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Anti-Semitism on the rise in Australia

Interesting article in the Age newspaper and others of a Nazi flag being raised over a home in the Victorian town of Beulah.1 Ironically “beulah” is a Hebrew word meaning “married,” a name often tied to the land of Israel or Jerusalem. The report states that anti-Semitism is on the rise which stands to reason towards the end of days if my analysis is correct that the Antichrist will be a resurrected or updated Adolf Hitler. At this time there is still outrage across the world towards anti-Semitism but during the second half of the Great Tribulation, there will not be outrage. The whole world will accept this beast in the short time that he has under the authority of Satan. If anyone refuses his mark then they will be martyred or they might survive as the “elect” as described in the Olivet Discourse.

The best path to take is to be safe and sound in the place of safety in southern Jordan for the full 1290 days until the rapture.  For a full description of why I have concluded that the Antichrist will be a revived Adolf Hitler please listen to my “Being Decisive series” in the Book of Daniel.

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