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A great monetary reset is coming!

Last Updated on December 12, 2024 by Steve

Never let a good crisis go to waste

I have had my ear to the ground and the consensus among many financial experts is that a great monetary reset is coming very soon.  So I want to warn you and in my opinion, it would be very wise if we prepare for this if we can.  Ever heard of the saying, “Never let a good crisis go to waste”?  Well, that about sums it up where we are towards the end of 2020 after the virus pandemic that we have experienced.  I don’t know if you have noticed but this pandemic has seen many monetary changes.  One only has to go into any store to see a myriad of businesses now not accepting cash because of the supposed risk of contamination.  We have moved inexorably towards the use of our mobile phones and Apple Pay to pay for anything and everything and a lot of what we buy now has moved online.  This of course lends itself to the so-called cashless society.  Cash is the ultimate in an anonymous payment system.  It can’t be tracked to the person spending it whereas electronic payment systems are inherently traceable to their user.

Think about what that means for a moment…

Tracing and tracking, I believe, leads ultimately to the end times ‘mark of the Beast’ financial system.  The Bible tells us that eventually, particularly in the last 3 ½ years when the Antichrist is in total control of the world, no man will be able to trade, buy or sell, without his mark.1

Central bank digital currencies

Lately, there has been a lot of talk about the reserve and central banks across the world racing to use this crisis to develop their own digital money called CBDCs2 whereby they can distribute their electronic currencies directly to the people in times of need.  The problem is that governments and banks are running out of options with monetary policy as really all they can do is lower interest rates.  In Australia and much of the world, there is just nowhere to go with this blunt instrument.  Governments worldwide, particularly in America, have resorted to QE3 over the last 10 years.  It is the so-called printing press that greatly inflates the money supply but it is a fancy phrase for ‘counterfeiting money’ according to Rick Rule. 

The trouble is that the money is not getting to the people who need it because banks have been hoarding the money that has been created out of thin air.  So there is a change coming all under the guise of this being a much better option.

Financial reset coming

There has to be change because of the trillions and trillions of dollars worth of debt which is primarily tied up in the derivatives market from hedge funds.  The only way out is to do a financial reset.  No money system lasts more than a generation and we have had this fiat money system since 1971 when American President Nixon took the U.S. off the gold standard.  That means that for nearly 50 years money has been backed by nothing.  That has allowed governments to print money without any solid backing and now this great experiment will soon come to an end.  People have talked about a debt jubilee where all debts will be cancelled.  That will not happen in the Biblical sense which would be good but a reset will only favour the rich.  The everyday man will be caught out like a deer in the headlights and overnight your money will become virtually worthless.

Buy ‘real’ assets

So what can we do about it?  The only thing we can do is to protect our assets by buying real things.  If you had read my article “Real money and how to prepare for the end“, which I wrote on February 13th, 2020 then you will have read that I counsel to invest in God’s money, gold, and silver.  At that time before the pandemic hit, gold was priced at $1576 USD.  Today the price of gold is around $1950, a sizable increase.  I still believe that the only way to protect your assets before this reset comes is to buy gold and silver and invest in real assets.  In the 1923 German currency crisis under the Weimer Republic,4 the people who did the best were the potato farmers.  There was hyperinflation and the local currency became worthless.  City workers would sell anything and everything including grand pianos for a bag of potatoes just so they could eat.  In the end all paper money is just funny money and trends towards its inherent value—paper.  And all it becomes useful for is to burn it for heating.

Burning cash for heating in 1923 in the German Weimar Republic

I believe that a time of crisis is coming for the world and the vast majority of people are not aware.  Cash as we know it will become next to worthless and a new Bretton-Woods agreement will be coming into effect.  This will allow the world’s central banks to take more control.  They will be able to more easily dole out money to the needy but this will come at a cost.  You will lose anonymity and they will gain more control.  If they don’t agree with your politics, religion, stance on vaccines etc etc then they can simply reduce or turn off the money faucet to your account.

This all leads to the mark of the beast

Folks, this is the beginning of the end and this pandemic crisis has simply been an opportunity to accelerate the move towards total control of the masses.  It all leads to the end times ‘mark of the Beast system’ because this future evil system is primarily a monetary system whereby the devil can own his people.

My advice, after of course you have placed your faith and trust in Christ, is to get some physical gold and silver while you can and invest in real assets and to watch and pray that you might be able to escape all these things which are about to occur.  We need to be wise as serpents and as harmless as doves.  Please read my latest EDV translation.  It has loads of footnotes too.

