Last Updated on December 27, 2024 by Steve
Mysteries of the past
So starts the verse in 1 Cor. 15:51 by Paul. There are many mysteries in life and my attention was brought to one of those mysteries yesterday at Coonabarabran in New South Wales on the road to Perth. At the information centre I happened to stumble across a huge fossil skeleton of a Diprotodon found nearby. It is the largest marsupial that ever lived being 3 m long and 2 m high and derives its name from the fact that it had two large front teeth. It’s part of what is known as the mega-fauna of which the elephant, giraffe, and rhinoceros are modern-day members. They are literally huge animals that virtually disappeared from the earth in a certain time period. Scientists don’t know why they suddenly disappeared. It is one of those mysteries of life. Of course, that doesn’t stop scientists from postulating. They postulate that they disappeared 20,000 years ago. One of the reasons given is climate change. Of course, as a young-earth creationist, my belief is that dinosaurs probably disappeared after the great flood in Noah’s time only 4350 years ago after climactic conditions greatly changed due to the water canopy collapsing above the earth. This then meant that the earth went into a severe ice age and the disappearance of the mega-fauna. But it’s one of those mysteries of the past.
Another mystery—the rapture
But there is a mystery of the future too that the Bible outlines through Paul that one day at the time of the rapture in the future we will all be changed in the twinkling of an eye. One day all will be revealed and we will receive a new body and be transformed as we meet the Lord in the air. That certainly is a mystery and something to look forward to. It is my belief that this will take place at the Feast of Trumpets at the last trumpet after the seven year tribulation period and we will be gathered to the place of the carcass where the vultures are gathered as described.1 This was in response to a question by the disciples when they asked the Lord where they would be taken to. See my message on the Feast of Trumpets for a full explanation here. My take is that it is hard for us to understand all these mysteries just like the disappearance of the dinosaurs but what isn’t a mystery is that we need to be ready for the Lord when He does come. And that means to keep on believing even when the times get hard. We are seeing that even now with the Coronavirus people are becoming stressed in preparing for possible commodity shortages. People are worried because they can’t see the way ahead or how long the Virus will hold their lives hostage. Faith is defined as being sure of what we cannot see.2 We cannot see ahead and we are faced with mysteries both past and present. We will never have all the answers but God has given us enough information to make an intelligent decision for the validity of the gospel of Christ. We just need to trust in God who does have the answers to the mysteries of life.
2 Responses
Thanks for the messages Steve. It is an unsettling time for many, even Christians !
At least we know God is with us and will see us through – as you conclude :
“We cannot see ahead and we are faced with mysteries both past and present. We will never have all the answers but God has given us enough information to make an intelligent decision for the validity of the gospel of Christ. We just need to trust in God who does have the answers to the mysteries of life.”
God’s continued protection and favour as you “head West!”
Very true about not being able to look forward. I feel myself getting panicked when hearing about the shops running out and just want to go and buy everything I can get my hands on.
I’m finding it hard to just watch and pray, knowing that God will provide what we need.
Thank you for the reminder