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Being Decisive Series

Being determined to go God’s way
Preached at Minden Baptist Church
(21/7/2019 → 1/12/2019)

The Christian church faces precarious times in the future and we need a compass to show us the way through the murky waters ahead.  I believe the life of Daniel and the 12-chapter book named after him can be that compass to help us be decisive as we face the end.  We need clear voices when times are hard and Daniel provides us direction in being decisive, resolute, and strong in our decision-making.

What makes this book unique as well is that it is a blend of testimony, history, and prophecy.  Its counterpart in the NT is the book of Revelation and it gives both the Jews and the Gentiles hope because it takes us right through to the end of the ages.


Attached Files

1. Dan. 1:1-16 "Being decisive"Download
2. Dan. 1.17-21 "Being successful in Babylon"Download
3. Dan. 2.1-23 "Daniel the dream interpreter"Download
4. Dan. 2.24-45 "Daniel interprets the dream"Download
5. Dan. 3.1-18 "True faith doesn't worry"Download
6. Dan. 3.19-30 "True faith confounds the enemy"Download
7. Dan. 4.1-26 "I, Nebuchadnezzar"Download
8. Dan. 4.27-37 "Please accept my advice"Download
9. Dan. 5.1-31 "The writing is on the wall"Download
10. Dan. 6.1-28 "Daniel's unbelievable trial"Download
11. Dan. 7.1-28 "Daniel's first vision"Download
12. Dan. 8.1-27 "Daniel's second vision"Download
13. Dan. 9.1-27 "Praying prophecy into action"Download
14. Dan. 10.1-21 "The invisible realm"Download
15. Dan. 11.1-35 "Fulfilled prophecy"Download
16. Dan. 11.36-45 "God's great escape plan"Download
17. Dan. 12.1-13 "At that time"Download

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Steve has preached hundreds of sermons since 2010 including Genesis, Daniel, the Feasts and Hebrews. His current series is the “Now is the time series” in Revelation.

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