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Watch and Pray Series

Preached at Minden Baptist Church
(14/5/2010 → 11/8/2013)

This was my first series as a Baptist pastor and lasted 3 ½ years from start to finish.  The first eighteen sermons were recorded at my office desk after the series had finished because we didn't get digital recordings properly happening until some years after I had commenced the series.   So from Matthew chapter 24 onward, the recordings are live at church.  Unfortunately, there is a large chunk missing from Matt. 8:19 to Matt. 24:15.  The "Watch and Pray" series was an outstanding success even though very long as we saw 13 baptisms of young people and teenagers a few weeks after the last sermon in Matthew chapter 28 in August 2013 at a nearby creek.  It was started by 9-year-old Jordan Kinnear who responded in the middle of the last sermon in this series to my call and urging that there were people in that service who needed to respond to Jesus' call to believe and get baptised.

The Watch and Pray name for the series evolved over time towards the end of the series because of my repeated instruction to the church that we need to watch for the signs of Jesus' return and pray that we do not fall asleep.  Initially, I was just preaching through Matthew because it seemed like a good overall book to do and it was my desire to communicate that the book of Matthew although Jewish flavoured is a book for both Jews and Gentiles.  Specifically, the instructions in Matthew 24 are aimed at the church and therefore the tribulation warnings must be taken seriously by the church.

I hope you are blessed as you listen to this series and get a sense of the urgency to watch and pray which is a theme on the Luke 21 ministry website.  I have also included the baptism testimonies of the young people too.


Attached Files

1. Matt. 1 "The genealogy and name of Jesus"Download
2. Matt. 2 "Four key fulfilled prophecies of Jesus"Download
3. Matt. 3 "Lessons from John the Baptist"Download
4. Matt. 4:1-11 "The temptation of Jesus"Download
5. Matt. 4:12-25 "Fishers of men"Download
6. Matt. 5:1-7 "The Beatitudes part 1"Download
7. Matt. 5:8-12 "The Beatitudes part 2"Download
8. Matt. 5:13-48 "Pharisaical Externalism"Download
9. Matt. 6:1-18 "Three common acts of righteousness"Download
10. Matt. 6:9-15 "The Lord's Prayer"Download
11. Matt. 6:19-34 "Storing serving and stressing in the kingdom of God"Download
12. Matt. 6:32-33 "Seeking first the kingdom of God"Download
13. Matt. 7:1-5 "The judging ditches"Download
14. Matt. 7:7-11 "Ask Seek Knock"Download
15. Matt. 7:12-23 "The two ways"Download
16. Matt. 7:24-29 "Be hearers and doers"Download
17. Matt. 8:1-4 "Healing of the leper"Download
18. Matt. 8:5-13 "The faith of the centurion"Download
19. Matt. 24:15 "Abomination of Desolation the man part 1"Download
20. Matt. 24:15 "Abomination of Desolation the man part 2"Download
21. Matt. 24:16-28 "When you see them flee"Download
22. Matt. 24:29-31 "After the Tribulation"Download
23. Matt. 24:32-35 "The Fig Tree"Download
24. Matt. 24:42-44 "Being imminently ready"Download
25. Matt. 24:45-51 "Being faithful in the meantime"Download
26. Matt. 25:1-13 "10 Virgins part 1"Download
27. Matt. 25:1-13 "10 Virgins part 2"Download
28. Matt. 25:14-19 "Parable of the Talents part 1"Download
29. Matt. 25:19-30 "Parable of the Talents part 2"Download
30. Matt. 25:31-40 "The Sheep and the Goats part 1"Download
31. Matt. 25:41-46 "The Sheep and the Goats part 2"Download
32. Matt. 26:1-5 "God Set the Date"Download
33. Matt. 26:6-13 "Connecting the dots"Download
34. Matt. 26:14-19 "Judas' Betrayal"Download
35. Matt. 26:31-35 "Peter's Failure"Download
36. Matt. 26:36-46 "Jesus' Depression"Download
37. Matt. 26:47-51 "Kiss of Judas"Download
38. Matt. 26:51-56 "The arrest of Jesus"Download
39. Matt. 26:57-61 "The first trial"Download
40. Matt. 26:62-68 "The mistreatment of Jesus"Download
41. Matt. 26:69-75 "Peter's worst night"Download
42. Matt. 27:1-10 "Judas' suicide"Download
43. Matt. 27:11-18 "Pilate's Decision"Download
44. Matt. 27:19-26 "Crucify Him"Download
45. Matt. 27:27-32 "Via Dolorosa"Download
46. Matt. 27:33-37 "Calvary"Download
47. Matt. 27:38 "Which thief are you?"Download
48. Matt. 27:39-44 "Four kinds of wicked at the cross"Download
49. Matt. 27:45-49 "3 darkest hours in history"Download
50. Matt. 27:50-56 "The centurion believes"Download
51. Matt. 27:57-66 "The burial of Jesus"Download
52. Matt. 28:1-4 "The resurrection"Download
53. Matt. 28:11-15 "The Cover Up"Download
54. Matt. 28:16-20 "The Great Commission"Download

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