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Response by Parliament to my petition

I didn’t expect my petition earlier in the year to be presented to the Australian Parliament but I have just heard that there has been a ministerial response to my petition EN2272.  To reread my original petition see my blog, “Sign my petition.

See the ministerial response here:  EN2272 – Ministerial response – Attorney-General

Basically the government is toeing the middle line leaving open the possibility for corporations and companies to mandate compulsory vaccines in certain industries where it is required.  But its general policy is that it will not make vaccination compulsory in the workplace.  They also pass the buck to the states saying that public health is primarily a state responsibility.

However I am encouraged to see that there has been a response and that the system does still seem to work.  I still maintain though that we live in dangerous times with ever increasing control by governments.  It seems to me that we will never go back to the days of pre-covid-19.

Christians, hold onto your hats–we are headed for the most terrible time in human history and it is not far away.  The key is to prepare and be ready.

Let me know what you think of the ministerial response by Senator Michaelia Cash MP.

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