  1. Rev. 13:17 []
  2. []
  3. Quantitative Easing– []
  4. []

5 Responses

  1. I confess I don’t understand much of the jargon in your comment, Martin, but it sounds impressive…
    Consider most of your technology unusable under the rule of the anti-christ, especially in those last 3 1/2 years (unless of course you’re happy to wear his mark)
    God will still be very much in control and in His great mercy and grace he will be stripping EVERYTHING away so that all that is left is HIM to depend on. I’m not sure that even gold will be useful in those final few years… but I do suspect it may be become a valuable commodity at least leading up to those final few years.

  2. Stella to the comment you made I wanted to add an exciting thing I discovered…..who shops at Bunnings?….yes everyone however how much risk does money pose in doing so?….very very high.

    So imagine this as I shop at Bunnings and now love the experience……
    on my mobile I have the mobile almost touch the eftpos to take money from my account
    on my mobile I have the Bunnings Power pass app

    So going to Bunnings (pls don’t tell anyone haha….)
    At home I search what I want at Bunnings on their app guaranteed they have the stock
    I add the stock into the cart and it tells me exactly the isle located.
    I drive to Bunnings and drive into their trade parking inside the building…keep to yourself lol
    I walk to the aisle and take the items and load into my car boot inside the building
    I also take the odd item from the shelf self scanning with the app as I load it into my car boot
    When the app cart exhausts my silver and gold budget (yes cheap swipe Steve sorry could not help lol) then I press button to tally cart and it produces a qr code on my mobile screen that I point to the trade cashier and they ask how I would like to pay and I tap my mobile on the eftpos all remain 1.5m easy away from anyone and still smiling while everyone around me wonder why?>
    I take the receipt and put it on the goods in my boot
    Drive to the boom and point to the back not even winding my window down…so cool in every way especially on those 35 degree days and still smiling at everyone funnily enough

    I could have paid on my phone too avoiding the cashier however I like smiling at the trade counter people

    So if you like cash I don’t mind as Bunnings have a VIP parking and treatment for me… tips on the parking strategy comes after much trialing and experience so I will only disclose this for some gold (sorry Steve 🙂 )

    1. Well, Martin, you certainly have it all down pat. ?. The more we experience new processes the easier they become and of course very convenient. ??

  3. I would like to add some comment on the points you raise Steve….I acknowledge that undoubtedly every single thing that may or not happen is God’s decision however:

    Economies stopped pegging against gold as it was just not scale-able for the new global economies coming. Global economies are still very strictly pegged against gdp output, stock exchange performance ie. productivity that underpins the value of something far better than gold that is value pegged by jewelry etc. It basically boils down strictly to the true value we adhere to anything. This was a great move and any country that has violated these rules have paid a very high price.

    I work with blockchain everyday that underpins modern crypto-currencies such as bitcoin… As scary as it sounds it actually moves away from the central banks that state what we are worth and uses a concept of every entity that shares in blockchain now has a record of what we are worth (encrypted off course) so there is no way or reason to falsify what we are worth. This system goes back to ancient times really. No rogue characters can manipulate it….not even governments. This is a great move I think.

    I started a company two years ago that specialize in self sufficiency and wanted to use high tech to try and make the world a better place and from this experience I can say there is so much scope it is unbelievable. It is not systems that has put the world in pain…population growth from 2 billion in 1945 to 8.5 billion now is the root of all evil and technology is the only way to avoid mass starvation and carnage.

    Putting solar on every roof I do not consider smart…..creating a holistic smart bubble where we can work and play without traveling and relying so much on other people to provide power, feed us, treat our poo and so many other reliant things is smart (an ancient concept). My father only worked and my growing years were filled by doing things for ourselves…..not running to shops all the time with silver and gold. So I respectfully disagree with you. (I believe) that silver and gold will worsen the issue many times over. Yesterday I tossed up to get my new office at home shipping container curtains to a spinster at the mall for hemming and in the same time getting some cheap Chinese ornaments …fortunately I remembered what my dearest now long moved on mother said over and over teaching her 4 kids so many skills….”you will only experience true freedom by using the skills God gave you to look after yourself and immediate community” While globalization has been glitzy it has certainly destroyed fad more good.

    So proudly looking at the hanging curtains as I type this I think about how much this promise has held true during these tough times even though I had to dig deep to remember this 40 year old lesson. The longer I live the more I am getting convinced that the bible is really trying hard to speak out to our minds and souls….not our bodies

  4. Hmmm…..thanks for the advice Steve. The cashless society is going to be a HUGE transition for people to get their heads around. Very difficult for older folk. Yes, indeed, we need to be wise and watching. End Times are gearing up!

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