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New Testament EDV translation

Since 2018 when I began this translation project, it has been my overall goal to put down in one place everything that I have learnt over the years and for my own personal study.

I have used the AGNT Plus (Analytical Greek New Testament Plus) 2015 version as my basis together with several English translations including ESV, KJV, ISV, NIV,  Tim Warner's LGV, Good News, LEB and many others.  Each has had a purpose in helping a more up to date translation that tries to be dynamic and yet faithful to the original meaning.  All translations have their pros and cons and each have different purposes.  There is no perfect translation except the original autographs.  My translation is neither based on 'Textus Receptus' (KJV) or the 'critical text' but uses both according to where I see the best fit and most accurate.  The experience gained in translating the New Testament into a PNG language group as well as the experiences in Bible teaching as a missionary in PNG and as a pastor in Australia have certainly influenced me to make this translation very readable to the 21st century English reader yet to be faithful to the Greek texts.  It has an 'end times' flavour because I believe that we are very near to the Lord Jesus returning and this kind of translation is what we need to navigate the coming 70th week.  In fact, my belief is that we will see this 70th week begin before the end of this decade.  See the article "Countdown to Sh'mini Atzeret 2029" when I believe we will see the two witnesses of Revelation appear.

There are certain key biblical terms such as Holy Spirit, predestination, sanctification, justification, disciple, transgression, repent, redeem, kingdom that you will find have been translated either as more descriptive phrases or with different words to help better explain these terms.  There are also extensive footnotes which explain hard to understand verses with many explanations coming from the Bible Society's Translation Handbooks abbreviated as (TH).

I have included hyperlinks which makes navigation very easy throughout the 790 page document.

Please peruse and let me know of any improvements, spelling errors and thoughts on how I can make this translation even better.

I hope that it is a blessing and thought provoking as you too use it as an inspiration for your own personal study and devotions.


Rev. Stephen Henley

Special thanks to Renier van Rooyen for proofreading the entire EDV New Testament with a special mention also to Mick Alexander and Cathi Henley.


Attached Files

EDV New Testament (red letter version)PreviewDownload
Last Days cover_SHP.pdfPreviewDownload

3 Responses

  1. Hi brother Steve!

    I hope things are going well at your end. Quick question: When will the Last Days New Testament be available for purchase as a hardcover (physical copy)? I would love to purchase a hard copy of the Book once it becomes available.

    God bless you!


    1. Hi Renier,

      The EDV is finally ready now for printing after a year of corrections, editing and typesetting. They will probably start printing early next week.
      I will be sure to send you a copy ASAP.


  2. “Steve, your unwavering dedication and hard work don’t go unnoticed. Your commitment is deeply valued and appreciated. Thank you for all that you do.”

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