the elect in the Olivet Discourse?
Please feel free to view the latest edition of my tribulation timeline below.1 Bible Chronology is about putting all the clues together as best as we can but we can be sure that we are in the season. The fig tree (unsaved Israel) has leaves on it and we know the summer is near. Those proverbial leaves are the fact that Israel has revived as a nation once again and are back in the land since 1948 against all odds.
Alternatively, why not listen to the entire Daniel series to get a good idea of the end times and God's great escape plan for Christians in the end or my latest Now is the time series in the Book of Revelation.
The Feasts of God series in Leviticus also gives a good handle on God's prophetic calendar and how there are three more feasts remaining. The Jewish feasts are a rehearsal of what is truly to come and is must listen to series.
Can we actually know God's prophetic timeline ahead of time? Good question. Many say that we cannot know the day nor the hour because of Matt. 24:36 but God does not do anything without informing His prophets either.2 I don't believe that God will keep these matters concealed or hidden.3
God's 6000 year timeline is all about the Jubilee system. Gen. 6:3 says that God will only contend with mankind for 120 years/cycles. When God said this He couldn't have been referring to man's lifespan being limited to 120 years because many people lived longer than 120 years after this statement. There could possibly be a dual interpretation here meaning that there would only be 120 normal years until the flood. God through His Spirit would contend with man convincing him of his sinful condition for those 120 years but also it could refer to Jubilee cycles as well. The Year of Jubilee falls every 50 years4 and so 120 cycles x 50 years (1 Jubilee cycle) = 6000 solar years until God will finish with mankind and then the resurrection of the righteous. It certainly seems to be working out that way because as we approach the 6000 year mark we are definitely in the last days.