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Passion Week

Christ died at 3 pm on Thursday, April 6th AD 30.

Ever wondered how the passion week panned out and what happened and when in relation to the crucifixion of Christ? I believe that Christ died on a Thursday and that there were two Sabbath Days during that holiest week in history.  For further information see my translation footnotes in my EDV translation on Matt. 28:1.

There is also some very interesting information on the various suppers (meals) that occurred during the Passover Week commencing with the first on 'Erev Shabbat' meal on the Friday night.  This is when Mary anointed Jesus' feet.  The second meal, the 'foot-washing supper' occurred on the following Monday night two days before the Passover and this is when another unnamed woman came with an alabaster stone jar of pure spikenard perfume and poured it on Jesus' head.1  Often people think that these two 'anointing events' are the same event but a careful examination of John's Gospel reveals that they occurred on two different nights.  The third meal was the Passover Meal or 'Last Supper' which occurred on the Wednesday night, Nisan 14, the night before Jesus was crucified.

View or download the 'Passion Week' chart that I have made up for further clarification by clicking the link below:


Attached Files

Exact timeline of when Jesus died in AD 30ViewDownload
  1. Matt. 26:7 []

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