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Having a healthy local church Series – part 4

Preached at Minden Baptist Church

Philemon is a prison letter.  Paul wrote this letter, his shortest, while in prison under house arrest during a 2 year period in Rome for the first time in around 62 A.D.

Philemon lived and attended church at Colossae in what we now know as Southern Turkey.  All there is there now is a great lump of dirt.  Philemon was a slave-owner and probably was a convert of Paul's.  Paul was writing a letter to Philemon because his slave, Onesimus, had run away to the great city of Rome from Colossae.  While in Rome, Paul had come into contact with him and led him to the Lord.  They had developed a strong bond of friendship and like Timothy, Paul considered him to be a son in the Lord.  Paul sends him back to Philemon because he was his slave but along with him he sends a letter of appeal and this is where we get a hint of how to deal with social justice issues in the church.  Paul was helping Philemon to solve his problems.


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