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Faith @ Work Series

Preached at Minden Baptist Church
(25/6/2017 → 29/10/2017)

Not everybody who grows old grows up.  The ideal and what you would expect is that as a person grows older they become more mature. But that doesn’t necessarily carry over into the spiritual world – the world of the Christian.  What we in fact see I think is a world of immaturity in the church.  Wisdom and maturity is needed like nothing else in the church.  And the reason that I say that is I am seeing more and more problems.  I see problems caused by spiritual immaturity.  If as Christians we would learn to grow up then I believe that we would see great victory in the church.  It is not simply enough to just get over the line and be born again.  God wants us to grow up and become perfect and mature.

And the brother of Jesus, James, who was a leader in the early church wrote the book of James to help us understand how we can achieve spiritual maturity.  None of us wants to stay as babies and just drink milk.  We all desire to grow up and eat meat and to know how to handle life’s challenges and difficulties, to have Christian joy and fulfillment.  James says that it should be our goal in life to be perfect and to lack nothing.


Attached Files

1. James 1:1 "Introduction"Download
2. James 1:2-11 "Trials help perfect us"Download
3. James 1:12-18 "How to handle temptation"Download
4. James 1:19-27 "Be doers of the Word"Download
5. James 2:1-7 "A simple test of faith"Download
6. James 2:8-13 "Fake faith or real faith"Download
7. James 2:14-26 "A look at real saving faith"Download
8. James 3:1-12 "The power of the tongue"Download
9. James 3:13-18 "Two kinds of wisdom"Download
10. James 4:1-12 "A people at war"Download
11. James 4:13-17 "The will of God"Download
12. James 5:1-6 "The trouble with money"Download
13. James 5:7-12 "The work of patience"Download
14. James 5:13-20 "Have you prayed about it?"Download

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