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The Feasts of God series

The Jewish feasts are a rehearsal for the future
Preached at Minden Baptist Church
(21/1/2018 → 11/3/2018)

The amazing and wonderful thing about God is that He is consistent.  He provides consistent patterns in His Word to inspire us and to reveal to us what He is doing in the world.

There is great harmony between what God has done with Israel and the Jews in the Old Testament and with what God is doing with the Gentiles in the New Testament and indeed what He is doing throughout time and the whole world.

God has revealed His prophetic timeline and plan in several different ways in the Bible.  In studying the feasts of God of which there are seven in total, we also see another timeline and God’s plan of redemption for this world.

The exciting part is that we have had four feasts already in God’s prophetic calendar and the last three are about to occur.

The seven feasts in order, their English translation and their prophetic significance are:

  1. Pesach (Passover)...The death of the Lamb of God (Jesus Christ)...Nisan 14, AD 30
  2. Chag HaMatzot (Feast of Unleavened Bread)...The burial of Jesus Christ and removal of sin (yeast)...Nisan 15, AD 30
  3. Yom HaBikkurim (Feast of Firstfruits)...The resurrection of Jesus Christ...Nisan 17, AD 30
  4. Shavuot (Pentecost)...The birth of the church...Sivan 7, AD 30
  5. Yom Teruah/Rosh Hashanah (Feast of Trumpets)...The first resurrection and rapture of the church...Tishrei 1, AD 2036
  6. Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement)...The Day of the Lord...Tishrei 10, AD 2036
  7. Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles)...Tishrei 15-21, 2036


Attached Files

1. The 7 Rehearsals introductionDownload
2. The PassoverDownload
3. The Feast of Unleavened BreadDownload
4. The Feast of FirstfruitsDownload
5. PentecostDownload
6. The Feast of TrumpetsDownload
7. The Day of AtonementDownload
8. The Feast of TabernaclesDownload

One Response

  1. Thanks Steve
    I like the Audio files
    God is amazing in answering questions and prayers
    All in God’s time
    I will try read the Book of Daniel

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Steve has preached hundreds of sermons since 2010 including Genesis, Daniel, the Feasts and Hebrews. His current series is the “Now is the time series” in Revelation.

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