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2 Peter

Persevere Series – False Teaching

Preached at Minden Baptist Church

(20/9/2015 → 13/9/2016)

In Peter’s first letter we learned that we are to persevere despite suffering and persecution.

But in Peter’s second letter written in AD 66-67 just before his martyrdom in Rome as pictured above, we are going to see that we have to persevere in our walk with God because of false teaching.  The first letter is about the outward attacks.  The second letter is about the inward attacks.  And false teachers and false prophets are harder to detect because they are in the church and they may be voices that we have learned to trust.  Satan has all kinds of methods of attack and Peter writes to the same audience because of all kinds of false teaching going around.

This book talks about the end times and to be patient on that ship of salvation.  Jesus is coming in the Father’s timing.  We are so impatient.

There is teaching that is harming people’s souls.  People’s eternal destinies are dependent on what is preached from the pulpit and we have to be discerning and wise.

In Deut. 18:20 we are to question every prophet and false prophets are to be put to death.  What is a false prophet?  When their prophecies don’t come true they were to be stoned.  Today we not only tolerate false prophets and teachers but we give them T.V. programs to sprout their nonsense.  We listen to it, we tolerate it and we give money to it.

So how do we protect ourselves in a generation that is rampant with false teaching?  Listen to my series in 2 Peter to learn how.


Attached Files

1. 2 Pet. 1:1-2 "Our precious faith"Download
2. 2 Pet. 1.3-4 "His precious promises"Download
3. 2 Pet. 1.5-8 "Furnishing your faith"Download
4. 2 Pet. 1.9-11 "Confirming your election"Download
5. 2 Pet. 1.12-15 "Long obedience in the same direction"Download
6. 2 Pet. 1.16-19 "Who do we choose to believe"Download
7. 2 Pet. 1.19-21 "Raise your sails to the wind"Download
8. 2 Pet. 2.1 "False Teachers"Download
9. 2 Pet. 2.2-3 "False Teachers live sinfully"Download
10. 2 Pet. 2.4-10 "False Teachers will be punished"Download
11. 2 Pet. 2.10-11 "Don't accuse like the false teachers"Download
12. 2 Pet. 2.12-16 "Be aggressive spiritually and you will be safe"Download
13. 2 Pet. 2.17-19 "Bombastic nonsense"Download
14. 2 Pet. 2.20-22 "Turning back"Download
15. 2 Pet. 3.1-2 "Foundation of the Apostles"Download
16. 2 Pet. 3.3-4 "The return of Jesus"Download
17. 2 Pet. 3.5-7 "Judgment is coming for the godless"Download
18. 2 Pet. 3.8-10 "The Day of the Lord"Download
19. 2 Pet. 3.11-13 "Hastening the Day"Download
20. 2 Pet. 3.14-18 "Peter's last words"Download

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