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Christians escaped persecution in Cappadocia

Last Updated on December 25, 2024 by Steve


Persecution and Christians are two words that have always gone together hand in hand.  In 2014 we got to visit Cappadocia, a region in the middle of Turkey which is mentioned twice in the Bible in Acts 2:9 and 1 Peter 1:1.  It is well known as a tourist destination these days because of the fairy chimney rock formations formed from volcanic ash.  The chimneys reach a height of 40 metres which we got to see in a hot air balloon.  There are also more than 200 underground cities some descending 8–10 stories below the ground.  This area was occupied by persecuted Jews as early as the 6th century BC and also Christians in the early church who were persecuted by the Roman Empire.  We slept in one of the many underground hotels carved out of the solid rock as pictured below:

Bedroom in cave hotel in Cappadocia, Turkey
Hot air ballooning is a popular tourist activity in modern Cappadocia.
Persecution is part of the Christian life

Peter wrote his first letter to the Christians who were scattered throughout the known world at that time in Asia Minor (Turkey).  These were known in the Greek language as the diaspora which is a word used nowadays in a broader context to describe any peoples who have been dispersed from their original homeland.  Originally it referred to the 10 northern tribes of Israel who had been taken from their homeland by the Assyrians.  Later some of them returned and settled in Israel and were known as Samaritans.  They were hated by the full-blood Jews because they were ‘half-Jews’.  Remember the Parable of the Good Samaritan?  Peter reminded Christians, and it is also for us too, that we are strangers and aliens in this world.1  As Christians, we are like pilgrims or travellers and the lesson is that we shouldn’t get too comfortable in this life on earth.  We live in a world that is hostile to Jesus Christ so in effect we should expect persecution.

My point is that Jews and Christians have always been persecuted and I have read before that there are more Christians who were persecuted in the 20th century than were ever persecuted in the notorious 1st-century persecutions under Nero and Rome.  Jesus said,  “in this world you will have trouble/tribulation.”2  Persecution for Jews and Christians is not an unusual thing.

There will be a protected place

So in light of this fact, do we really think that the world is going to accept the fact that we have a different opinion and don’t want to enter in on what everyone else does.  Already in the past few years we have seen a vast difference emerging between the world and Christianity with the legalization of marriage between the same gender, gender fluidity doctrine, legalization of abortion, legalization of euthanasia and many other issues.  We truly are aliens in this world and towards the end of our age it will only be more pronounced.  Christian, get ready for more intense persecution because the ultimate test will come in the last seven years.

What is the answer?  Is there a way out that God has provided for us?  Is there a way out at all?  The comforting answer is that just like for early Christians we have a precedence.  God provided back then a place where His people could take refuge in the caves and underground cities of Cappadocia.  The Romans couldn’t touch it.  And in the future, God promises to protect us in His shadow, under His wings.3  This is where we will hide.  He promises that there will be a place, a place in the wilderness that the Antichrist will not be able to touch just like the Romans couldn’t touch the early Christians in the underground cities.  It will be a protected place.  In fact, the devil/dragon will try to reach us, the people that he hates so much!  “But the earth helped the woman by opening its mouth by swallowing the river that the dragon had spewed out of its mouth.”4  What the river is, no one really can predict.  Some say that it is an army of soldiers, others speculate that it is an actual river of water.  We’ll just have to wait and see.  But the point is that no one will be able to touch the woman who represents the faithful believers, the wise ones who have listened and escaped at the appropriate time.


Will you be one of the wise ones who listens and flees and has been watching and praying just like my photo at the top illustrates?  Please comment below and let me know what you think.

  1. 1 Peter 2:11 []
  2. John 16:33 []
  3. Psalm 91:1–4 []
  4. Rev 12:15–16 []

One Response

  1. As I was In prayer this morning, preparing for our Saturday evening service. I have been studying 1Peter all week, when I happened to come upon your website and commentary on 1Peter. How greatful I am that the Holy Spirit led me to your insights on this epistle. I appreciate your thoughts and efforts long with the Holy Spirit to aid you with this timely message on hope, encouragement and perseverance in these dark times and hope for the future.

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